- Chemical composition
- Useful qualities
- Lime tea. Benefits
- Collection of raw materials
- Treatment with decoctions
- For weight loss
- Application in cosmetology
- Contraindications
Lipu is called a "tree of health".She firmly settled in folk medicine and became part of many pharmacological medicines. Today in price all the components of the tree: flowers, leaves, bark, kidneys. Today we will look at how useful the decoction of limes from the inflorescences and reveal the secrets of its preparation.
Chemical composition
Lime blossom contains the largest collection of useful substances. Among them:
- ascorbic acid;
- carotene;
- flavonoids;
- of talicin;
- essential oils;
- tannins.
Useful qualities of
The tree inflorescences, and, consequently, the recipes based on them( lime decoction, infusion) have the following range of therapeutic functions:
- Due to pronounced antimicrobial properties, kill pathogenic bacteria, knock out heat, spit out sputum.
- Heal a cold and flu.
- In view of the diaphoretic effects, are excellent for inhalation.
- Cystitis and diseases of urogenital organs are treated.
- Cramps and frequent fainting, rheumatism and swelling of the feet are treated.
- Beneficial effect on the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder.
- Enhance the secretion of digestive juice and the outflow of bile into the 12-colon.
- Lime-colored broth has a powerful soothing effect, dilutes thick blood.
- Eliminate inflammation throughout the body.
- In the form of compresses and lotions treat burns, hemorrhoids, ulcers, gout and rheumatism.
- Promptly relieve spasms and pain syndromes( in the joints, headaches).
- Reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood.
- Improve the circulatory system.
- Produce a diuretic effect.
- Particularly great benefit of decoction of linden in women's ailments: in case of malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, during the period of PMS and menopause.
- Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes are actively used to combat fat stores.
- Useful for hair( strengthening effect) and facial skin( anti-aging effect).
- Increases the resistance of the immune system.
Attention! The remedy is allowed for admission to both adults and children, but within the indicated doses.
Lime tea. Benefits of
Lime tea is especially popular in the field of traditional medicine. It is not only incredibly useful for health( as well as, however, decoction of linden), but it is pleasant to taste. Inviting aroma, sweet taste and golden color of the drink have earned him fame all over the world.
Tea prevents colds, strengthens immunity, improves the working functions of the stomach and intestines, tones up the body. His urine and diaphoretic are high, expectorant, decongestant.
To make fake tea a medicamentous effect, it is important to properly prepare it. The basis of it are dried and chopped inflorescences. Pour it should not be boiling water, but simply hot water. The field of which the drink should be wrapped and leave to insist for half an hour. Proportion: 1 tbsp.a spoonful of flowers - 1 glass of hot water.
Warning! Lime tea, as well as a lime broth, exerts a strain on the heart, so it should be drunk only within the framework of the course. And it's necessary to take breaks in treatment.
Collection of raw materials
Flowering of the tree does not last long - only 10-14 days. Raw materials need to be collected only during the full flowering of linden, in the first part of the day and preferably in clear weather. For medical purposes only healthy inflorescences, without dark spots, will do.
Dry flowers better in drafts, avoiding sunlight. The optimum temperature is up to 45 degrees. A higher regimen can destroy the valuable essential oils that make up the inflorescences. Dried raw materials should be stored in paper bags.
Warning! Under the right conditions of collection, drying and storage, the linden will retain its healing power for about 2 years.
Treatment with decoctions
Classic recipe
Standard lime decoction: 2 tbsp.spoons of inflorescences on a glass of hot water. Drink it should be 2-3 glasses per day( single dose determined independently) with ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, with pathological phenomena in the gallbladder, with a cold and febrile condition.
In case of intestinal ailments
With intestinal spasms and colic, warm baths should be taken with the addition of lime decoction. Dried flowers( about 8 handfuls) pour hot water( 1 L), bring to a boil, let it brew a little, and then pour into a bath of hot water. It is recommended to lie no longer than 15 minutes.
In diseases of the respiratory system
Broth of linden from cough, bronchitis, cold, pulmonary tuberculosis, catarrh, severe headache is prepared as follows:
- lime flowers( 1 tablespoon) pour boiling water( 1 glass);
- insist 40 minutes, pre-wrapped.
Finished means to drink 3 times a day in a glass - always in a hot form. With angina and inflammation of the mouth, the recipe can be used for rinsing.
As an expectorant and diaphoretic medicine
Sage, inflorescences of linden and elderberry, leaves and dried raspberry fruits mix in equal doses, separate from the composition of 2 tbsp.spoons and pour them a glass of steep boiling water. Cover and let stand for 1 hour. Consume in a warm form for sleep future with catarrhal symptoms, catarrh of the upper respiratory canals, bronchitis.
With flu, cold, rheumatism
Recipe No. 1 .Mix the inflorescences of linden and berries of the viburnum( 1 tablespoon), pour the raw materials with boiling water( 2 cups), keep on the fire for 5 minutes, filter. Ready-made decoction of lime blossom drink in a hot form before going to bed 1-2 glasses at indicated ailments.
Recipe № 2 .Prepare linden flowers, mother-and-stepmother leaves, oregano grass and raspberry berries( 20 grams each).Separate from the collection of 2 tbsp.spoons and pour them with boiling water( 2 cups) and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. A filtered product drip on sleep coming on a glass.
For inflammation of the mouth and throat
To prepare an effective anti-inflammatory, emollient and disinfectant in one bottle, mix lime flowers and chamomile flowers( 1: 1.5).1 tbsp. Spoon the collection of brewed a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour. With a filtered infusion, rinse your throat 5 times a day.
With high acidity of gastric juice
Mix lime blossom, licorice and ayr root, mint leaves, fennel fruits and flax seed - for 20 g. 1 tbsp. Spoon a curious assorted brew a glass of boiling water and hold the mixture in a water bath for about half an hour. Finished decoction strain, wring out the herbal base and bring the volume to the original unit, adding boiled water. Drink ¾ cup three times a day for half an hour before you sit down at the dinner table.
From a chronic cough
Excellent helps the decoction of linden from cough, including from chronic. To do this, chopped inflorescences( 2 tablespoons) pour boiling water( 2 cups), insist 10 minutes, and then filter. Drink the agent during the day.
As a cholagogue
Dried linden flowers( 2 tablespoons) brew with hot water( glass), keep on a moderate flame for 15 minutes. Chilled and strained medication should be consumed as a hot drink for 1 glass 2-3 timesthe day after you have a bite.
For cancers in the gastrointestinal tract
Seeds of linden( 1 tablespoon) pour boiling water( 1 cup), keep on a weak flame for 15-20 minutes and drink 1/3 cup three times a day.
For cold ailments
Curative decoction of limes with the addition of other useful herbs easily relieve the common cold:
- Mix in equal doses of lime blossom and currant leaves. Collect the pour a glass of boiling water, boil on low heat for 5 minutes and leave to infuse for half an hour. Take the filtered product 3-4 times a day in a glass.
- Smooth the inflorescence of linden and leaves of mother-and-stepmother.1 tbsp. Spoon the composition with a glass of boiling water and leave to soak for 60 minutes. Dried broth drink in a warm form for 0,5 glasses 3-4 times a day.
- Prepare a selection of buds of buds and linden, mint leaves.1 tbsp. Spoon the mix with boiling water( glass) and let it brew for 30 minutes. Filter the divided medicine into 2 divided doses and drink it hot.
In order to lose weight
Invaluable benefit of lime decoction for slimming people. In this case, it is drunk and used for fat burning baths.
For a bath( sedentary): in warm water add sea salt( 1 kg) and lime infusion( 1 l).The procedure should be performed in the evening for 20 minutes. It will eliminate fat stores and tighten the skin.
Inside: chop the inflorescence of linden into powder by means of a coffee grinder and brew tea from it - 1 h spoon / 1 glass of hot water. Use the drug three times a day - this will help to satisfy the feeling of hunger and eliminate the stresses that invariably accompany any diet.
Application in cosmetology
For hair
Decoction of lime is also used for hair. He strengthens them, empowers them with strength and eliminates excessive greasiness. To prepare the product with a triple effect, pour the inflorescence( about 7-8 tablespoons) with hot water( 2 cups), keep on a weak flame for 15-20 minutes and leave to infuse for 1-2 hours. With a strained product, wash the hair after washing( not flushing) 1-2 times a week.
Lime recipes are often used for staining strands. To do this, dried flowers( 5 tablespoons), pour boiling water( 300 ml) and keep on a slow flame until 100 ml of liquid evaporates. Chilled and strained broth rub into the roots of the hair, and then distribute the brush along the entire length. Wash the product after 40 minutes.
Attention! Decoction of linden for coloring hair does not have the ability to radically change the color. He will only give them a beautiful shade and glossy glow.
Especially effective will look after such a painting of light strands. To color turned bright, you can use as a raw material for decoction, not only the inflorescence, but also leaves, twigs of linden.
For the face
Toning decoction of linden for the face is prepared this way: mix linden blossom and crimson leaves in equal parts, separate 1 tbsp.spoon collection and pour a liter of cold water. Boil on moderate heat and leave to infuse for 5-6 hours. Filtered face wipe the face 1-2 times a day - in order to rejuvenate and soften the skin.
Warning! Ice cubes made of lime infusion are very popular. Wiping their face, you will get rid of wrinkles and increase the tone of the skin.
Harmless with the appearance of decoction of lime blossom has a number of contraindications:
- Prolonged reception of the remedy( about 10-12 months) is fraught with impaired vision, malfunctioning of the heart, kidneys and other internal organs.
- Uncontrolled use and non-compliance with dosage can increase the concentration of certain substances in the body and lead to nervous system excitation.
- People who are prone to allergies to wood extracts should not drink decoctions.
Decoction of linden, no matter how useful it is, is not recommended to drink like tea - long and in unlimited quantities. This drug, and quite potent, and approach its use should be taken with all seriousness.