How to soak the kidneys

In such an offal, as the kidneys, there are a lot of different microelements and vitamins from the B group. Therefore it is not surprising that gourmets of different countries appreciate the kidneys for their nutritional value and characteristic taste. But in order to taste the product did not disappoint connoisseurs of fine food, it is necessary to make them properly processed.

To soak the kidneys and prepare them for further cooking, you will need, besides the kidneys, milk or water and baking soda.

How to soak kidneys in water and milk

For preparing dishes, it is best to take kidneys of young animals. In this case, to process and prepare them is much easier and faster, and the cooked dish will be more gentle. Here, and concern for health - the content of harmful substances in the kidneys of young animals is much less.

The kidneys are placed in a kind of capsule, so before they start soaking they need to be freed, all the films, tubes, ureters and fat removed. Otherwise, the taste and aroma of the ready-made dish will cause not entirely pleasant sensations.

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Purified kidneys are thoroughly rinsed in running water. After that, the product is put in a saucepan and filled with water. The water should be changed every hour, the total soaking time is not less than four hours.

You can take milk instead of soaking water. Experts believe that it is more suitable for cleansing the kidneys, harmful substances are removed better, and the product itself becomes much softer. The milk temperature should be room temperature, and it must also be periodically changed.

With a shortage of time, an unpleasant odor of the kidneys can be eliminated with baking soda. On the kidneys, deep incisions are made in which soda is poured. After an hour and a half, the kidneys are thoroughly washed in running water.

How to prepare the kidneys

After the buds are soaked and washed, they are poured with clean cold water, put on fire and wait for boiling. After a few minutes the broth is drained, water is poured into the pan and brought to a boil. After a few minutes of boiling, the broth again merges. This process is repeated again three times( a total of five, but the more, the better).As a result, the dish prepared from the kidneys will be very tender and fragrant.

You can prepare the kidneys in an oven or frying pan( at least half an hour).During cooking, do not mix the kidneys with meat or other offal, because the kidneys greatly change the taste of other ingredients. But with vegetables, spices and herbs, the kidneys are perfectly combined, the unusual taste of the by-product becomes much richer.

Preparation of food for preparation
  • Mar 18, 2018
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