Treatment of hemorrhoids with the help of microclysters at home

microclysters with hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are a common disease. Unfortunately, not everyone finds the strength to admit his presence.

But, you can not stay idle, as hemorrhoids not only cause discomfort, but can lead to various complications. You can solve the problem in several ways.

Recently, popular medicine has become popular in this issue. In particular, this applies to microclysters, which can be used to treat hemorrhoids at home.

To properly perform the procedures, the patient must have some knowledge and skills.


  • Therapeutic effect
  • What is needed for the procedure?
  • Treatment solutions
    • How to prepare a solution with chamomile
    • Mixture with bark of oak
    • Bitter, curative wormwood
    • Microlax is a trend of fashion
  • Indications for use
  • How to put microdilution
  • When this method of treatment does not work?

Therapeutic effect of

Microclysters are very popular among people who have such a disease as hemorrhoids. And this is not surprising.

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After all, these procedures have a special therapeutic effect. They are used not only for hemorrhoids, but also for many other diseases of the colon. This is especially true of problems that have arisen in the anal canal area. pain and itching

Microclysters have the following curative effect on the body:

  • mucosal disinfection;
  • reduction of itching;
  • irritation relief;
  • stop small bleeding;
  • emptying relief;
  • decrease in puffiness and more.
Microclysters are used not only to treat a disease, but also its prevention. With their help it is possible to prevent the progression of the inflammatory process.

What is needed for the procedure?

To conduct the procedure at home, you need to purchase medical equipment and prepare a solution. As a therapeutic solution used decoctions, infusions and oil extracts from medicinal plants.

Each of these drugs has certain healing properties. Therefore, the choice must be approached very carefully.

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As for medical equipment, here you will need a syringe of Janet or a syringe, the volume of which is 50 - 200 ml.

The solution is introduced by means of a tip that is installed on the syringe. Apparently, for the procedure you need a little. What makes microclysters a more appropriate option for treating hemorrhoids at home.

Therapeutic solutions

The solutions for the procedure are most often made on the basis of herbs. For this use wormwood, burdock, aloe and others.

Such solutions have an antimicrobial effect. With their help, it is possible to stop the development of bacteria and viruses that accompany the development of the disease. They are used to restore the affected cells, as well as the microflora of the colon.

How to prepare a solution with chamomile

solution with chamomile Especially popular with hemorrhoids is using microclysters with chamomile. Infusion based on this plant can remove pain, reduce inflammation and itching. The peculiarity of the solution lies in its effective and rapid effect on the body.

To prepare the infusion, you need to take two tablespoons of dry chamomile, which is sold in each pharmacy, a glass of boiling water.

The solution is insisted for half an hour and filtered through gauze. After that, the broth for 15 minutes is tanned in a water bath.

Thus, you can quickly prepare a solution for microclysters. Before use, the infusion is cooled to room temperature. Enema at night.

Mixture with bark of oak

As an antiseptic for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids use tincture from the bark of oak. With the help of tincture, you can normalize the stool and remove all the symptoms of diarrhea.

To prepare, you need 20 g of bark. It should be well dried. The bark is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted for an hour.

A couple of drops of juices of millennia are added to the broth. To put an enema is recommended in the morning. The procedure is performed once a day.

Bitter, curative wormwood

A tincture based on wormwood can also become a good tool for solving problems. For 1 liter of water throw 4 spoons of grass. All this curative wormwood is boiled for 5 minutes.

After this, the tincture is left for 6 hours. The container with the tincture is wrapped with a cloth, which will allow it to cool slowly.

Before using the solution, it is heated to 36 degrees.

Sea buckthorn oil strengthens the vessels and accompanies the healing of wounds. For enema, 50 ml of oil is used. Beet juice is used to increase the vascular tone and stop bleeding.

Microlax is a trend of the fashion

Mikrolaks Recently, Mikrolaks has become very popular. The composition of the drug has components that accompany rapid removal of itching and burning.

It softens the stools and tissues that are in the hemorrhoids. As a result, this leads to a decrease in formations.

Microlax is a universal drug that is simultaneously used to treat and prevent hemorrhoids. It is also widely used to prepare the patient for diagnostic procedures.

Indications for use

Before using microclysters, you should consult a doctor. Often, such procedures are used for a second disease. The best option is the initial stage of hemorrhoids. Microclysters in this situation are highly effective.

If there was an exacerbation, then you can not do without the doctor's instructions. The introduction of the solution does not lead to damage to tissues and areas.

But, if there was definitely a bleeding, then the procedure must be stopped immediately. Otherwise, this can lead to the emergence of new more complex inflammatory processes. This is especially true for pregnant women. The presence of solution in the blood can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

How to correctly place microclyster

So, as it was said, a syringe of Jan or a syringe is used to install microclysters. how to put microblogging

To perform the procedure, it is necessary to lie on the left side and press your legs to the chest. With the help of the left hand, the buttocks are diluted, and the right hand, in the meantime, directs the syringe into the rectum.

After the administration of the solution, it is necessary to lie in the lying position for 15 minutes. This will allow the solution to completely disperse and fall into the right zone.

Doctors recommend keeping the solution until the next emptying, in order to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

How to correctly put microclyster in hemorrhoids:

When this method of treatment does not work?

The use of microclysters also has some contraindications. Therefore, before using them, you need to consult a doctor.

This treatment is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • ulcers and inflammation of the colon mucosa;
  • large bleeding;
  • of concomitant bowel disease;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids.

In the presence of such symptoms and diseases, doctors do not recommend using a syringe or syringe, as this can lead to new lesions of the skin.

As a result, cracks and wounds increase, which will cause severe pain and itching.

Doctors recommend special attention to bleeding. Many solutions used for the procedure have an expanding effect on the vessels. This leads to increased bleeding.

So, microclysters for the treatment of hemorrhoids are very popular among patients suffering from the disease. To prepare the solution used a variety of herbs, plants and medicines, including vitamin complexes.

The procedure has a high therapeutic effect. But, in this case, do not forget about the presence of contraindications. Therefore, before using this method of treatment, you should consult a doctor.

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  • Mar 18, 2018
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