Sinusitis is a very dangerous disease, but many people do not understand this and leave this ailment without due attention. Its essence lies in the fact that the paranasal sinuses affect the inflammatory process. But to cure so simply this pathology also fails. It requires only a comprehensive approach and strict compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor.


  • 1 Possible harm
    • 1.1 Visual impairment
    • 1.2 Functional hearing disorder
    • 1.3 Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve
    • 1.4 Intracranial complications
    • 1.5 Lesion of other organs
  • 2 Puncture in the disease
  • 3 Harmful during pregnancy
  • 4 Harm to the bodylife

Possible harm

Everyone understands that if you do not take the proper treatment, then sinusitis can provoke such complications as damage to organs of sorenessI'm hearing, trigeminal nerve, the presence of intracranial infection. Let us dwell on each of the consequences in more detail and consider all possible complications after sinusitis.

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In the photo - unilateral and bilateral purulent maxillary sinusitis:

what is dangerous sinusitis

Disturbance of vision

The reason for this complication is that between the maxillary sinus and the eye's orbit there is a thin bone "fence".Through it, and there is a transition of pathogenic microorganisms to the organs of vision.

As a result, the pathological process can affect the soft tissues of the orbit and cause swelling. This inflammation is called reactive, because it serves as a reaction of neighboring organs to the inflammatory process formed during the transfer of pathogenic microorganisms with lymph. In this case, the infection is simply absent.

The video tells how dangerous sinusitis is:

But the complication of sinusitis can manifest itself in the formation of true inflammation, which affects the soft tissues of the orbit and its bone walls. As a rule, the pathological process does not involve the formation of pus, the patient has a slight increase in temperature, swelling of the eyelids, pain in the orbit and minor pain in the head.

In case of inflammation of the purulent character in the orbit zone, the patient experiences poor health, high fever, severe headaches, vomiting, impaired consciousness.

If the lesion was applied to the optic nerve, then it causes a visual impairment. Complications that damage the organs of vision are always dangerous, because they can cause more severe damage to the eyes, which often have a negative effect on the membranes and brain tissue.

Violation of the functionality of the hearing organs

Often, sinusitis can send an infection to the hearing system. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the middle ear, which is always accompanied by a decrease in hearing. hearing damage in genyantritis

The otitis can become purulent or non-aggressive. For non-nasal inflammation, a slight current is characteristic, and it is much easier to cure it. With purulent otitis, the patient has a fever, painful sensations in the ear and head.

Often the pain syndrome in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, the ears and the head are joined, the patient does not wash to determine what exactly it hurts. In severe otitis media, people develop vomiting and consciousness is disturbed. All these symptoms indicate that the pathological process affects the membranes of the brain.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

The branches of the nerve run very close to the maxillary sinuses. The inflammatory process affects it through a branch that is directed toward the upper jaw.

For neuritis, the symptoms are manifested in the form of an increase in the sensitivity of the skin of the upper jaw. However, a person can have severe pain in the affected area, which often prevails in one part of the face. Pain syndrome has an acute burning character, which eventually develops into a permanent one. Curing neuritis is very difficult, especially when there is a foci of infection nearby.

The video tells how dangerous sinusitis and how to treat it:

Intracranial complications of

intracranial complication of sinusitis

Such consequences of sinusitis imply the presence of a pathological process that affects the area of ​​the membranes, tissues and capillaries of the brain.

With a mild inflammation, the complication has an easy course, but when the pus is formed, the patient's condition worsens much. He has a fever, severe pain in the head, vomiting, sepsis with the spread of infection through the blood capillaries and the defeat of all organs and tissues.

Lesion of other organs of

possible severe consequences for different organs with genyantritis

During sinusitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms, the tissue of various organs may malfunction. The result of this influence is the formation of an infectious-inflammatory process, which is very difficult to cure.

In this case, the cardiovascular system is seriously harmed. An example is the situation in which a pathological process affects the muscle of our motor and leads to a decrease in its contractile function and rhythm disturbance. Genyantritis leads to the formation of pathological processes in organs and tissues located side by side.

Puncture in

is sometimes harmful. Sometimes, to treat sinusitis, doctors prescribe to their patients a procedure in which they manage to remove pus from the maxillary sinuses. For these purposes, the patient is pierced with a nose. According to this manipulation, a person who has been punctured once already will no longer have to perform it. But in practice it looks a little different. It is unique, after such treatment to do or make punctures often it is not necessary. In addition, after a puncture, the condition of a person is much improved.

On the video it is told, whether a genyantritis for a life is dangerous:

But not always to do a puncture of a nose at a genyantritis it is safe. There are situations when he can have the following complications:

  • severe nosebleed;
  • follows the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord;
  • development of meningitis;
  • partial loss of vision;
  • deaths - in rare cases.

Read, can I treat sinusitis without a puncture? Of course, the puncture of the nose with sinusitis can be harmful, but there are situations when puncture is the only effective solution. Only when you tried such procedures as cuckoo, laser therapy, home recipes, and they did not give the desired effect, it is worth to see a doctor and make a puncture. Often, the use of an antibiotic is sufficient to treat sinusitis. Often appointed Sumamed in genyantritis. Here you can read more about what antibiotics to drink with genyantritis and sinusitis. Another good medicine is Sinupret. On the link it is possible to read, whether Sinupret at a genyantritis helps.

In pregnancy,

genyantritis in pregnancy

To accurately identify the risk of sinusitis during pregnancy, it is necessary to understand that the focus of inflammation is located near vital centers. If you engage in independent treatment and give up traditional therapy, then life is in great danger, both mother and baby.

Mucus, which destroys the subordinate sinuses, can break out into the rest of the structure and then it can not do without surgery. Infection located in the maxillary sinuses, the current of blood affects the fetus or neighboring organs of the mother. There is a danger of development of the inflammatory process. As a result, such dangerous ailments as otitis media, meningitis or tonsillitis can form. In addition, sinusitis during pregnancy can provoke the development of phlegmon in the facial part of the skull.

When the maxillary sinusitis is hard to treat and prolonged by 1.5 months, it is necessary to understand that the disease begins to change into a chronic form. This also serves as a complication, which will be much harder to treat.

In addition, the risk of seasonal recurrence is added. It is clear to everyone that the most dangerous complication is the development of meningitis. This disease, which is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the shell of the brain. Often in a pregnant woman on the background of sinusitis, the myocardium is diagnosed, which is manifested in combination with kidney damage. Suffering from the genyantritis is also the urinary system. than a puncture is dangerous in genyantritis

When a pregnant woman does not sleep well at night, then after a while her blood pressure rises. There is a risk of a dangerous nighttime apnea. This process is characterized by periodic stopping of breathing during night rest. The presence of severe pain in the head leads to a disruption of the ability to concentrate. If there is compression of the nerve cells infected with infectious inflammation, then there is a skewed face, the pain becomes more intense. Also on the face there is reddening and puffiness in the affected area.

Sinusitis of purulent nature has a chronic course and leads to the formation of ulcers of the nasal mucosa. As a result, there is further destruction of the bone and the formation of external fistula.

In closed cavities, putrefactive decomposition takes place with the formation of pus and unpleasant odor. When the process is chronalized, the woman has pain in the head, having a pulsating, dull and permanent character.

If several forms of ailment are present, the runny nose will bother the patient for a long time, and the purulent discharge will supplement rhinitis. This pathology lasts a very long time, and it is difficult to cure it. Solve such a problem will help only surgical treatment, otherwise the future mother will not avoid serious consequences. Here is talked about the treatment of sinusitis with sprays.

Harm to life

sinusitis is dangerous to life

The presented disease does not pose a special threat to life. But it is very dangerous in the case when the maxillary sinus is located close to the brain. This suggests that people suffering from chronic sinusitis can earn frontal or meningitis. And these pathologies can lead to a fatal outcome.

If you detect sinusitis and its first symptom, it is very important to start treatment in time. If this is not done, then there are all chances of developing the chronicization of the inflammatory process.

In neglected form, very often the infection spreads into the orbit, causing the vision organs to become bulging, and the patient constantly experiences attacks of pain in the head. Chronic sinusitis can also lead to the loss of all teeth.

The danger of maxillary sinusitis is very high. But they can be earned only on condition of incorrect or untimely treatment. So do not waste your time, and immediately go to the doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. Perhaps you will also be interested in whether the genyantritis is transmitted from person to person. Also, read if you can warm your nose with genyantritis. Here it is described, what signs testify to a genyantritis at children. Under the link it is possible to find out, whether it is possible to do inhalations at a genyantritis.