Sprouts: use and use

The beneficial effects of fresh seedlings have been known since the time of ancient China and Egypt. They hide in themselves a lot of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and proteins. Already two hours after the germination of seeds in the sprouts( depending on the plant species), the amount of vitamins and ballast substances increases to 200% of the original value. Fresh shoots help not only the optimal work of the organs, but act prophylactically, and also as a healing and restoring means.

This concentration of useful elements in a small sprout is conditioned, relatively speaking, by the "desire" of the seed to get through to life, using the maximum amount of energy for this.


  1. The healing effect of sprouts
  2. Popular sprouts
  3. How to sprout
  4. How to use seedlings
  5. How to store sprouts

The healing effect of sprouts

Regular consumption of fresh sprouts strengthens the immune system, and if a person is already sick, it helps fight infection.

A small escape brings so many pluses that you can only dream about, including the already ripe fruits in the menu. Example: 1 spoon of sprouted radish seeds contains as many vitamins, minerals and other necessary substances as a person will get if they eat about 30 pieces of medium-sized radishes. Therefore, it is not surprising that fresh shoots are used in the treatment of vascular diseases, diabetes and metabolic disorders.

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It is very effective to include young sprouts in a daily diet in order to detoxify the body. With them, proteins are easily digested, and digestion is ensured.

Vitamin A, available in germinated seeds, slows the aging of cells, prevents night blindness. Again, an example: a broccoli seed salad contains 11 times more vitamin A than an already grown salad.

Popular sprouts of

  • Lucerne. This miracle plant, which for its positive properties for centuries used in the fight against aging and for the overall strengthening of the immune system. Fresh alfalfa sprouts are very suitable for vegetarians who avoid consumption of animal products. Germs contain up to 40% protein. In addition, alfalfa takes the first place among all young shoots due to the huge amount of mineral salts and vitamins. For example, in a spoonful of alfalfa sprouts vitamin C is 5 times more than in a glass of orange juice.
  • Radish. About it it is told above. One can only add that in its sprouts there are four times more iron than in spinach, and up to eight times more than in red pepper.
  • Beans. Her early shoots are a first-class source of vitamins A and B, which provide a person with psychological resistance and persistent immunity, that is, bean sprouts are a good way to "seize" stress. No wonder they are an important part of the menu of Thai and Vietnamese cuisine. Among other things, bean sprouts contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

How to germinate

Handful of seeds to sort, rinse and place overnight in a container of fresh water. Seeds swell during the night and absorb moisture for germination. It is recommended not to pour water out, but taking out the seeds from it, leave it for irrigation, as a certain amount of nutrients from the seeds has passed into it. You can pour this water in the house indoor flowers.

In the morning, the seeds are washed. The bottom of any dishes, except for aluminum, is covered with a damp gauze, folded in several layers, and the seeds are expanded into it. They are also covered with gauze on top. After about 6 hours, the seeds are washed, for a while they are left open for airing, again covered with gauze until morning. The procedure is repeated daily. After the first day of germination, mini shoots can already be used for food. However, the greatest concentration of useful elements in sprouts occurs on the 3rd-5th day. Finished sprouts are washed under a stream of cold water to get rid of the skin and seeds.

How to use seedlings

In the menu germinated seeds start to include small doses: in the first days of the week no more than 2 tsp.in a day. For two months, the daily consumption of green shoots is gradually increased by 2 times, bringing their quantity to about 60 g.

Sprouts are morning food, they charge the body with the required trace elements and energy for the whole day. They can not be added to hot dishes - they lose most of the valuable substances. Greenery is added to salads, cottage cheese, muesli, chilled cereals, smoothies, sandwiches.

How to store

sprouts Washed and dried, they are stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Preferably, in a glass loosely closed vessel.

Nutrition and Health
  • Mar 18, 2018
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