If the destructive effect of brucellosis does not stop in time, irreversible pathological processes begin in the human body and the work of many organs is disrupted.
- How can I get brucellosis?
- Brucellosis in humans: symptoms and signs
- Diagnosis of brucellosis in humans
- When to take an analysis of a person's brucellosis?
- How to treat brucellosis in humans?
- What is chronic brucellosis in humans?
- How to treat chronic brucellosis in humans?
- Prevention of brucellosis in humans
- How not to get brucellosis: advice and feedback
- Video: Brucellosis. How not to get sick from milk?
Brucellosis - infectious disease of animals , caused by bacteria Brucella , which can be transmitted man and destroy his body . The danger of the disease lies in the of the high mortality of the infected from bacterial of the infection of the bodies and of the systems .
How can catch brucellosis ?
To get sick brucellosis enough it is difficult . Despite on then , that disease is infectious , get infected from patient brucellosis human practical impossible .
IMPORTANT: The source of infection are home animals . Main carriers brucellosis - is large horned cattle , of the pig , of the and of the of the dog .
contact with milk , blood , amniotic waters or feces patient animal people , rather all , also sick , so how human body very is susceptible to to infection this type .In
risk constantly are :
- veterinarians
- lovers raw home milk, home cheeses
- farmers
- butchers
- workers , busy on processing wool animals
IMPORTANT : ASBED with brucellosis once , person receives peculiar inoculation from repeated infection . Only in 1 - 5 % possible secondary infection Brucella .
in human : symptoms and signs
begins brucellosis in human , how usual catarrhal disease .
In first days patients concerned :
- fever
- heat
- jumps temperature body
- pain in joints
- feeling stretching muscle
- fatigue
- sweating
- increase lymph nodes
IMPORTANT : For of acute of brucellosis is characterized by mood drops from patient . Unexplained neural state with infection with brucellosis says about volume , that bacteria are acting on nervous system .
Diagnostics brucellosis in human
When inspection patient doctor may suspect brucellosis of - for clearly expressed increase liver and spleen patient .
IMPORTANT : If present other signs , such how sweating , chills and change temperature « jumps », patient appoint analyzes , results which you need for further diagnostics .
When hand over analysis of to brucellosis from of human ?
direction on common blood analysis and bacteriological studies give doctor - infectious diseases immediately same , how only detect obvious signs development brucellosis .
Analyzes for detect causative agents brucellosis in clean form conduct only in specially equipped with laboratories .
IMPORTANT : material for bacteriological research can become : blood , urine , bile , bone marrow or articular fluid patient .
How is treated with brucellosis from person ?Treatment of acute
forms brucellosis in the first place means long reception of antibiotics ( tetracycline , Biseptol , rifampicin , levomitsitin ) in large doses .
IMPORTANT : Invalid state estimation patient and premature cancellation antibacterial drug can lead to transition chronic disease form .
For lesions of joints, is prescribed anti-inflammatory preparations ( analgin , voltaren ).
Treatment of brucellosis should be accompanied by with intake of vitamins .
What is is chronic brucellosis from person ?
Diagnosis : Chronic brucellosis means , that immunity missed malicious bacteria Brucella inside cells of organs. There they multiply , and time from time cause hits on to the body of patient .
For chronic form brucellosis is characterized by :
- constant weakness
- head pain
- irritability
- restless sleep
- lowering appetite
- marked increase nodes
- disease and tumor joints
- pain in large muscles
- limitation movement
IMPORTANT : With chronic brucellosis , pregnancy in of women in most cases of result in miscarriage of or with fetal in in the womb of .
How is treated chronic brucellosis from person ?
For activation of the immunity , of the patient brucellosis chronic intravenously inject vaccine , containing bacteria Brucella were found. By the reaction of the organism on the this vaccine is the effective control with the causative agent of the infection .
IMPORTANT : Rapid counter with chronic brucellosis promotes immunoglobulin anti-brucellosis . This preparation already contains antibodies , which weakened organism not could develop independently .
Antibacterial drugs in chronic brucellosis appoint rarely - in those cases , when disease exacerbated and observed strong fever and fever .
IMPORTANT : To facilitate allergic manifestations , accompanying chronic brucellosis , sick prescribe antihistamine drugs : suprastin , citrine , Eden and t . and .
For addition to to improve general immunity , use vitamin complexes .
Prevention brucellosis in human
For prevention brucellosis with hand workers rural economy necessarily adoption following measures :
- identify and insulation patients animals
- compliance sanitary standards in farm farms
- control quality meat in meat shops
- mandatory vaccination forfalling in group risk people
With hand consumers meat and breast products :
- use in food pasteurized or boiled milk
- acquisition meat products, on which has stamp
- careful thermal processing meat and dairy products , bought " with hands »
How does not catch with brucellosis : tips and reviews
Vic : My grandfather in the of youth had an with brucellosis . He then was shepherd in village , and , probably , caught from of its wards . He told , that disease passed very long and heavily . It not could move feet - so strongly were sick joints . passed many years , and joints remained from grandfather " sick place ". A little that - immediately inflamed and very hurt . Probably , brucellosis gave complications of .
Vasily Stanislavovich : I work as a veterinarian .Before the , how to proceed work , all veterinarians pass mandatory vaccination from brucellosis , so infected animals from I not afraid .
Sofia : I know , that brucellosis can catch , having drunk raw milk patient of cow . Never not I buy home dairy products . Better to take store dairy products . let it not such delicious , but processed by all sanitary norms and not represents threats for health rights .
Brucellosis enough difficult diagnose . Before those far , until doctor not put right diagnosis and not appoint appropriate effective treatment , infection can penetrate in the vital authorities and forever change the to their functionality .
Each people should aware , that risk infected brucellosis at non-compliance several simple requirements very great , and health each of us is in our same hands .