For correction of hormonal disorders, women are often prescribed substitution therapy. Estrogen preparations are available in different dosage forms. In Finland, a gel is produced, which must be applied to the skin, called Divigel. Under the action of this drug, the nature of the cyclic secretions can vary. Therefore, many patients are interested in how a divergent and monthly combination are combined.
- 1 Why the
- 2 gel is prescribed Usage rules
- 3 Divergence and effect on the menstrual cycle
- 4 Divigel in the planning of pregnancy
Why the
gel is prescribed For many gynecological diseases, the woman's function is broken or the function of the ovaries is discontinued. These organs not only contain developing eggs, but also release sex hormones into the blood, in particular, estrogen. It contains female sex hormones, which when absorbed begin to act on the ovaries, uterus, mammary glands.
Estrogens cause an increase in the thickness of the inner shell of the uterus - the endometrium. Cyclic changes in the concentration of these hormones in the blood lead to menstruation. With the suppression of estrogen production in the ovaries, the formation of the functional layer of the endometrium is disrupted, the work of the genital organs and the character of menstrual bleeding change. In the reproductive age, infertility is possible, in perimenopause - the appearance of symptoms of the pathological menopause.
Conditions that cause hormone deficiency in young women:
- genetic abnormalities;
- polycystic ovary;
- operations on the intestines, internal genitalia;
- reception of antitumour agents, immunosuppressants;
- transferred radiation therapy;
- autoimmune processes, in which the body begins to fight its own cells, as with foreign cells.
In many patients, the cause of estrogen deficiency remains unclear. They have such symptoms:
- termination of menstruation;
- infertility;
- hot flushes, excessive sweating, sleep disturbance, emotional imbalance, poor health, decreased performance, memory impairment;
- possible fractures of bones, tooth loss;
- is likely to dry out in the vagina, soreness in sexual intercourse.
When such signs appear due to a lack of estrogens, gynecologists prescribe substitution therapy, in particular, Divigel. The admission scheme for women who have a menstrual function is prescribed by the doctor. Usually, the remedy is prescribed by the cycle from the first day after the end of menstruation( 5 day cycle) for 3 weeks, after ovulation( day 14 of the cycle), progestogen preparations should be added. The admission scheme may be different, it depends on the clinical situation. Self-medication is not recommended.
Application rules
The drug is available in sachets.1 package contains 1 mg of estradiol. However, the gynecologist, depending on the severity of the symptoms of estrogen deficiency, can recommend an initial dose of 0.5 mg( half a sachet) to 1.5 - 2 mg per day.
The gel should be applied to clean skin, without intensive rubbing, once a day, at the same time. The contents of the package are squeezed out onto the palm and the skin is lubricated in different areas: buttocks, lower abdomen, shoulders, forearms, lower back. Daily place to apply gel. After use, you must wait until the medication is absorbed and dried. You can wash your skin in an hour. Do not apply gel to the damaged skin, face, mammary glands.
A diagel during monthly use is not recommended.
If a woman misses the medication, but no more than 12 hours have elapsed from the right time, immediately apply it to the skin. The next application is carried out the next day. If more than 12 hours have passed, in the current day the medicine is not used, and the next day it is used as usual.
Apply the gel regularly. If the patient constantly forgets to use it, then with such a reception, the divergent will begin monthly, if more precisely - breakthrough bleeding caused by a hormonal malfunction. In this case, stop using the medication and contact a gynecologist.
Divergent and effect on the menstrual cycle
In women before menopause, the medication is prescribed in cycles to mimic a natural fluctuation in the level of estrogens. In the usual dosage, it does not suppress ovulation, but, on the contrary, normalizes it. When it is used, the endometrium becomes thicker, the probability of pregnancy increases.
If a divergent has started before taking the divergent, it is necessary to postpone its use until the end of the bleeding. The fact that the drug stimulates the growth of the endometrium, and during menstruation, this layer of the uterus is rejected, and there is no need for its thickening.
If the patient does not have a period after the divulgea, you need to do a home pregnancy test and contact a gynecologist. Probably, fertilization took place. At this time, the application of the gel is not recommended. It should also be done, if a woman after she began to smear the divergent, immediately ended monthly.
In addition, the absence of menstruation can occur with hormonal failure. Usually after the abolition of hormones, regular bleeding is resumed.
We recommend reading the article about Dufaston for the normalization of the cycle. From it you will learn about the principle of the drug on the woman's body, indications for prescription, patterns of use, contraindications and side effects.
Divigel in the planning of pregnancy
For women with preserved menstruation, medication is often prescribed for preparation for pregnancy. This applies both to the natural process and to in vitro fertilization. The cyclic action of the gel on the endometrium helps the fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.
When preparing for pregnancy, the drug is used with regular ultrasound control of follicle size and thickness of the endometrium. It is desirable that, on the background of treatment on the 14th day of the cycle, the endometrium should be at least 7 mm, and preferably 9 to 13 mm. The diameter of the follicle should be 21 mm. If, against the background of treatment, such indicators can not be achieved, it is necessary to revise the scheme of admission. It may be necessary to increase the dose of hormones.
Thus, the drug, affecting the hormonal background of a woman, can cause a change in the nature of menstruation. For any abnormality, you should consult a gynecologist. Change in the nature of menstruation or its termination can occur normally at the beginning of treatment, serve as a sign of irregular use, arise in the pathology of the endometrium, or be a symptom of an impending pregnancy.