Dosage instead of menstruation: norm or pathology 99

Any violations of the menstrual cycle - clear evidence of the presence of problems with gynecology. That is why women of childbearing age are important to monitor the nature of vaginal discharge. If there is a smear instead of a month, in some cases this is an important reason to contact a specialist.

Women complain that they sometimes have instead of a monthly brown daub. Normally, the volume of menstruation exceeds 50 ml per day. Spots are considered as spotting, the number of which is less than this indicator. Immediately when they appear, panic is not worth it, because the vaginal discharge is normal. They perform a protective function and purify the female body. If a few days before the onset of menstruation there is a daub of light-brown color, then there is no reason for excitement. This phenomenon is typical for a healthy organism. But if it has a rich brown color, then this is a signal about certain problems.


  • 1 Possible causes
    • 1.1 When there is no cause for concern:
    • 1.2 What pathological conditions can be caused by:
  • instagram viewer
  • 2 Perhaps this pregnancy
  • 3 Alarming symptoms
  • 4 Diagnosis
  • 5 Treatment
  • 6 Simple ways to improve the state of

Possible causes

In some situations,when the monthly long smear causes may not be related to health problems. They are not a symptom of the disease.

When there is no cause for concern:

  • If a few days after the appearance of the discharge, menstruation begins.
  • Allocations appeared immediately after menstruation.
  • Light discharge may appear a certain period after the onset of sexual activity.
  • After delivery.
  • Premenopause may be accompanied by a light brown or pink color. This is typical for women over 40.Now there is a trend of early onset of menopause, and similar symptoms can occur as early as 38 years.
  • The formation of menstruation - often in girls, in a period when the regular cycle is only being established, the monthly masks are browned. This phenomenon is considered normal in the first year after the menarche. If the girl suffers further, then it is necessary to pass the diagnosis.
  • In the first month after operations on gynecology( removal of fibroids, abortion) and scraping, spotting is the norm.

If the monthly long smear causes can be easily correctable. The most common of them are:

  • the experienced stress
  • climate change
  • hypovitaminosis
  • malnutrition
  • overstrain
  • taking certain medications
  • significant weight loss that resulted from intensive training or diets
After adapting the organism to dramatically changed circumstances or eliminating the negative factor, the cycle is restoredyourself. It is important only to monitor the emotional state, to avoid excessive feelings.

What pathological conditions can be caused:

Perhaps this pregnancy

Dabbling is often a sign of early pregnancy. In this case, it has a pink, reddish or brown hue.10-14 days after conception, there may be implantation bleeding. It testifies that the attachment to the uterus wall of the egg( fertilized) was successful.

Monthly and with ectopic pregnancy are smeared. That is why when there are uncharacteristic cycles of excretions for a certain period, the probability of pregnancy should be excluded.

If the pregnancy test is positive and the monthly masks are already 2 weeks or more, this is an alarm. He warns of the high risk of miscarriage.

Alarming symptoms of

If masticating discharge is accompanied by such symptoms, you should immediately contact the doctor:

  • itching or tingling sensation in the vaginal area
  • monthly masks for 2 weeks or more
  • discharge has a smell
  • the presence of soreness
  • in the vaginal area there was edema


To establish the cause, doctors use the following diagnostic methods:

  • blood test for hCG
  • chart maintenance basal temperature
  • scraping
  • Ultrasound of the reproductive system, as well as of the kidney and adrenal glands
  • MRI
  • examination of the thyroid condition

Treatment of

If the daub is caused by certain pathological conditions, the treatment is to eliminate the disease. The method of treatment depends on the specific nature of the disease. The most common prescriptions:

  1. Venereal diseases are treated with antibiotics, they are selected strictly by the doctor individually.
  2. Polyps of the uterus - a course of hormonal drugs is prescribed. In especially severe situations, scraping is performed.
  3. Cervical cancer involves surgical intervention.

Simple ways to improve the condition of

  • you need to wear only cotton underwear
  • size of the laundry should fit well, do not wear models that press and tighten
  • should not resort to washing
  • hygiene products should be regularly changed

Spotting mucus instead of monthly can be caused by different reasons. To rule out the possibility of developing serious diseases, it is better to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

  • Mar 19, 2018
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