The important question: whether it is possible to drink alcohol at monthly?

Most representatives of the fair half of humanity periodically experience discomfort and severe pain before and during menstruation. Trying to cope with this problem on their own, the patients often ask the experts of the women's consultation whether it is possible to drink alcohol with menstruation.

The use of alcoholic beverages as a means of anesthesia dates back to ancient times. However, in recent times, the attitude to the regular intake of strong drinks in the medical environment has changed significantly. The harm of significant amounts of alcohol for the body is proved. Women need to be clear about the mechanism of exposure of alcohol-containing beverages to their physiology and biochemistry.


  • 1 Alcohol and its effect on the menstrual cycle
  • 2 The harmfulness of alcohol for a woman
    • 2.1 Alcohol in a woman's life
    • 2.2 Alcohol and monthly: the harmful combination of
  • 3 Alcohol on critical days: a few simple tips for ladies
  • 4 Critical days: basicrules of conduct
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Alcohol and its impact on the menstrual cycle

The question of the effect of alcohol and various alcoholic beverages on the woman's body has been sufficiently well studied and described in the special literature. However, there are no clear criteria for the possible doses of alcohol during this period and preferences for the health of patients with beverages.

What leads to alcohol use:

  • Most experts say that if during a month's drinking alcoholic beverages, then their duration increases on average by 2 - 3 days.
  • A common symptom for cupping PMS with alcohol is the delay in the onset of menstrual bleeding for several hours or even days.
  • Alcoholic beverages in 100% of cases increase bleeding. If the woman loses up to 250 grams of blood during the period, then after trying to treat the pain syndrome with vodka or cognac, blood loss can be up to 600 grams. This will necessarily affect the patient's condition.
  • Many women experience fluctuations in blood pressure during menstruation. Alcoholic drinks further strengthen this symptomatology, since alcohol first dilates the blood vessels, and after a while causes their spasm.
However, some spirits cause a lot of controversy. For example, till now it is impossible to give 100% the correct answer, whether it is possible to drink red wine at monthly.

Some experts hold the view that this drink has a positive effect on the coagulation system in women and restores the volume of circulating blood in their vessels. If the doctor gives such recommendations to a woman, he must take into account that the mechanism of the effect of red table wines on the hormonal background of the patient during this period has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, its use during menstruation requires some caution. In this case, of course, we can not talk about sweet or fortified wines.

The harmfulness of alcohol for a woman

In the medical environment, there is a widespread opinion that female alcoholism is very difficult to treat. Indeed, because of the hormonal and physiological characteristics of the body of the beautiful half of mankind, addiction to alcoholic drinks is much faster than for men. To get rid of this addiction to patients too it is much more difficult, as absorption of spirits in a fabric is regulated including female sex hormones.

Spirits in the life of a woman

Since the psyche of the weaker sex is more labile, many ladies use alcohol to cope with various stresses. Given the characteristics of the female body, the doses of wine or strong drinks to obtain a sufficient effect, must constantly increase.

Alcohol-containing beverages depressingly affect the reproductive function of women, menstrual rhythm may malfunction, and various diseases of the female sexual sphere may develop.

Almost all the organs and systems of women suffer from the excessive use of alcohol. In the zone of special risk are GIT, liver, kidney and CNS.

Under the influence of alcohol, there is a complete imbalance of the hormonal and immune systems of the woman. The period of menstruation is rather an aggravating factor in the development of a similar pathology.

Alcohol and menstruation: the harmful combination of

Quite often young ladies try to improve their general condition when menstruating with spirits. Similar recommendations can be found on various near-scientific sites and forums.

And if the question is whether it is possible to drink wine with monthly, still rather controversial, then when choosing other options it is worth recalling the consequences of drinking alcohol during this period:

  • The main problem for a young woman at this time is the fact that alcohol causes spasm of capillaries andblocks the release of fluid from the tissues into the vascular bed. In addition to possible edema, it often leads to lower blood pressure on the background of bleeding and worsening of the condition of a woman.
  • Pain relief for PMS and menstruation can be considered just a legend. The peculiarity of the action of alcohols on nerve endings is their short-term blocking of the conduction of nerve impulses. Indeed, for 15 to 30 minutes the pains become less intense, but after the end of the action of such an "anesthesia" the situation deteriorates sharply.
  • The mental health of a woman during menstruation depends on the balance of progesterone and estrogens in the patient's body. Violation of the hormonal background leads to changes in mood, depression, irritability and other manifestations of psychoemotional malfunction. Alcohol only intensifies such violations.
  • The use of alcoholic beverages for the treatment of PMS can greatly affect the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle. If a woman is interested, whether it is possible to drink alcohol before the delay in menstruation, then she should understand that the very use of such drinks can significantly change the time of arrival of menstruation.

There are quite a few techniques that allow most women to easily survive the possible discomfort in these difficult days without resorting to alcohol. In this case, it should be remembered that if a woman has bloody discharge usually abundant, then alcohol for her is to be under a permanent ban.

Look at the video about the effects of alcohol on the body of a woman:

Alcohol on critical days: a few simple tips for ladies

In the life of any woman, there are situations when for the period of menstrual bleeding holidays occur, accompanied by a feast. The correct solution to the problem of alcohol during menstruation would be a complete refusal to drink alcohol, but you can and slightly pamper yourself.

The main thing is to strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • Specialists consider it possible to use in the evening not more than 150 - 200 grams of light red wine. From stronger spirits, such as whiskey or cognac, you should completely abandon it.
  • Champagne can lead to swelling of the intestines, which during a month is contraindicated for young ladies. Loops of the large intestine can have a physical effect on the uterus, which often leads to increased bleeding.
  • Often, young girls are interested in whether it is possible to drink beer with a monthly dose. But in this case the answer is negative. This drink provokes fermentation in the intestines, while a low content of alcohols can cause a sense of security, which often leads to an excessive increase in the amount of beer drunk.
  • At the party should completely abandon the physical exertion. Quick dances and various competitions related to the movement, it is best to leave for a period after the menstruation.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited. Alcohol and nicotine have an opposite effect on the vascular wall, which can increase bleeding. At the same time, tobacco provokes spasm of cerebral vessels, which often leads to CNS problems.

Well, of course, if a woman had to take part in a feast, she is recommended to drink all the dishes with plenty of liquid. Water and juices enhance the work of the kidneys, increase the volume of liquid blood, thus reducing the possibility of alcohol exposure to the patient's body.

Critical Days: Basic Rules of Conduct

Gynecologists have long developed basic recommendations for reducing pathological symptoms in patients during PMS and menstruation. These rules are quite simple, but scrupulous implementation will help many to survive this difficult period with minimal losses.

Here's what experts recommend:

  • The main thing for menstruation is a diet. A woman should completely give up fatty and spicy food. It is not recommended to enter in the diet fried foods and a large amount of baking. All products that can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially constipation, should at this time be completely excluded.
  • During menses, abundant drinking is recommended to compensate for blood loss. Some patients are interested in whether it is possible to drink beer during the month to restore the water balance in the body. This low-alcoholic drink in large quantities is not recommended for healthy people, but for girls on critical days its use will only intensify bleeding and cause upset of the stool.
  • Constipation and delayed urination in general are a big menace for women in the period of menstruation. Any physical impact on the uterus can lead to stimulation of the discharge of blood, and enlarged intestines or the bladder are capable of such an effect.
  • Excessive physical activity is not recommended. To maintain a normal psychological state, experts advise walking tours or favorite homework.

We recommend reading the article about the diet during menstruation. From it you will learn about nutrition during menstruation, recommendations, the effect of diet on the delay of menstruation, the reasons for stopping menstruation.

Many ladies using alcohol try to solve this problem. The perniciousness of such actions should not be questioned. At the expressed pains any woman can address for the help to the expert as only at 15 - 20% of patients the expressed painful sensations are a physiological display of a menses. Most often it can be a symptom of various inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, which require appropriate treatment.

Alcohol during menstruation refers to quite controversial issues of medicine, but the overwhelming number of specialists do not recommend taking even alcohol-containing drugs during this period. Red wine to restore blood loss is better to start drinking for 2 - 3 days after the end of bleeding. From other alcohol it is better to refuse in general. If you have any questions about the regimen during the period, you need to seek advice from your doctor in the antenatal clinic.

  • Mar 19, 2018
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