Features of the diet - a combination of
products An extremely important point in organizing proper nutrition is the combination of foods. Here are some principles that clearly disclose this problem:
It is recommended in the morning to eat food containing starch, in the daytime - containing protein, and in the evening - vegetables or fruits.
For example:
Breakfast: products containing starch, such as various cereals, baked potatoes or bread, greens that do not contain starch, and semi-starchy vegetables.
Lunch: is a protein product, such as nuts, seeds or legumes with greens.
Dinner: vegetables, fruits( in winter it can be replaced with soaked dried fruits) or berries.
Melon or watermelon is recommended to eat separately from other foods.
Fruits, vegetables, starches and protein combine well with different greenery. For example, parsley, dill, celery, leaf salads, cabbage, cucumber, carrot, beet or turnip.
When switching to separate power, it is not recommended to eat foods that do not mix with each other( starch with protein, protein with sugar, protein with fat and other combinations not in accordance with the above principles).Violation of these recommendations can harm the body.
The process of transition to a natural diet should be gradual. Finally, it ends when a habit is developed, there is only plant food and the appearance of indifference to animal food, which should also be abandoned not immediately, but gradually. This process of transition takes about 2-3 months. It is necessary to make a gradual transition from more harmful to less harmful food( for example, from meat and eggs to fish, from fish to dairy products).
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"