Natural olive oil is one of the best natural hair care products.
Benefit of
The advantage of olive oil for hair is that it saturates each onion with an optimal portion of nutrients, including carotenoids and phospholipids, phosphatides and tocopherols, sterols and vitamins. Thanks to them, this product has a very beneficial effect on hair. It nourishes well and intensively moisturizes, and it perfectly helps in those situations when the sebaceous glands do not cope with their basic function.
Using olive oil in home cosmetics, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the hair:
- to prevent their dryness and fragility;
- restore healthy shine and elasticity;
- to prevent tarnish and loss of energy;
- protect from the harmful effects of the environment;
- strengthen and eliminate dandruff.
In addition, olive oil is often recommended as a remedy for hair loss, it replenishes the lack of vitamins and other biologically active substances, ensures their penetration to bulbs and returns to their hair natural health and beauty.
With its powerful moisturizing, nutritional and regenerative properties, natural olive oil can also take care of the scalp. It moisturizes well, removes itching, irritation and normalizes the timely regeneration of damaged areas.
Olive oil helps to facilitate the combing of long hair
For long hair this product is a real salvation, since in this case, only the sebaceous glands are often not enough - they do not manage to provide hair with nutrients throughout their length, which leads to their deterioration. The locks begin to break, and the tips are split. And only regular application of olive oil can save the situation, and the result will be visible in a fairly short period of time.
Usage of
Usually, olive oil is recommended for use with dry and weakened hair. Before using it, it is desirable to warm up a little on a water bath, and after applying a head wrap with a warm towel. And in order for the effect to be positive, it is desirable to observe a few simple rules.
To begin with, consider how to apply olive oil to your hair. It is convenient to do this with a wadded disk or a comb with sparse teeth.
With the help of a towel, it is possible to create the necessary thermal effect, which increases the effectiveness of the
. If the hair is overdried and severed, then it is desirable to leave the olive oil on the hair for the night.
Since it is often difficult to completely wash olive oil from hair, we offer you several options that will help remove fat and prevent a feeling of greasiness.
- Shampoo. Sometimes the most common shampoo can cope with this task. But only the water must necessarily be warm - not cold and not hot. We soap the hair, massage it carefully at the roots, wash it off, repeat the procedure again.
- Shampoo with soda. For one part of baking soda, add three parts of your regular shampoo and my head. Since soda splits fat and quickly removes it from hair, it is very easy and quick to wash off the olive oil. As a result, the shine will not shine on the locks.
- With egg yolk. Take the raw yolk and whisk it with a fork. If you have long hair, then maybe you need two or even three yolks. Distribute the hair, hold a couple of minutes and rinse, after again, my head shampoo.
- Mustard powder. For a liter of warm boiled water, add two teaspoons of mustard powder, mix. We lean over the bathroom and rinse the hair with the resulting solution. Next, rinse the remnants of the product and oil with shampoo.
Does blond hair color olive oil? Feedback indicates that this tool, used individually, does not affect the hair color in any way.
Note! The only thing, to leave such a mask for the night is undesirable, but for a couple of hours absolutely safe!
Mask Recipes
For home care, olive oil can be used individually, and as an additional ingredient. It is precisely such compositions that we shall consider below.
Nourishing mask
Hair mask made from olive oil and honey perfectly cares for dry curls. For its preparation it is necessary:
- in clay ware to connect natural honey and olive oil in a ratio of 3: 1;
- set the mixture on a water bath and with constant stirring wait until the ingredients are mixed;
- warm mask rubbed into the roots and distribute through the hair.
This mask is usually used not on clean, but on slightly contaminated hair, and it is desirable to slightly moisten them. After half an hour the product must be washed off. It is recommended to conduct such a procedure no more often than once a week.
As a result, the curls get extra nutrition, become soft, get healthy shine and elasticity
Moisturizing mask
Hair mask with egg, honey and olive oil takes good care of and returns elasticity. Prepare it as follows:
- shake the raw egg, add 15 ml of oil and honey;
- is well mixed and slightly warmed up the composition in a water bath;
- apply a warm product to the scalp and strands;
- after half an hour wash off.
To obtain the maximum result, this procedure is desirable to be carried out twice a week.
Repairing mask
This hair mask is prepared with olive oil and avocado pulp.
- 3 tablespoons puree avocado mixed with 30 ml of oil;
- mix well;
- rub into the roots and distribute them in curls;
- is kept for about an hour, after which it is washed off with one of the means suggested above.
You can do this mask a couple of times a week. This product is ideal for care for lifeless hair that has lost its natural shine and strength.
Ingredients of the remedy restore the structure of the hair along the entire length, nourish and significantly improve their appearance
For prevention and treatment of split ends
To prevent cross-section of hair ends or cure an already existing problem, use a remedy for olive oil, yolk and apple cider vinegar:
- whisk one raw yolk with a fork and add to it 30 ml of butter;
- mix and pour in a tablespoon of table vinegar;
- is aged for about 40 minutes, after which it is washed off.
For hair growth
For the growth of hair, olive oil can be used alone. We offer another recipe with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice:
- to 30 ml of oil add a teaspoon of juice;
- is mixed and distributed on the scalp;
- wraps a towel and wait about an hour.
To get good results, this mask needs to be done twice a month.
. Care for colored hair.
. If you like to change the color of your hair often, then you can not find the best means of caring for them:
- take a overreached banana and carefully knead it with a fork;
- add a glass of homemade yogurt, stir;
- pour 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
- the resulting drug is distributed in strands and hold under a towel for about 40 minutes.
As you can see, olive oil can bring invaluable benefits to hair. At the same time in home cosmetics it is desirable to use an unrefined product of the first pressing. Preparations created from this oil show a powerful therapeutic effect and restore the structure of hair remarkably quickly. In addition, the product of the first pressing can maintain all of its quality for a fairly long period of time. It is for this reason that such oil has gained immense popularity in the field of cosmetology.
The product obtained by cold pressing is easy to recognize by its characteristic yellow-green hue and bright aroma. The taste of this oil will be somewhat bitter. You can, of course, use refined oil, but in this case the result may not be so pronounced, and to get maximum efficiency you will have to conduct many more procedures.
In general, olive oil can be used without fear of hair care of any type. It perfectly copes with a variety of problems and restores the hair in a short time. Use it with pleasure and be beautiful!