Rain is a blessing for the garden, its natural moisturizing and timely watering. But the majority of both beginners and experienced gardeners are wondering - what to spray the bushes of tomatoes after the rain. With improper care, tomatoes twist leaves, rot roots, fruits are covered with dark spots, the bed disappears. In this article you will get acquainted with the signs, the causes of late blight, and even learn what to spray tomatoes if the leaves are twisted, what drugs to apply.
Do you need to spray tomatoes after a prolonged rain
During a period of heavy precipitation, fungus spores develop fungi that affect tomato bushes, and in addition, high humidity provokes the development of infection. When the disease on the leaves, stems and even fruits appear gray-brown spots. Late bloom spreads very quickly, and the affected bushes die within 1-2 weeks. The young seedlings are extremely prone to the disease, so it is very important to spray the bushes in a timely manner to prevent the appearance and reproduction of the fungus of the phytophthora. The greenhouse, so loved by truck farmers, does not save the plant from infection.
Signs of a dangerous disease of tomatoes - late blight
Fungal disease affects the entire bush, and the first signs of its appearance become dry gray spots, which eventually darken. Very soon, a white whitening appears on the back of the leaves, the stem of the bush darkens, the fruits begin to rot. In the later stages of the disease, the leaves twist and turn black. In neglected cases on the bush rot is formed. Such fruits are categorically forbidden to eat, to use for seeds.
The better to spray tomatoes after the rain from phytophthora and pests
Fight the disease of vegetable culture, start by treating seeds, equipment, soil, where the contagious infection theoretically remained. Pay attention to the agrotechnics: choose a quality planting material, change the landing site every year. To combat late blight, pests, use chemical( saltpetre, foundation stone) and folk remedies( ash, greens, soda), try to alternate them. Here are some recipes that successfully cope with diseases of tomatoes:
- Treatment of planting material by the growth stimulator "Ivin".This drug is an analog of natural phytohormones, which helps to reduce the level of the disease of the vegetable culture, increase the yield, and reduce the content of nitrates. Scheme for seed treatment: 1 ml( 1 ampoule per 1 ml) per 200 ml of working solution per 100 g of seeds.
- Use the regulator "Regoplant" to strengthen the root system. Composite preparation has bioprotective properties, enriches bushes with vitamins, microelements, increases plant resistance to diseases, pests( Colorado beetle, aphids).It is used for spraying vegetable crops during the growing season. For cultivation use 50 ml per 1 hectare.
- During the fruit setting, sprinkle tomatoes with Stimpo. This multifunctional drug has a wide effect has a bioprotective effect."Stimpo" reveals the potential of the variety, activates the immunity of the plant. For spraying tomato crops, use 20 ml of solution per 1 ha.
- During the growing season for foliar top dressing, use the granulated fertilizer "Carbamide"( urea).The drug saturates with nitrogen, normalizes the growth of the plant, increases the resistance of the vegetable culture to pests. For planting, dilute 20-30 g of pellets per 10 liters of water at the desired temperature( room temperature).
Serum Serum Spraying
To combat late blight, experienced gardeners are advised to use folk tricks, one of them is serum. It contains mineral salts, which strengthen the immunity of tomato bushes. For spraying dilute in equal proportions serum with water, the resulting mixture, treat the tomatoes daily from the first days of July for 14 days.
How to treat fruits with kefir
According to experienced vegetable gardeners, an effective method to combat late blight is dairy products. To treat tomatoes, take 1 liter of peroxidized kefir( suitable yogurt), dilute in 20 liters of water. This mixture is processed by vegetable bushes immediately after disembarkation and weekly before harvesting. Mineral salts, lactic acid, contained in kefir, will strengthen the immunity of the plant.
Folk remedy - milk with iodine
Experienced gardeners, who prefer to cultivate vegetable culture without chemistry, recommend using a simple and affordable method of spraying a plant that destroys microbes, stimulates fruit ripening. To prepare a folk remedy for a bucket of water, add 1 liter of skim milk, 20 drops of iodine. Sprinkle tomatoes from pests 2 times a month.
For the prevention of phytophthora and its treatment, use the following simple method: in 10 liters of warm water dilute 100 g of fresh yeast. With this solution, tomatoes are treated after rain, or at the first signs of plant disease, blight. To strengthen the immunity of tomatoes, pest control, prepare a highly nutritious top dressing. To do this, in 10 liters of water, mix 10 g of dry yeast, 0.5 l of chicken manure extract, 0.5 liters of wood ash, 5 tbsp.l. Sahara. To process the vegetable culture, the nutritious top dressing should be diluted 1:10 with water.
Treatment with Bordeaux liquid - copper sulfate solution
Tomatoes are demanding in care. An effective way to prevent their diseases is the treatment of vegetable culture with Bordeaux liquid. In gardening, copper sulfate is used to disinfect shrubs, to fill the lack of copper in the soil. For the prevention of fungal diseases tomato dilute 100 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. To process tomatoes with copper vitriol is necessary one time in the early spring before budding.
For the treatment of vegetable culture from late blight, experienced gardeners use antimicrobials, and the most effective of them is Trichopol. This drug is one of the antiprotozoal medicines, so use it with caution."Trichopol" depresses the development of fungal organisms. To treat tomato in 10 liters of water, dissolve 1 tablet of blister. With the resulting mixture, treat the affected landing until the late blight disappears.
Drug "Bud"
For good flowering and fruiting tomato use natural stimulants. The drug "Buton" increases the yield to 40%, improves the taste, nutritional quality of the fruit, increases the plant's resistance to weather changes and the ecological purity of the crop. To treat tomatoes, mix 10 liters of water and 15 grams of "Buton".This mixture is used once during the flowering period.
Boric acid
For the control of late blight, truck farmers use an antiseptic solution for the treatment of bushes. Boric acid has a disinfecting property. To prepare an antiseptic mixture in 10 liters of hot water, dilute 10 g of the preparation. Spray the tomatoes with a cooled mixture during the active flowering period. Apply antiseptic solution on the bushes with a small spray on the stems, leaves.
Garlic with potassium permanganate
Experts recommend using fungicides in order to prevent phytophthora. To prepare the infusion, take 100 g of garlic( fit all parts of the plant: bulb, arrows, leaves), chop through a meat grinder or blender, pour 1 tbsp.hot water, let it brew for 24 hours. The finished mixture strain through gauze, dilute to 10 liters of water, add 10 g of potassium permanganate. With this solution, treat the bushes every 2 weeks.
Ash with water
For the prevention of late blight, use an immunostimulating solution for tomato processing. The wood ash contains useful chemical microelements, which strengthen the immunity of plants, stimulate their growth. To prepare the mixture for 10 liters of water, add 200 g of the product, let it brew for 2-3 days. Finished the mixture, treat the soil, sprinkle tomatoes.
Video: how many times and how to properly spray tomatoes
The fight against diseases and pests of vegetable culture begins with prevention. In order to protect bushes and crops from phytophthora, use modern chemical and time-tested folk remedies. If you comply with the rules of agricultural technology, you will collect a plentiful harvest of tomatoes. Timely protection of the site from pests is the key to successful gardening. From the video below, you will know at what time of day it is better to spray tomatoes, how to properly process the plant.