What to do if after a home and professional cleansing teeth hurt

Painful sensations in the teeth area - a common and annoying phenomenon. If you have any kind of toothache, you should immediately go to the doctor's office to find out the cause and eliminate the consequences.

What is characteristic, the first and most important rule of a healthy oral cavity: its hygiene, can also in some cases lead to toothache.

Why can teeth ache after normal oral cleaning and how to avoid it?

Hygiene of the mouth provides healthy teeth, gums and a beautiful smile. But often during tooth cleaning and after it can occur a toothache.

The reasons may be:

  • sensitivity of teeth and enamel to toothpaste components;
  • microcracks;
  • caries;
  • gum disease;
  • is too rigid a toothbrush or an accessory of inappropriate sizes, which can disrupt the integrity of the tooth enamel, cause a vomiting reflex.

The right technique and selected accessories are important

In order to protect your teeth from problems and shine with a snow-white smile, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene and know how to select the appropriate accessories and cleaning products.

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The algorithm is as follows:

  1. To begin with, select the right size and stiffness of the toothbrush: it should not break the enamel of the teeth and injure the gums. Regarding size: if you have a vomiting reflex when using accessories with a large working surface, choose a smaller size so that the toothbrush handles only the teeth and gums, not the root of the tongue.
  2. The cleaning time of the should be at least three minutes. A quick "twitching" with a brush will not help to save teeth from tooth decay. In order for the cleaning to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the teeth from all sides: chewing, front, back. Be sure to go through a special thread between the teeth to remove the remnants of food. It is advisable to rinse the oral cavity with a special conditioner or herbal decoction after this procedure.
  3. If the pain of teeth or gums arises as a result of using an unsuitable paste, consult with the dentist what exactly is ideal for you. Often allergic reactions can cause fragrance, used in the manufacture of the product, so try to choose a neutral paste, without additives and allergens. Fluorine can also be an irritant and if so, pay attention to the composition and give preference to the option in which fluoride is used in minimal amounts.
  4. Do not forget to massage the gums of : it's done with the same toothbrush that you brush your teeth with. Again: she should not injure soft tissues. With light pressure, massage the gums from the outer and inner sides in a circular motion - this will improve the flow of blood, strengthen the gums and, accordingly, the teeth.

Dental cleaning of teeth and its after-effects

The cleaning of teeth in a dentist is different: by means of ultrasound and water pressure, tartar is removed, and with it numerous microbes and bacteria accumulated on the teeth for a long time.

In addition, such cleaning is an excellent prevention of gum disease. Remove this way you can not only dental plaque, but also a stone that is even below the gum level( in some cases to the root level).

If, after an ordinary tooth brushing with a brush and paste, the bacteria begin to be deposited on the teeth and in the "pockets" after 2-6 hours, then when using ultrasound, the period increases significantly, and if the rules of prevention are followed after the procedure,even for a longer period.

As for professional cleaning of teeth, in this case it is sometimes not possible to avoid pain after the procedure. The most popular today is ultrasonic cleaning, but even ultrafashionable devices and tools can not provide painlessness of the process if: the

  • has a sensitive tooth enamel;
  • with you is not a professional;
  • teeth are damaged by tooth decay.

First of all, in order not to hurt your teeth after professional cleaning of tartar, you should take care of your oral condition before the procedure begins.

If you consult a doctor, and there are microcracks or caries in your teeth, you can not avoid pain. Healthy teeth( or treated) in most cases do not react so much to the procedure.

So, the first condition for painless cleansing is healthy teeth, but the second - a specialist who will conduct the procedure, should be professional in his field.

If a newcomer or a person who has not proven himself in this area is involved, you can prepare for the pain after the procedure, even if during that time you were given anesthesia( in some cases, it is prescribed).

If the teeth hurt after cleansing the tartar, then some conditions can alleviate the condition:

  • after the procedure should refrain from taking hot drinks and food for two hours;
  • for a whole day will not have to eat raw products;
  • twelve hours not to drink drinks and there are products that can color the enamel: wine, coffee, beets, etc.;
  • always replace your toothbrush, after that it must be changed every three months;
  • always visit your doctor every three months and do a professional cleaning;
  • do not forget to use oral care products that are advised by the dentist;
  • if you feel a strong pain, it is better to refuse brushing your teeth with a brush that day: let the gums and teeth rest.

It hurts is not tolerable, is it possible to endure? Of course, the most correct decision for any kind of toothache is to seek medical help from a dentist, but if at the moment you do not have such an option, you need to take an anesthetic if the pain becomes unbearable.

If the sensations are tolerable, you can use folk remedies, but remember that this is not a cure and thus you do not eliminate either the causes or the effects of pain.

Anesthetics that can be used to relieve pain in the teeth:

  • Analgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Ketolong;
  • Ketoral;
  • Nurofen;
  • Pentalgin.

But this should not be stopped, as this will be only a short-term relief. Be sure to use mouthwash - it can be purchased or prepared at home from various herbs and other excipients.

Among the most effective:

  1. An excellent remedy for toothache of various origins - sage broth .To do this, one tablespoon of raw material should pour a glass of water( boiling water) and insist on a steam bath for fifteen minutes. Warm up the mouth with a warm broth often enough. After the third rinse, the pain will be much less.
  2. In the same way you can prepare and broth chamomile , which will relieve inflammation, calm nerves. It can be combined with peppermint.
  3. Solution of soda : one glass of warm water will need one small spoonful of soda. Stir well and use to rinse your mouth.
  4. It is worthwhile to use also special medical preparations, for example, ointment Metrogil Denta .It will perfectly relieve inflammation and ease the condition.

But no matter how effective the rinse, do not forget that you need to visit a doctor in any case, so as not to miss the moment and not to start dental diseases.

  • Mar 19, 2018
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