The beginning of summer is the best time to look after your face and hair with the help of homemade strawberry cosmetics. Her recipes in the article. What is useful for strawberries for the face?
To eat a strawberry it is tasty and it is useful. Berry contains vitamins and many other useful substances, thanks to which it nourishes and heals the body, raises the mood.
And, with the help of strawberries, you can solve numerous cosmetic problems - at home it is used to care for the face, body and hair.
What is useful for strawberries for the face?
You can read about the unique composition and endless list of useful properties of summer berries in the article:
IMPORTANT: To improve the complexion, make the skin moisturized, young and fresh, you can simply eat up to 0.5 kg of strawberries in the season
But the berry can be applied externally in the form of cosmetic products such as:
- scrubs
- masks
- tonic
- fruit ice
In home cosmetology equally and successfully used:
- pulp of strawberry
- strawberry juice
- decoctions and infusions of leaves of the plant
Effect of berrieson the skin and hair is not limited only to carers. Strawberries also heals. As a cosmetic product, it has the following properties:
- vitaminizing
- moisturizing
- tonic
- antibacterial
- rejuvenating
- whitening
- wound healing
- analgesic
It is enough to undergo a course of procedures for a strawberry face in the strawberry season in order to: return the
- radiance and healthy color to
- to moisturize the skin
- by stimulating the natural production of collagen to smooth small wrinkles, to improve facial contours
- to get rid of acne
- remove the top layer of dead cells
- eliminate greasy shine
- lighten the pigment spots on the face
Like many other natural products, strawberries are great for facial skin care of any type.
The only caveat - holders of sensitive delicate skin should use caution with preparations based on berry, as it contains a large number of acids.
If after application of a small amount of the preparation on the face there were no irritations or redness, you can continue the strawberry procedures at full strength.
IMPORTANT: Do not forget that many people are allergic not only when they eat strawberries, but when they use it as a facial beauty product
Fresh strawberry for the face: effects
To achieve visible cosmetic effects, fresh strawberries for the face skin can be usedin its pure form.
You need to do the following:
- take a few ripe strawberries
- thoroughly wash them
- it is desirable that the berries are slightly cooled
- cut the berries into thin slices( cut the strawberries along) or knead it with a fork in the gruel
- to apply the natural remedy on the face
- leave the preparation on the face for 10-15minutes
- to wash with cool water
This simple procedure produces a complex effect:
- replaces nourishing face cream.
- controls fat gloss due to skin disinfection, narrowing of pores and normalization of sebaceous glands
- accelerates cellular metabolism, which stimulates regenerative processes in facial skin.
- dries pimples and relievesskin inflammation
- levels the complexion of
How to rub your face with strawberries?
To wipe a face, strawberries can be used in two forms:
- in the form of lotion
- in the form of fruit cosmetic ice
Homemade strawberry lotion is intended for cleansing and tonifying the face. If the girl's skin is normal, dry or combined, prepare it on the water, if too fatty, with pimples - on alcohol.
RECIPE: Strawberry spirit lotion
It is necessary: 5-6 medium sized strawberry berries, vodka 250 ml
- strawberries are washed and cut in half
- is poured with vodka
- in a dark place lotion is infused for 14 days
- is filtered and left for another 10days
- soaked in lotion with cosmetic discs rub
- face skin in the morning and in the evening
Strawberry ice is used to improve capillary blood flow under the skin of the face, narrow pores, accelerate metabolic processes in cells, moisturize and energize cells.
RECIPE: Cosmetic ice cubes from strawberry
It is necessary: strawberry - 300 g
- To get the juice, the berries are passed through a meat grinder, the resulting gruel 3-4 times intensively squeezed through the gauze
- Pour the juice into the ice cube container and put in the freezer
- Pressing softly on the skin, with strawberry ice makeface massage
- The juice left on the face after the massage is washed off after a quarter of an hour
- Apply any nutritional preparation
to the face VIDEO: Strawberry face mask - pure young skin!
Facial mask of strawberry for oily skin
To improve the condition of the skin of a fatty type or to normalize the work of sebaceous glands in summer, you can make special strawberry masks. They will have a drying and antibacterial effect.
RECIPE: Strawberry and white clay
It is necessary: white clay - 1 tbsp.spoon, strawberry juice - 3 tbsp.spoons
- strawberry juice is obtained in the same way as for ice cubes
- bred clay strawberry juice
- mask is applied very thinly on the face
- should be washed in half an hour
RECIPE: Strawberry Protein Mask
It is necessary: fresh strawberry mash - 2 tbsp.spoons, egg whites - 1 piece, oat flour - 1 tbsp.spoon
- protein whipped
- flour is obtained, grinding oat flakes
- combine protein and pulp from strawberries, after add the flour from oatmeal
- with fingers or brush apply a mask on face
- wash out the preparation with flowing cool water
IMPORTANT: The small strawberry bones are abrasive particles that turn the berry into a natural scrub. To conduct a deep cleansing of oily skin, it is necessary to apply salted kefir on your face, dip your fingers into the crushed strawberry and make an intensive facial massage. The stratum corneum will be removed
Face mask made from strawberry for dry skin
Strawberry mostly consists of water. It is very well used for dehydrated skin: along with the liquid, vitamins from strawberries penetrate into cells, moisturizing them, nourishing, making the epithelial tissue elastic and elastic.
It is known that sufficient water supply is a preventive measure of skin aging.
RECIPE: Mask moisturizing with strawberry, yogurt and yolk
It is necessary: strawberry slurry - 1,5 st.spoons, fresh yogurt without additives - 1 tbsp.spoon, yolk egg whipped - 1 pc.
- strawberry slurry is combined with yoghurt and yolk
- so that the skin is moistened and nourished, it is necessary to apply the drug on face and wear for 20-30 minutes
- after washing it is necessary to remember to use moisturizing cream
RECIPE: Means for dehydrated skin with butter and strawberry juice
It is necessary: olive oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, strawberry juice - 1 tbsp.spoon
- olive oil and juice squeezed from strawberries, mix
- dipped in the resulting mixture of cotton balls, they apply the mixture on the face
- after 15 minutes, wipe the face with cotton-wool discs moistened with acidified water.
IMPORTANT: To improve the effect of the usual moisturizer,its application on the face add to the portion 1 teaspoon strawberry juice
Masks anti-aging from strawberries for the face. Mask of strawberry for the face from wrinkles
A beautiful strawberry mask with warm milk and honey makes a wonderful anti-aging effect on the fading, lost elasticity of the skin.
RECIPE: Mask with strawberry against skin aging
It is necessary: strawberry slurry, warm milk, honey - 1 tbsp.spoon
- mask components connect
- after application keep it on face( without bypassing the eye area) for half an hour
- wash off home cosmetology preparation and use rejuvenating cream
RECIPE: Mask with cottage cheese and strawberry juice from wrinkles
It is necessary: fatty cottage cheese - 2 tbsp.spoons, strawberry juice - 2 tbsp.spoons, honey - 1 tsp
- curd thoroughly grind
- add juice to it from strawberries and flooded honey
- put mask on for 20 minutes
How does strawberry whiten the face?
Let them say that freckles refresh the woman's face, give her an appearance of fervor, women are constantly looking for ways to get rid of them.
To lighten the pigmentation on the face, you can use masks from natural strawberry-containing acids. It should be adjusted to the fact that to achieve the effect of the procedure, the application of the mask will need to be repeated again and again for at least three weeks.
RECIPE: Mask from freckles
It is necessary: strawberry juice - 2 tbsp.spoons, lemon juice - 1 tsp, cucumber juice - 1 tbsp.spoon
Juices are mixed and used to rub the skin with pigmentation twice a day.
VIDEO: Mask for face whitening( strawberry, honey, lemon)
Strawberry for hair: mask
Summer berry is also a universal hair care product. Masks with it:
- nourish the scalp, hair follicles and stems
- facilitates combing the hair by moisturizing and smoothing the keratin scales
- eliminates the greasiness of the scalp and hair
- helps cure seborrhea and remove dandruff
- eliminates the itch of the scalp
- other
Depending on for whichtype of hair will be used mask, selected additional to the strawberry ingredients.
RECIPE: Mask for moisturizing hair
It is necessary: olive oil - 2 tbsp.spoons, strawberry puree - 3 tbsp.spoon, kefir fatty fresh - 30 ml.
- kefir is warmed up to 40 degrees, stirring so that it does not curdle
- add mashed potatoes and olive oil
- apply the product on the scalp, then spread to the hair to the very ends of the
- under the insulation wear a mask 1 hour
RECIPE: Mask to eliminate greasy shine of hair
It is necessary: blue clay - 3 tbsp.spoons, chamomile broth - 2 tbsp.spoons, strawberry juice - 2 tbsp.spoons, aloe juice - 5 drops
- clay diluted with chamomile broth
- enriched mixture with strawberry juice and "doctor" juice
- put mask on scalp and curls, warmed
- washed off with shampoo after 20 minutes
- rinses hair with chamomile broth