Top-tier politicians are the elite of any country.
They are seen by the celestials, and attempts to join their company seem ridiculous and ridiculous in the eyes of the townsfolk.
And, as usual, the pessimists are mistaken.
Do not be afraid to reflect on the how to become a deputy of , because every person can make a political career regardless of age.
The main thing - to choose the right way to achieve the goal, do not pass before the difficulties and act on the strictly planned plan.
At you all will turn out, how it turned out at those people whom you postorjanno see in Parliament of the country.
Who can and who can not become a deputy?
If you decide to move to the deputies, you should understand: the way to a political peak is not easy, you will have to overcome many obstacles until you reach the goal.
It's also very important to understand that you will become a public person, therefore, not only journalists and competitors, but also voters, will pay close attention to every step you take, spreading every your mistake on the Internet.
Well think, are you ready for this step.
If yes, then carefully study who can become a deputy, and who is prohibited by a law for a political career.
1. Who can become a deputy?
If you look at our politicians, it seems that any person can become a deputy, no matter how gangster, idiot or freak he may be.
But if you are lucky, it does not mean that you will be lucky.
Still, when going to become a deputy, you need to understand whether you have enough qualities to take responsibility for the fate of the country and whether your candidacy is contrary to the legislation of the state of which you want to become a deputy.
A member of the State Parliament can become:
- an adult adult who is already 21 years old;
- is a citizen of the country in whose Parliament he is going to be elected;
- is mentally healthy and undocumented;
- capable;
- having a higher education or at least - a completed secondary;
- endowed with the qualities that are necessary for work in the legislative body;
- has a desire to work for the benefit of his native country.
2. Who can not become a deputy?
If you can not boast of several items from the list above, this does not mean that you can not become a deputy.
In this case, the main thing is that you were a charismatic person, you knew how to please people in your country and did not fall under any of the items in the following list.
A person can not become a deputy in our country:
- Who has not yet turned 21 years old.
- Which has an outstanding criminal record, is under investigation or is wanted.
- What is mentally unhealthy, and his health problems are confirmed by the doctor.
- Who is lazy, invisible among others, clamped, unpleasant and externally, and in communication, an exception - you are very rich, so you can simply place a place in the party list.
- That has a penchant for theft, fraud( enough already - and so all that can be stolen from the state treasury).
- What is stupid, like a cork( again, an exception is the exorbitant wealth and generous funding of the party).
- Who works against the interests of his country and hates the state in whose deputies he is nominated.
How to become a deputy if you are a businessman?
Very often representatives of big business are deputies.
Moreover, this happens not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in other countries where the deputies( no matter how they are called there) are better and more honorable than the domestic ones( well, let's not allow patriotism to cover our eyes and recognize the truth).
Take, for example, Donald Trump, who, having earned billions in business, decided to become not just a deputy, but the President of the country - one of the world leaders.
In Russia and Ukraine, businessmen want to become deputies for various reasons:
- Wishing to satisfy its ambitions, they say, in business I achieved everything I could, now I need to look for political opportunities for implementation.
- In an effort to obtain the immunity that the deputies of Parliament have in our country.
- Desiring to sit on public financial flows and enrich themselves even more.
- Alça protect your business from tax inspections and raider attacks of competitors.
- Trying to change the future of my country( I understand that the last point made many smile, but you can not see everything in black - you can go crazy if you think that all the deputies are thieves and reptiles).
If you managed to earn big money( the sums on your accounts - from half a million dollars or more), then it will be very easy for you to become a deputy.
Simply choose your party for the soul( it is better to choose among those that have a greater chance of getting into parliament) and offer to put your candidacy on the electoral list( ask for a passage) in exchange for material assistance to the party.
If no one interrupts your bet and the party needs money, you can easily become a deputy and make a political career.
How many have to lay out to go to work in the State Parliament, I do not exactly say - every party puts forward its conditions.
Just ask about the price of the party leaders, I'm sure you will easily be called the required amount.
You can try to go to the elections yourself, as a majoritarian.
But in this case, an election campaign will have to be spent much more and no one guarantees that the voters of the country will believe and agree to help you become a deputy.
Still buy a place on the list - it's somehow safer.
How to become a deputy, making a career from the bottom?
Watching those who rise to the top of the political Olympus, we became real skeptics and stopped believing that an ordinary person without connections and big money can become a deputy.
And yet there are ways.
However, this path to political figures is not easy and long.
Ready to work?
Well, then go ahead and with the song!
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1. A member of the party - five minutes without a deputy.
I want to illustrate this path to you, the history of my classmate.
Here he knows exactly how to become a deputy without having either big money or useful connections.
Vitalik is from the regional center, which is located not far from Kiev.
While still studying at the university in the capital, he was engaged in public and political activities, participated in the Orange Revolution, was the secretary of one of the headquarters of the party Viktor Yushchenko "Our Ukraine".
After graduation, Vitalik stayed to live in the capital, succeeding, rapidly losing the popularity of "Our Ukraine", to the party of Wladimir Klitschko UDAR.
As the party was young and it was not so easy to find representatives in the regions, my classmate was sent to the historical homeland to promote a new project.
He did a pretty good job, he was a deputy of the City Council, but the best man showed his talents during EuroMaidan.
Vitalik dashed to Kiev for protests, spoke on the main square of his native city, organized the delivery of products and medicines to Kiev, helped to get to Euromaydan wishing to participate in the revolution in the country, etc.
Naturally, the guy was noticed, he became one of the most popular young politicians within his city and not the last person in the UDAR party.
When it was time to elect a new parliament, Vitalik went to the Verkhovna Rada on the party list.
In my opinion, a very decent career for a boy from a simple family.
2. A public activist is almost a deputy.
This is another sure path that will definitely help you become a deputy of the city or regional council, and even - get into the Parliament of Ukraine or Russia.
The fact that public activists who have achieved fame can easily become deputies, many have proved, the same Yegor Sobolev, for example.
He started as a journalist: first he wrote for regional Donetsk publications, and, having moved to Kiev in 1996, gradually began to gain momentum, working for such famous publications as "Mirror of the Week" or "Correspondent", then( from 2004 - 2008year) was "Channel 5".
In 2008, Sobolev organizes the Bureau of Journalistic Investigations Consciously, working as a public activist, denouncing political agreements, embezzlement of budgetary funds, corrupt schemes, bureaucratic deputies, etc.
All this allowed him to start a political career and in 2014 become a People's Deputy of Ukraine.
Yegor Sobolev is not the only public activist who managed to become a party list deputy.
His path was Anna Gopko, Yaroslav Moskalenko, Viktor Romanyuk and many others.
How to multiply your money?
3. 10 tips for those who want to become a deputy, rising from below
You are still an absolutely unknown person who wants to make a political career.
You do not have a lot of money, like businessmen, no connections, like, for example, Alexei Poroshenko, the son of the President of Ukraine, nor the national love that musicians, actors, sportsmen and other famous personalities can boast of.
You will have to climb from the bottom, acquiring connections and gaining a name, proving to the country that you are worthy to become a deputy.
If you want to become a deputy in your country:
- Do more good actions that the press would like to cover, your task is to get as often as possible in the media as a benefactor, social activist, initiator, etc.
- Get your blog and active on social networks - the more you have subscribers and friends, the higher your chances of becoming a deputy.
- Take care of your appearance, speak the language available to people.
- Write your own program: why do you go to Parliament, what do you want to change, for people in your country to live better, what bills are going to promote, etc.
- Create yourself an impeccable image, for example, a caring father, a faithful husband, a good specialist, a decent person, etc.
- Protect your reputation, do not allow scandals around your name - it will dishonor not only you, but also the party that you represent.
Before you make a political career, remove everything that compromises you.
Remember, what a scandal raged only recently, because Deeva, who was appointed deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, did not delete her photo nude from the page in the network.
- Constantly develop, read more, memorize quotes of famous people - voters should think that you are well educated and intellectually developed.
- Less criticize political opponents and do not water them with dirt, prove that you are good, and not they are bad.
Choose carefully the party that will help you become a deputy.
If you make the wrong choice, ruin your political career.
How else can you become a deputy?
Every person goes through several life stages.
You can be satisfied for many years with your work and position in society, and then - bang, and you have an irresistible desire to become a deputy, change something for the best in your country.
It's foolish to count on a political career when doing something completely different?
But no, just in this case you either need to use the coming changes in your country, or earn capital in the form of fame and recognizability.
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1. In the deputies on the wave of political and historical changes in the state
I think that the most vivid example of the last years, how can you become a deputy using historical events in your country - Euromaidanand the war in the east.
For the period from the end of 2013 - until 2015, people who had never thought about a political career and became a deputy did not come to the forefront.
Historical events in the life of their native country forced them to take responsibility and engage in political activities.
So, in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine VIII fell active activists of EuroMaidan, volunteers, volunteers in ATO and many others.
Their pre-war professions have nothing to do with politics.
These people engaged in small-scale entrepreneurship, agriculture, taught, treated people, etc.
But the fact that they responded to her appeal at a difficult time for the country allowed them to become a deputy.
On the wave of changes in the country, the deputies were: D. Yarosh, V. Parasyuk, B. Bereza, T. Rychkova, M. Gavrilyuk, S. Semenchenko and many others.
What you need to do to become a deputy in Russia,
is told in a video:
2. First of all, a well-known person. ..
Another sure way to deputies is the popularity gained before you decided to go to the polls.
This popularity does not need to be acquired in politics.
You can be a famous sportsman, artist, journalist, showman, director, blogger, etc., to become a deputy.
Each party wants to get into their lists not only professional politicians or businessmen, but also recognizable persons that will help to get the votes of voters.
Thanks to its popularity, it became possible to become a deputy in Russia and Ukraine:
- to athletes: O. Blokhin, A. Kabaeva, S. Bubka, N. Valuev, V. Tretyak, D. Selantiev, S. Zhurova;
- to singers: I. Kobzon, Ruslan, Zlate Ognevitch, S. Vakarchuk;
- actors and directors: M. Kozhevnikova, L. Tanyuku, S. Govorukhin, B. Stupka, E. Drapeko;
- to journalists and TV presenters: V. Syumar, I. Gerashchenko, A. Pushkov, O. Pushkina and many others.
Maybe before thinking, how to become a deputy of , go the other way and earn recognition and fame in some profession?
And then you can save your homeland.