Nourishing face cream for the winter for skin protection: the best means

It is known that winter skin care should not be so moisturizing as nutritious to "saturate" the skin with useful vitamins. In the cold period, the skin should be protected from frosts, icy wind with dense cream, as external irritants overdry, drain it. What kind of face cream to choose in winter to please different types of skin?

Proper skin care in winter

Dryness, stiffness of the skin in frosty weather is not uncommon, although the girls are trying to find a means for winter care. Often, the blame is even that the nourishing face cream for the winter is chosen incorrectly. Here are some other nuances of caring for the epidermis in the cold:

  1. For women with oily skin, you need to use moisturizers and nutrients regularly. Even oily skin is dried during the winter.
  2. If a woman applies make-up on a daily basis, then she must take care of special means of make-up. The tonal cream, make-up basis, is selected separately for this period of the year.
  3. It is impossible to forget about competent cleansing of the skin of the face. Washing cosmetics are selected depending on the type of skin.
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  4. Protective cream and nourishing are similar, but not identical. Thanks to the protective cream, the skin of the face is covered with a thin layer of protective film, which does not allow the environment to affect the skin negatively.

What should be the winter nourishing cream

? On 70% nutritious quality face cream for the winter consists of saturated concentrated oils. What substances are recommended in the composition of the means:

  • Vegetable and animal fats. The first include oils of avocado, peach, wheat germ, olive, jojoba, and to the second - badger and mink fat.
  • Vitamins, their complexes. To feed and restore the epidermis vitamins A, C, E, which are often lacking in the body, are important.
  • Panthenol.
  • Extracts of plants. Calendula, chamomile curative relieve irritability, soothe inflammation.
  • Antioxidants."Defenders" from the negative influence of external stimuli.

The best winter face cream

Immediately need to determine the type of skin, and then select a suitable composition for the composition. A protective or nutritious cream is chosen taking into account the components, the quality of the product itself. As though to you did not advertise cosmetics, check on an allergic reaction is obligatory. Products that fit others may not always suit you. Apply a cream with a high water content better at bedtime or a couple of hours before going to fresh air, otherwise the crystallized elements will damage the epithelial layer.

For dry skin

The dry facial epidermis requires maximum nutrition with useful elements. An important mission of the cream in this case is to saturate the facial tissues to avoid dryness, tightness, and peeling. The softness of the facial skin should be achieved by natural ingredients: plant extracts, useful oils. They will stop the inflammatory processes, heal wounds, cracks in the tissues. Good brands of products for this type of epidermis, which will protect the skin from an unpleasant sensation:

  • Matis;
  • Dove;
  • Nivea.

For oily

Too active work of the sebaceous glands gives the tissues a grease, a gloss, but even such a skin needs a good remedy. Bad weather, gusts of wind and frost cause inflammation, reddening of the epidermis. Oily ingredients should be in a very limited amount to avoid excessive fat, ugly gloss and discomfort. Even the tonal base should be strictly individual and applied over the usual cream to provide additional protection.

Choose a matting effect that normalizes the sebaceous glands, preventing them from secreting too much secretion. Effective is an easy, but nutritious phytocosmetics. Famous brands of products that are intended for the fatty facial epidermis: Cora, Natura Siberica, Nivea, Pure line. If possible, pick up two funds at once: for day use and night care.

For combined

The face cover becomes drier on all sites due to cold exposure. Important point - for this type of epidermis you need not only food, but also hydration, even fatty areas of the face require proper care. Watery cream is not applied just before going out for a walk, but saturated nutrient cream can be used. Resistant to climatic manifestations creams of such brands:

  • Faberlic;
  • Green Mom;
  • Natura Siberica.

For fading

Aging skin needs special replenishment of elements that smooth wrinkles, make it more elastic, holistic. Necessarily in such cosmetic products include: collagen proteins, nutrients, hyaluronic acid, vitamin complexes. Maintaining the water balance inside and protecting the outside in the winter time of the year is needed by the skin, as never before. To strengthen the immunity of cells, without slowing the renewal of the epidermal layer, the products of such brands will help: Skin Doctors, Vichy. The last cosmetic firm has created more than one line, taking into account the restoring components.

For problematic

Dehydrated, with permanent inflammatory skin processes requires reinforcement with antioxidants. Pick up cosmetics with a moisturizing effect, which you use at night or a couple of hours before going out. It would be superfluous to use light toning creamy masks. Famous brands that manufacture products for the problem skin type:

  • Nutrition Nuit;
  • Avene;
  • Bark;
  • Black pearl.

Video: a nourishing nourishing cream with your own hands


Anastasia, 25 years old : I have a combined skin, it is problematic that fatty areas glisten in winter, but the dry ones are tightened, nasty scaly. I really do not know how to choose a cream, I relied on the seller. Acquired Natura Siberica. Used all winter. The product is excellent, put on the night before going to bed, and in the morning the skin was not glossy, it was pleasant to the touch.

Vitalina, 33 years old : In winter, due to wind and frost, my skin is too dry. To somehow eliminate it, I decided to choose a nourishing cream. Chose Dove - a tool not from expensive, but effective. I applied it in the morning and in the evening, it quickly absorbed, did not shine. I recommend those who have very dry skin, under conditions of fatty epidermis is unlikely to fit.

Katrina, 18 years old : A good cream for winter time Black pearl. I bought it in the store, having pozarivshis that the price is low, but in the winter did not regret. For unnecessarily problematic skin will not work, but for the prevention of - quite acceptable quality at an affordable price. I advise the agent, allergic reactions, after-use did not observe any side effects.

Valentina, 50 years old : When I buy a cream, I immediately pay attention to whether there is hyaluron or collagen there, because I do not have the skin. In winter, it is very dry, scaly in the cheeks, forehead and nose. Has got from last Vichy while it is happy, but I often change means, therefore even if I shall choose a cream of this firm, other line. The price of the product is justified, the skin ate in moderation.

  • Mar 19, 2018
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