How to prepare dill for the winter

A green bouquet of dill serves not only as an excellent addition to various dishes, but also a source of vitamins and important elements in human nutrition. In green, in addition to vitamins, contain the necessary minerals, amino acids, protein and fiber. Therefore, having prepared the dill for the winter, we get the opportunity to provide ourselves with such important substances for the life of the organism. In the cold season especially I want to try and feel the freshness of summer seasoning.


  1. How to prepare fennel for the winter
  2. How to prepare the fennel
    • Dry
    • Freeze
    • Salt and marinate

How to prepare dill for the winter

You can prepare dill for the winter in several ways. The most popular methods to preserve greens are:

  • drying;
  • freezing;
  • salting;
  • marinating.

Each of the ways has its advantages and disadvantages.


Dried dill practically does not lose color, shape and useful properties. Tare for its storage can serve as a glass jar with a polyethylene lid. But there is one disadvantage of this workpiece: for a quality result, a dark, dry and well ventilated room is required. Also for the drying time you need to spread the dill with a thin layer on the table, which will take a lot of space. It is possible, however, to buy an electric dryer, which will allow drying quickly and efficiently.

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The fastest and easiest way to prepare dill. With this method, the greatest amount of nutrients is stored in the greenery. The main drawback: not all have a freezer of large volume, and allocate enough space for greens in the refrigerator compartment of the refrigerator is quite problematic.

Pickling and marinating

When compared with the above methods, this workpiece requires more time and more effort. You need to prepare brine or marinade, you need ancillary ingredients, such as salt, sugar, vinegar. To preserve the canned product, you will need a cellar or a cellar. But if there is no way to freeze or dry, then preserving dill will be a good way out. When using salted dill for cooking, you should consider the salt in the greens, so as not to overdo the dish.

How to properly prepare dill

Gathering green for the workpiece can be carried out, from spring to late summer.

Drying the fennel for the winter

Spicy grass for drying is collected in the morning, after dew. You can not collect dill, as well as other greens, after the rain.

Before procurement, you should review and select a substandard product, wash it under water and put it to drain the liquid. Cutting is best done in medium size, so that the greens are dried well. The cut dill is laid out on a paper sheet or pallet in a shaded place, where sunlight is excluded. With this drying, the useful properties of dill and appetizing appearance will be maximally maintained.

Dry the dill and possibly bundled with twigs, which are hung on a string. The drying process must be carried out in a non-flammable and ventilated room. Dill does not need to be dried for a long time, in warm and dry weather it will take two or three days. The quality of readiness is easy to check, the dried greens are simply ground into powder.

Also can be dried using an electric dryer and in the oven, observing the temperature regime.

The dried herbs are stored in a glass, tightly closed container.

Frozen dill

Many people consider freezing to be the most profitable way of storage, as more vitamins are preserved, and the taste and aroma remain no worse than fresh fennel. You can freeze:

  • chopped greens;
  • whole fennel;
  • in ice cubes.

Freezing is desirable only fresh plants, which must be carefully sorted, washed and dried with a paper towel. Then, choosing the method of freezing, twigs of greenery:

  • is cut into medium pieces and folded into a container or cellophane bag that will be stored in the freezer;
  • is completely packaged in food film, package;
  • the ground dill is placed in ice containers and water is added.

Frozen greens can be stored for a long time, but its repeated freezing is unacceptable. Therefore, preparing the dill in this way, you need to distribute it in packages so that one serving is fully used at a time.

Pickling and marinating

To conserve taste and color, a greens picking method is used, which is often used in the preparation of hot dishes.

When preparing, first select the fragrant grass, without rigid stems and shoots. Then washed, dried and placed in a glass container, with each layer sprinkling with table salt. You can also chop the spicy herb with a preservative in a blender. The contents are condensed, and when the juice is released, the dill is covered, the can is closed with a lid. Store salted greens in the refrigerator.

Dill, like various vegetables, can be marinated. For such harvesting, young and fresh greens are needed, which must be washed and put into jars. After it is poured with a hot solution of marinade, it is sterilized and rolled up with a metal lid. You can store in any cool place.

Blanks for the winter
  • Mar 19, 2018
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