The drug "Dyufaston" has long been known to specialists who successfully relieve patients with it from many gynecological pathologies. A list of diseases in which treatment with medication yields results is in the instructions to it. But when they prescribe dyufaston for polycystic ovaries, not everyone understands why. After all, this ailment is not on the list of indications. So what effect will the drug have with PCOS?
- 1 Pharmacological properties of the drug "Dyufaston"
- 2 Use of the drug for polycystosis
- 3 Why instead of "Dufaston" can appoint "Utrozestan"
- 4 Auxiliary preparations for the control of reproductive diseases
Pharmacological properties of the drug "Dyufaston"
The active substance "Dufaston" is an artificially created analogprogesterone. Without enough hormone in the female body, many of the functions of the reproductive system occur, and the amounts of other necessary substances change.
"Dyufaston", getting inside, restores balance between them, due to what happens:
- Normalization of menstrual function. Often the problem arises from the insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle, in which the uterine mucosa must reach the state of development ready to be replaced. And it is caused by a deficit of progesterone. The drug fills it, as a result, after the completion of its reception, menstruation comes.
- Reduction of pain at monthly, normalization of general well-being. Discomfort in the abdomen and malaise in general are also provoked by a shortage of gestagens, which eliminates "Dyufaston".
- Creating the necessary conditions for pregnancy. Important, in addition to the release of the egg, is a special condition of the endometrium. It must be so loose and thick that the embryo can be fixed in it unhindered and held. This is possible only with sufficient volume of progesterone, which is provided by Dufaston.
- Decrease in the concentration and effect of estrogens. These hormones are also full components of the general background. But their excess leads to a variety of pathologies, including tumor character, the appearance of a different type of formation on the reproductive organs."Dufaston" brings the balance of substances to equilibrium, eliminating the consequences of the disorder, such as endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis. He copes with the uterine hemorrhages caused by them.
Use of the drug in polycystosis
Treatment of polycystic ovarian duftaston is indicated at the initial stage of the pathology. Accompanying the disease, as well as one of its causes is hormonal disorder. Violated levels of estrogens and gestagens, androgens, which leads to the inability to ripen and exit the egg from the shell. The sexual glands turn out to be dotted with cysts for several cycles.
The uterine mucosa develops much more slowly, one of the consequences of this is the delay and the absence of menstruation. Impossibility of ripening of the egg, as well as problems with the endometrium lead to infertility. That is, there is a whole list of symptoms, which effectively fights "Dyufaston".
How to start treatment:
- Before using the drug, you need to make sure that there is a deficit of progesterone, that is, to pass the tests.
- "Dyufaston" is prescribed on a daily tablet. The scheme of admission varies depending on the prescriptions of the doctor, the beginning may be the 10th or 14-16th day of the cycle.
- It should be completed on the 25-27th day. After this, menstruation begins, during which time a pause is taken in taking the drug.
In addition to restoring the ratio of hormones, "Dufaston" increases the immunity, which is important in polycystosis. It does not affect the weight, so it is allowed with its excess.
Why "Dufaston" can be assigned to "Utrozestan"
"Dufaston" is not the only substitute for natural progesterone. A similar substance, only of plant origin, is a preparation of "Utrozhestan".Sometimes, to normalize the level of gestagens, it is he who is prescribed.
Despite the similarity of the influence on the reproductive system with Dufaston, uterine in polycystic ovary is preferable when the patient also increases the concentration of androgens. He can bring her back to normal."Utrozestan" also has a sedative effect and causes fewer adverse reactions. But which of the drugs to choose, the specialist decides.
We recommend that you read an article about menstruation with polycystic ovaries. From it you will learn about the causes of the disease and its effect on menstruation, the features of the cycle and the conduct of treatment.
Auxiliary drugs for reproductive diseases
Polycystic ovary is a complicated, hard-to-treat conservative disease therapy. Therefore, in addition to "Dufaston" is necessary to take vitamins, perhaps, homeopathic medicines. They help to return to the usual values for the healthy body the balance of hormones. These can be:
- "Aevit";
- "Ascorbic acid";
- "Gerimax", containing vitamins of group B.
Normalizing functions of the ovaries are capable of homeopathic remedies:
- "Remens",
- "Ginekohel".
Diuretic "Veroshpiron" will manage the increased concentration of androgens.
Dufaston, despite its popularity, can help with polycystosis, unless it is the only remedy for the disease. A woman with this diagnosis needs also proper nutrition with a minimum of fats and sugar, physical activity. Otherwise, the drug treatment will be reduced only to the call of menstruation against the background of its cancellation.