Nutrition for improving the complexion

Every day a woman looks in the mirror. But sometimes she sees a tired and exhausted person with flabby and flaking skin of her face, and this spectacle is not among the pleasant ones. In this situation, specially designed dietary plans can help. Rational nutrition, properly selected products will improve the complexion and skin condition.

Nutrition and our skin

There are several types of products that make the skin radiant from the inside."Beauty is within us" - this expression in some cases should be understood literally. The nutrition plan affects everything: on the overall appearance of the body, nails, hair and skin.

How can this fact be used? Make a revolution in diet, including in the diet products that accelerate the regeneration of the skin and make it more soft and supple.

Products that improve complexion and skin condition

A healthy complexion sets the general appearance of a person, bright, flawless skin is associated with success. Nutritionists have done a lot of research to understand how different types of foods affect health, how they restore a blooming skin look. Let's list some principles that will allow you to use their experiences in everyday life.

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Vegetables green

Green vegetables give the body a large amount of vitamin A. This useful nutrient helps cells to regenerate faster.

These vegetables can be eaten raw, frozen, cooked. The main thing is there are them every day. Vitamin A is the key element that affects the blossoming skin. It is found in broccoli, spinach.


Fruits with a vitamin C content are necessary for the skin to look healthy. The body can accumulate a certain amount of this vitamin, and citrus fruits allow it to maintain its reserves.

Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, improve the protective properties of the skin, make it more elastic. They allow you to maintain the right amount of collagen, this substance prevents the appearance of wrinkles and allows the skin not to look sluggish.

Eat as many citrus acids as possible, they prevent aging. If you are bored with the same fruits, try making salads, juices or lemonades out of them. The earlier you turn citrus into a diet, the longer the rejuvenating effect will be visible.


The "omega-three fatty acids" contained in fish are the quintessence of anti-aging agents. They guarantee an amazing, delightful skin color. They do not need too much, eat fish at least twice a week to achieve the desired effect.

Sardines, herring, tuna, salmon and shellfish contain special substances, they allow to create a protective layer around the skin, which prevents the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and harmful substances contained in the atmosphere.

Fish found in fish are considered the basis for cell regeneration, they give the skin extra shine.


Avocado is one of the products that contains a large amount of vitamin E. Many celebrities advertise this plant, assuring that, in addition to rejuvenating effect, it allows you to remove stains, acne and other imperfections from your skin.

Avocado moisturizes the skin, gives enough nutrients and nutrients for it. Frequent use of this fruit allows you to fight wrinkles, avocado has wonderful properties, the components contained in it have the ability to stop and slow the formation of wrinkles.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 19, 2018
  • 38
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