Common beans

Common bean

General information

This annual plant has shrub forms( main and side shoots end with a flower brush) and curly. Root stem, strongly branched. Most of the roots are located in the upper layer of the soil, the individual reaches a depth of 75 cm. The leaves are triple, the flowers are white, pink or purple, flowering is sequential, starting from the bottom. Fruit is a 7-25 cm long bean of various shapes. Beans enrich the soil well with nitrogen, because, like peas and other legumes, it is capable of extracting nitrogen from the air, processing it and accumulating it in nodular formations on roots with the help of special bacteria. Thus, it leaves after fertilized soil. Therefore, the remains of plant roots should be left in the ground after harvest.


Beans - heat-loving plant. Seeds begin to germinate at 10-12 ° C, sprouts do not withstand a prolonged temperature decrease and die at -1 ° C.The best temperature for growth and development of beans is 20-25 ° C, but the fruit is successfully formed at 15 ° C.Demanding beans and light, especially at a young age. It grows well, develops and gives high-quality fruits with sufficient moisture. The best bean precursors are cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and potatoes. Under the beans are assigned sites with well-drained, fairly fertile soil. The soil is prepared from autumn. After harvesting the previous culture, deep digging of the site is carried out, in spring the soil is carefully leveled, 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 40-50 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium chloride( or 15 g of potassium salt) per 1 m2 are added. Beans are very responsive to the application of organic fertilizers. Humus is brought directly under the plants( 0.5-1 kg / m2), and the overgrazing, manure is better to make under the previous culture. A good effect is provided by microfertilizers( manganese at the rate of 20-25 g and molybdenum - 20-30 g / m2 are used for seed treatment and foliar top dressing).

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In immature beans contains up to 6% digestible protein, up to 5 % sugar, vitamins A, B, C and minerals.

Cultivation of

For seeding, larger seeds are selected. Sow when the temperature of the soil at the depth of seeding( 2-3 cm) warms up to 13 ° C, with a distance between rows of 45 cm, between plants - 5-8 cm. With deeper sealing, the seeds most often die already during swelling. To be able to harvest the early varieties in time, it is possible to grow seedlings under the glass.


Kinds of fruit are distinguished vegetable( sugar) - beans are fleshy without parchment layer in the flaps and without fibers, when maturing, clear, brittle, and semi-vegetable varieties - beans are fleshy, in the initial phase without parchment layer and fibers,, fibers and parchment layer are formed in the initial phase of development.

To sugar fast maturing varieties of beans include Saksa 615 without fiber, bushless fiber; to medium-sized - Green-hulled 517, Northern Star 690, Sugar Fungus, Triumph Sugar 164, White-grained Z61 , etc. Saksa 615 without fiber - is a ripe early-growing variety. From sowing to maturing of consumer-friendly bean-blades takes 50-60 days. The shrub is 20-40 cm tall, slaboskidisty, compact. Beans-scapulas are straight, fleshy, juicy, green in color, 10-12 cm long. Green-hulled 517 is medium-ripening. Consumer readiness comes on the 55th-60th day after sowing. The shrub is 30-60 cm tall with yellowish-green leaves. Beans-blades of green color, 10-12 cm in length, weigh 4-6 seeds. In fairly warm conditions, they quickly germinate. At the end of May, landing is carried out.

The winding bean needs support and is more exacting than the ordinary bean - it needs more heat and fertilizers, but it yields a much larger yield. Otherwise, the care measures are the same as that of the common bean. As a support usually used thin wooden poles 3 m long, installed at a distance of 100 x 60 cm and dug into the ground to a depth of 50 cm. They are connected to the pyramid and fixed with wire or slats. When sowing, 7-8 seeds are laid around each pole. In addition to the main portion of fertilizers, before the beginning of flowering, the organic is again introduced into the soil. The winding string bean ripens only at the end of August, but the crop can be harvested for a long period of time.


The main activities in the care of beans - systematic loosening of rows, weeding, fertilizing and watering. For the first time loosen the rows, when the plants reach a height of 6 cm, the second - after the appearance of the first pair of real leaves, then after each watering and rain. Immediately after the formation of the first real leaf, the first top dressing is carried out, after about 3 weeks - the second. Initially, 0.5 g of ammonium nitrate, 15-20 g of superphosphate and 10-15 g of potassium salt per 1 m2 are introduced;then - superphosphate and potassium salt, in the same doses as in the first feeding. After dressing, the plants are abundantly watered with clean water. As soon as the soil dries, the bean twice hills: the first time to the base of the first sheet, the second - a little higher. Dense bush of beans rarely grows above 50 cm. In the initial stage, watering should not be very abundant. As the growth and flowering begin, the demand for water increases. In no case should the soil be allowed to dry out, otherwise the pods will fall off. On the leaves of the bean can attack black aphids. In the case of early and severe damage, the plant is sprayed with insecticides that are harmless to beneficial insects. From flies beans can be protected with a special net. Seedlings are trying to grow at a time when flies do not fly yet. New varieties are resistant to typical diseases of legumes - mosaic virus and red spots. Gray mold appears mainly as a result of too small an interval between plants.


Cleaning starts when the seeds reach the size of the wheat grain - about 8-10 days after the ovary is formed. During this period, the beans are juicy, their leaves are fleshy. Collect better in the morning, as in the hot time of the day, beans quickly fade, lose marketability and quality. Collection of green beans is repeated periodically after 3-6 days. If the beans are grown for grain, it is removed at one time, when most of the beans are ripe, they are dried together with the stems, then threshed. Fine filleted beans mature within 40 days after sowing, other varieties several. The winding bean plants climbing along the "ribs" of such a pyramid grow strong and, as a result, yield a good harvest later. The pods must be cut very carefully, because if the shoot is damaged, the process of further growth of the plant is disrupted. Harvest should be harvested as early as possible, as beans have a particularly delicate taste at a young age. Most varieties yield several harvests. Dry beans, intended for storage, are left on the bed until full ripening. After extraction from the ground the plant is suspended from the root. Beans are knocked out and stored. They can not be eaten raw, because they contain a poisonous substance phasin, which breaks down only during heat treatment.

Use of

Fruits( seeds) are used for food, but a number of varieties are suitable for canning whole pods, they are consumed by boiled and stewed( sugar) ones. Beans are useful in diseases of the liver, central nervous system, acute infectious diseases, contributes to the elimination of the liquid from the body, has a discharge effect on the cardiovascular system.

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