- Preparation of
- Drinking days options
- What should I remember?
- Results
- Contraindications
Unloading day on water is a short-term mono-diet with zero calorie content. It is quite tough, but it brings very good results. Throughout this day, the body clears the body of toxins and toxins, and cells and tissues receive resources for rapid regeneration.
Drinking days are arranged to arrange after a lavish feast. It is believed that it is at this time that our body needs to unload and rest. To some extent this is true, but not in the case of water starvation. After overeating, the body should "calm down" gradually. Therefore, it is better to practice a drinking day at any other time, but do not forget that it is desirable to prepare for it.
So, if tomorrow you planned to unload, then today you should:
- enrich your menu with easily digestible products;
- to abandon fatty foods and dairy products;
- restrict or completely remove from the diet eggs and all sorts of meat;
- on the table can be present cereals in the form of cereals with fruits and vegetables, but without salt and oil.
Tip! In the evening on the eve of a fasting day it is advisable to drink a glass of broth from prunes, which will clean and prepare the intestine!
Given these recommendations, you will be able to transfer the drinking day quickly.
Variants of drinking days
Actually, the variants proposed below are practically the same as they do not assume anything other than a liquid. But at the same time each of them has its own small features and rules.Only water
The essence of a day of unloading on water alone is as follows:
- a day you will need about two liters of clean drinking water, and not boiled, it is better to use filtered or mineral without gases;
Note! Any fizzy drink is a direct way to cellulite!
- water temperature can be any - cold, warm or hot, but in the process of heating to boiling it should not be brought;
- fluid liquid is different, so tea, coffee and other drinks are prohibited - just water!
Regarding the last point, the role here is not so much losing weight, as the cleansing of the body, since it will fully occur only on condition of drinking clean water.
It is recommended to practice discharge days on water no more often than once every ten days. The next day after a one-day fasting should not "attack" on food.
Water with lemon
It is believed that a day of water with lemon is more effective in terms of weight loss. But before it begins, it is desirable to find out all the specifics:
- the ratio of lemon juice and water is determined individually - from a few drops to two teaspoons per 200 ml of water;
- daily drink norm - at least two liters;
- acidified water can increase appetite, and so sustaining such discharge is somewhat more difficult;
- acid present in lemon juice, thinning tooth enamel, and to reduce its negative effects, after each portion of acidified water should rinse the mouth.
What should I remember?
During the drinking day you should rest and not overstrain your body.
Note! Many young ladies, wanting to get high results in the fight against excess weight, often combine exercise and days of release. But this is a false way, because as a result, the body experiences a great deal of stress, and metabolic processes slow down. And it turns out that, wanting to get rid of extra pounds, the girls only contributed to their accumulation!
On the eve of a drinking day, it is extremely undesirable to overeat. Replenish your menu with useful light foods. At the same dinner should be planned at about 19.00, but not later. Otherwise, the following happens: the organism, when processing a large amount of food, works very actively, the same happens with the kidneys, stomach, liver, intestines and pancreas - they also try with all their strength to "conquer" what you gave them in the processfeasts. And the next day, when you are going to starve, all the organs work at the same pace, and it is impossible to drastically reduce the amount of production. Such sharp changes for our body are a huge stress!Results of
The discharge day on the water can bring the following results:
- cells and tissues of our body begin to absorb vitamins, minerals and other useful substances more intensively, plus, the growth of cells is markedly enhanced;
- regeneration of damaged tissues occurs in an accelerated mode, the process of their recovery and renewal proceeds more well because of the rapid production of healthy proteins by cells;
- skin acquires a healthy appearance - acne goes away, acne and acne are cured, inflammation is removed, and wrinkles and wrinkles become less noticeable;
- is an intensive cleansing from toxins, toxins and other harmful substances that can accumulate in the internal organs and systems of our body;
- can be reset as long as practicing a fasting day on the water - from 1 to 2 kg per day, but even this interval is approximate, since each organism will react to such a monodiet in its own way and as a result, someone will be able to lose less ormore.
It should be noted that the result is influenced by many factors. This is the metabolism, and the propensity to fullness, and the speed of metabolic processes, and, of course, compliance with all of the above rules. But special attention should be given precisely to your menu before and immediately after a drinking day.
It is recommended to practice such fasting days even for those who are actively involved in sports. Despite the rigid menu and the opportunity to always keep yourself in optimal shape, the unloading days will not be superfluous. The fact is that most fitness diets are based on protein products, some of which are of an artificial origin. Thus, regular cleansing of the body to athletes is simply necessary. In addition, such a short-term starvation will allow a few "rest" the gastrointestinal tract.
Any unloading day, no matter what benefit it brings, hasa number of contraindications. And drinking is no exception. It should not be practiced in such cases:
- for kidney and heart disease, both in chronic and acute forms;
- with hypotension and propensity to it;
- with frequent dizziness;
- for chronic fatigue and weakness;
- during menstrual bleeding;
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- after any illnesses, when the body has not yet recovered its strength;
- in adolescence and the elderly.
But even in the absence of direct contraindications, it's not recommended to start a day of unloading on the water. Preliminary should consult with a specialist.
In general, it is more convenient to practice drinking days on weekends. So you can have a good time and not feel some discomfort. It is better not to plan any business meetings and other serious events for this day. Try to hold it in close contact with water, not only using it, but also by conducting water procedures. If it's summer, then you can go to the beach, in the cooler months it is advisable to visit the bathhouse or simply soak in the warm bath.