For every woman, pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period in life. The body starts to work for two, which leads to hormonal changes and reduced immunity.
Violation of protective functions is an excellent platform for the development of various infectious diseases, the treatment of which is complicated by the presence of contraindications in most medicines.
In addition to all the others, the most common infectious disease during pregnancy is stomatitis. According to statistics, every second woman in position is subject to it.
The disease affects the mucous membrane of the mouth and causes discomfort, pain. In addition to unpleasant symptoms, it carries some threats, both for the woman herself and her baby. For this reason, the detection and treatment of stomatitis during pregnancy should be carried out as quickly as possible.
- What causes the disease?
- How does it manifest itself?
- Traditional treatment
- Folk remedies
- Diet and hygiene
- Complications and consequences for the pregnant woman
- Prevention is the most important task of
What causes the disease?
The reason for the development of stomatitis is insufficient immune protection of the woman's body during the period of gestation. However, the starting point for the development of the disease is one of the factors:
- The presence of the virus. It can be influenza or, for example, herpes. Moreover, stomatitis may be the only sign of the presence of infection or manifest in conjunction with other symptoms.
- Bacteria .Streptococcus and staphylococcus are considered the most frequent pathogens of the disease and develop against a background of insufficient oral hygiene.
- Development of pathogenic fungi of saprophytes .
- Irritation of the oral cavity , which can occur due to smoking or eating acidic foods.
- Allergic reaction .Moreover, such a pathology could not previously be observed, but appear exclusively on the background of hormonal changes during pregnancy.
- Injury to .This can be a thermal burn or mechanical damage, which causes inflammation.
It should be noted that often there is not one, but a set of factors contributing to the development of ailment. This is especially true for infection with trauma. Sometimes signs of the disease for the same reason appear after visiting the dentist's office.
How does it manifest itself?
The main manifestations of stomatitis are:
- discomfort in the process of eating;
- redness in the mouth;
- the formation of small ulcers( aft), which look like specks with a clear red outline, covered with a white coating;
- profuse salivation;
- burning sensation in the mouth;
- increased sensitivity of the tongue;
- elevated body temperature, the rate of which directly depends on the neglect of the disease and, in the absence of proper treatment, can reach 39-40 C.
- sometimes the appearance of swelling and difficulty in swallowing, breathing can be a manifestation of allergic stomatitis.
In addition to the standard symptoms of the disease in pregnant women with stomatitis can be observed depression, increased fatigue. Against the background of pain, there are problems with eating. In general, the disease affects the mood and overall well-being of a woman.
When the first signs of a violation appear, you need to contact the district therapist or dentist, to appoint a timely, safe for the baby and future mother, treatment. This will help to avoid all possible negative consequences.
The traditional treatment of
First of all, the treatment of stomatitis is aimed at eliminating its cause, to find out which, will help bak-sow. If the analysis shows the presence of bacteria on the mucosa, an antibiotic is prescribed.
Given the "delicate position" of a woman, doctors, on the basis of studying the patient's card, and individual tolerability, may prefer Amoxicillin, Erythromycin or other drug that is sparing in each particular situation.
Fungus, provoking an ailment, is eliminated by the use of an antifungal medication. In addition to tablets, the usual soda rinse is effective in this case.
Viral stomatitis is treated according to the antiviral drugs prescribed by the doctor, since most of them have significant contraindications. In the treatment of this type of disorder, various sprays and oral treatment with oxalic ointment, vitamin A or sea-buckthorn oil are highly effective.
If the cause of the disease is not identified as a result of a smear, then most likely it is covered in an allergic reaction. To determine the allergen, you should make a sample, then exclude it from everyday life.
As a rule, this is a food product, but there are cases when pregnant women have an allergy to toothpaste or oral intake of some medicines. Anti-histamines, such as Fexadine or Fenkarol, can help relieve symptoms of the disease. They are safe for the woman, the kid and thus effectively will remove a swelling and a burning sensation.
Because the disease is accompanied by significant pain, the doctor can prescribe an anesthetic local spray that will alleviate the condition of the patient. Its use should be strictly in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions, so as not to harm the baby.
Folk remedies
It is possible to use traditional medicine recipes, which are mostly affordable and absolutely harmless, unlike pharmaceuticals.
This is why they are widely used in the treatment of diseases in pregnant women.
In the fight against stomatitis apply:
- Rinse the mouth of with tea mushroom infusion .The procedure can be performed up to five times a day.
- Rinse with decoction of oak bark .For this, 3 tablespoons of ground material are added to a glass of boiling water. After a half an hour, and having filtered the existing tea, it turns out an excellent bactericidal agent.
- Kalanchoe juice and aloe is used to lubricate the mouth. It has a calming, healing effect.
- Rinse with yeast broth .To prepare the medicine, half a liter of boiling water, with the addition of two tablespoons of dry grass, for 15 minutes, are drowned in a water bath. After preparing the broth, they give him a couple of hours to brew, then filter and use.
Features of the development of stomatitis in children and pregnant women - how to avoid it and how to treat it:
Diet and hygiene
Because the underlying cause of the disease is the violation of immunity, it is necessary to pay attention to the intake of necessary vitamins and trace elements, as well as diet.
It should include the reception of:
- meat;
- is not oily fish;
- of dairy products;
- broth;
- fresh vegetable and fruit neutral taste.
The diet also provides for the exclusion of acute, acidic and salty products from the diet:
- ;
- of sweets;
- rough food;
- soda, coffee, sour juices;
- of cereals.
It should be noted that honey is a useful substitute for sweets. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it acts as a medicinal product.
To avoid irritation and microtraumas of the oral cavity, it is recommended that all food, including meat, fish and fruit, be ground to the state of cereal.
The amount of seasonings and salt should be minimal, as these components not only cause additional discomfort, but also prevent the early healing of aft.
The preferred drink is tea, a decoction of chamomile or dog rose, compote and ordinary drinking water. It should be noted that consumed food and drinks should not be hot or cold - they should be warm.
In addition to treatment and compliance with the diet, special attention should be paid to oral care. Proper care is based on the regular use of antibacterial paste. After eating, you should rinse your mouth with a soda solution, a special rinse aid or ordinary boiled water.
Complications and consequences for a pregnant woman
Stomatitis is not a particularly dangerous disease for the mother and baby if it is treated in a timely manner. In the absence of proper treatment, stomatitis will spread through the body of a woman, hitting internal organs, including sex organs.
This will result in infection of the newborn baby. High temperature during illness promotes dehydration, which also negatively affects the course of pregnancy.
Pain sensations and discomfort negatively affect the emotional state of a woman and her, until the baby is born.
The disease at any stage is necessary and needs to be treated, however, with the delaying of the time, the process of recovery is becoming more complicated.
Prevention is the most important task of
. Every pregnant woman, knowing that she is at risk, must take all necessary measures to prevent its development.
To protect yourself from stomatitis is simple enough, for this it is necessary to observe the following rules:
- adhere to a healthy lifestyle with constant walks and maintaining a rest regime;
- fulfill all the rules of hygiene, use quality pastes, dental floss, rinses for the mouth;
- consume food as much as possible saturated with vitamins and trace elements;
- thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables consumed;
- avoid injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth, do not eat very hot drinks or rough foods, quit smoking;
- to take all the vitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor.
The reduction of the measure will not only prevent stomatitis, but will also strengthen the health and immunity of the mother and her child in general.
Despite the wide spread of stomatitis, it should not cause panic in a pregnant woman, since it can be treated with a timely appeal to a specialist.
In addition to adhering to these simple recommendations for preventing the disease during pregnancy, each mother will be able to show her love for the baby and let him be born healthy.