How to help a child with teething - means and ways

Teethers, gels for gums, medicines for heat and pain, herbal infusions - how not to get lost in the extensive list and pick up the remedy that your kid needs?

To get an answer, you need to thoroughly study the proposed "assortment".

Often teething in infants is accompanied by malfunctions of the body, to which the cardinally changing behavior of the baby joins.

Of course, every parent thinks how to help the child and seeks to make the state of his crumbs as much as possible, using the achievements of modern medicine and folk methods.

In order for the selected therapy to only benefit, it is important to know the specific features of the use of medicines and homeopathy.

Contents of

  • It is important to recognize the beginning of eruption
  • It is important to recognize the beginning of eruption
  • Use of teethers
  • Pain and antipyretic drugs
  • Choose gel for gums
    • Parent's thoughts about healing gels
  • Integrated homeopathic remedies
    • From the practice of using
  • instagram viewer
  • Folk methods
  • Inadmissible activities
  • Baby and mouth care
    • Hygieneoral cavity of the baby

It is important to recognize the beginning of the eruption in time

To understand that the baby will soon have a tooth,several characteristic features. First of all, during this period, the children are marked by cardinal changes in behavior.

Even the quietest children in most cases become moody, restless, quickly tired, refuse to eat or, on the contrary, tend to constantly something to suck, chew and require the presence of a mother who should carry them in their arms.

All this is related to the stress experienced by a tiny organism. In addition to external manifestations, there are symptoms such as:

  • fever;
  • gum disease;
  • cough and even vomiting.

Therefore, quite often a child needs special care and professional help.

Than to help and how to relieve such an unpleasant state of crumbs?

Using teethers

One of the most effective ways to reduce pain, relieve itching and soothing baby, is the use of special teethers that help the child to do gum massage on their own and cool the inflamed areas.

Today on sale there is a large number of gel rings of different shapes and colors, so you can choose the most suitable option for the child.

To achieve maximum effect, these rings are cooled in the refrigerator before use. It is advisable to buy at least two rings in order to change in time the heated in the handle crumbs of the washer into the chilled.

An alternative to a thinner( though with less efficiency) can be a quality rubber toy( without the unpleasant smell and quite elastic) or pieces of a solid cool apple, carrots.

Many babies prefer donuts or crusts of bread to all these variants. However, in this case, you need to carefully monitor that the baby does not choke.

Than you can not scratch your gum and what to do if you crumble, Dr. Komarovsky Ye. Oh says:

Modern medicine offers various medicines that help to quickly reduce temperature, anesthetize inflamed gums, significantly reduce diarrhea and vomiting.

Some drugs have anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect.

Anesthetics and antipyretics

Such a remedy is necessary when the temperature in a crumb exceeds 38.0 degrees. The regimen of administration and dosage depends on the chosen preparation:

  1. Panadol ( active in-in - paracetamol). A medicine in the form of a suspension or rectal suppositories of 125 mg. When using syrup, the required amount is measured using a measuring syringe according to the instructions. Candles are used for 1 suppository 4 p / s. The interval between receptions should be at least 4 hours. Therapy for the purpose of lowering the temperature or anesthesia can be carried out no longer than 3 and 5 days, respectively.
  2. Cefekon .Rectal suppositories with paracetamol 50, 100, 250 mg. At the age of 3 months and up to 3 years use suppositories at 100 mg 4 / s. Preference is given to candles for vomiting, regurgitation in the child and allergic reactions to flavors and dyes contained in syrups.
  3. Nurofen .The drug based on ibuprofen in the form of a syrup is allowed from 3 months. Babies up to a year can be given no more than 2.5 ml of medication, children from one to three years a single dose increase to 5 ml. The number of receptions per day - no more than 4. The duration of reception is similar to Panadol.

Choose gel for gums

Gels are effective for severe soreness of the gums, because of which the baby becomes whiny, restless and refuses food.

Regardless of the type, the drug is applied to the baby's gums with a clean finger, performing light massaging and rubbing movements.

Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers an impressive variety of drugs.

Let's figure out which gel is better:

  1. Calgel .A gel based on lidocaine is applied to the inflamed areas, squeezing a 7 mm strip on the finger. The interval between deposits is at least 20 minutes, the frequency of use per day - no more than 6 times. Contraindications for use are the presence of allergies and heart disorders.
  2. Kamistad .In addition to lidocaine, the active substance is an extract of chamomile flowers, which makes the drug anti-inflammatory and analgesic. A strip of 5 mm long is applied to the inflamed areas not more than 3 times a day.
  3. Dentinox contains an extract of chamomile pharmacy, lidocaine and polidocanol, which keeps the mucosa as long as possible. Sorbitol is present in the composition, so it is undesirable to use it for babies with a congenital sensitivity to fructose. The gel is applied to the inflamed areas not more than 3 times a day after meals or at bedtime.
  4. Holysal .In addition to anti-inflammatory and analgesic, cholisal has an antimicrobial effect, which is due to the presence of choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride. The decrease in sensitivity is observed after 2-3 minutes, the duration of anesthesia is from 2 to 8 hours. The agent is applied to the gums no more than 3 times a day between meals or at bedtime.
  5. Baby Doctor .It is based on plant components - calendula, chamomile, echinacea, plantain and althea root, which not only relieve pain and soothe, but also disinfect gums, strengthen them and protect sensitive areas. Applied similarly to the rest of the gels. The number of applications is not limited.
  6. Dentol Baby .The main active ingredient is benzocaine. Gel 7.5% prescribed to children from 4 months. A 10% concentration agent is used starting from the age of 6( to eliminate toothache).The number of applications per day should not exceed 4 times. The maximum duration of therapy is 7 days.

Thoughts of parents about therapeutic gels

Reviews about the use of gel Holisal.

Smeared gums with teething. Relief comes instantly, but salivation increases significantly. It was used no more than twice a day, this was enough. The son calmed down and did not gnaw his hands. At night I slept perfectly and my gum looked not so inflamed.

Olga, Krasnoyarsk

Mazal's daughter, when the teeth were climbing 2 - 3 times a day. The effect was, but not long( up to 2 hours).The child is uncomfortable to apply the drug, the more rubbed into the gum. The kid tries to lick it and swallow it.

Irina, Penza

Complex homeopathic remedies

This group of drugs has a versatile effect on babies, not only alleviating the pain and relieving fever, but also providing an anti-inflammatory and firming effect:

  1. Dantinorm Baby .Homeopathic medicine in the form of drops, divided into single doses, which are sealed in plastic containers of 1 ml. The drug gives the baby between feedings, squeezing into the baby's mouth drops of one container from the sachet pack. The procedure can be repeated no more than 3 times a day, for 3 days.
  2. Dentokind .Due to the presence of a different spectrum of action in the composition of plant components, this preparation in the form of tablets effectively relieves pain, eliminates redness and swelling of the gums, and also alleviates symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, nervousness, and sleep disturbances. Infants are pre-dissolved in a teaspoonful of water. Babies up to a year can be given on a pill every 2 hours, adjusted to a daily dose of up to 6 tablets. Two days later, you can not go three times. For children from one year to a single dose increase to 2 tablets, following the described scheme of admission. In the absence of relief after 3 days, the question of the appointment of another drug should be raised. Important nuance: at the beginning of the admission symptoms of teething can become more pronounced. If there is such a reaction, increase the interval between doses of the agent or reduce the single dose. Contraindications to use are galactosemia, lactase deficiency, malabsorption syndrome.
  3. Viburkol is presented in the form of rectal suppositories, the main components of which are plant extracts. To alleviate the symptoms of teething, children are prescribed up to 6 months twice a day for 1 suppository, for babies from 6 months to 1 year the frequency of reception is 4 and 6 times at a temperature of 37.5 and 38 degrees, respectively. At normal temperature, for 3-4 days, one suppository at a maximum of twice a day is used.

From the practice of using

Reviews on the use of Viburkol candles.

Candles were used twice daily for eruption. The rhinitis became less, drooling completely ceased to flow, and even irritation was around the mouth. The temperature was not there, the son slept peacefully. Viburkolom it is happy or enough, as means a homeopathic.

Marina, Lipetsk

Used for eruption in the baby molars. The effect comes from one candle, which alleviates the child's condition, reduces salivation and soothes. After use, the child always sleeps well at night, less sucks / gnaws at the sleeves.

Tatyana, Izhevsk

Folk methods

Folk methods are used for teething as widely as medicines. But here there are some nuances that you need to know in order not to harm the baby:

  1. Cold and cutlery .Ordinary spoons or chilled pacifiers can replace teethers. Metal always has a lower temperature compared to other objects, so spoons do not require pre-cooling. Many follow the tradition, buy "on the first tooth" a silver spoon, which is then used by the baby for self-massage. Because of the unique antibacterial properties of silver, such a spoon not only cools the inflamed gums, but also a little anesthetizes them.
  2. "Tooth" tea .For its preparation, flowers of chamomile, lavender, catfish leaves( catnip) and melissa are used( the amount of each component is 1 tablespoon).Herbs are mixed in enamel, glass or porcelain dishes and poured a glass of boiling water, and then insist for 30 minutes. Infusion is given to drink the baby the required amount of times, not limiting the duration of the intake.
  3. Valerian decoction of .The valerian root bought in the pharmacy is prepared following the recommendations on the package, after which they are used for rubbing into the baby's gums.
  4. Sage broth .The infusion is prepared by following the instructions on the package, after which the gums of the child are lubricated with a strained liquid. According to pediatricians and dentists, this procedure not only reduces discomfort, but also helps to strengthen the gums and future teeth.

Invalid activities of

To the list of categorically forbidden to eliminate the symptoms of teething remedies are drugs and solutions, which contain alcohol. Such infusions can not only be consumed inside, but also used for rubbing into the gums.

Also, acetylsalicylic acid( aspirin) and analgin are unacceptable for analgesia and lowering of temperature, which are extremely dangerous for a tiny organism.

Recommendations for parents from a pediatric dentist:

Baby and mouth care

To facilitate the condition of crumbs in the breaks between feeding, using teethers and gels, you can do manual massage, gently squeezing the gums where the teeth are outlined. To conduct such a massage can only be carefully washed hands. You can also use the fingertip.

With abundant drooling will help to cope with the constantly available soft towel at hand, which needs to soak the baby's skin, preventing the appearance of irritation.

Also, you should pay more attention to hygiene, excluding samples of baby food with a spoon of the baby and the licking of the nipple that is familiar to some parents, which not only does not disinfect the pacifier, but also saturates it with new bacteria.

Hygiene of the mouth of the baby

Care of the oral cavity of the baby should begin before the moment when it appears symptoms of teething.

From the first months of life, the tongue, the mucous membrane of the gums and cheeks should be cleaned regularly with a hygienically moistened napkin that is worn on a clean finger. Zubki, which only erupted, also need to be wiped, acting extremely carefully because of the risk of injury to the soft enamel.

Babies of the second year of life can be accustomed to a toothbrush, buying a special hygiene item with extra soft bristles. Cleaning is done without a paste, just moisturizing the brush.

And, of course, the most important element of care is the increased mother's attention, her tender hands, care and affection, which are especially needed for the crumbs, faced with such a serious and unpleasant problem as teething.

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