Everyone at least once in his life fell into a stupid situation, associated with sudden forgetfulness. Bad memory is a problem of modern society, which can appear at any age. The causes of memory disorders are many - this is the lack of oxygen saturation of the brain, and the propensity to bad habits, mental overload or underload, etc. So what should you do with bad memory to improve it?
The main factors contributing to memory impairment in young children are congenital mental retardation and acquired painful conditions,which are manifested in the weakening of various types of memory.
A very bad memory in a child can be a consequence of a mental illness, a trauma, a coma or poisoning, for example, alcohol or toxic. However, partial memory disorders are most often due to the complex influence of several factors, such as asthenic conditions( frequent ARVI), an unfavorable psychological climate in the family or in a children's group( kindergarten), and hypovitaminosis.
Some students complain of poor memory,etc.- Such violations may be related to: - Incorrect way of life and excessive load. In this case, it is necessary to observe the schoolboy, to note which occupations, except for studies, occupy most of his time( walks, games, additional sections and circles, watching TV, computer), whether he is resting at the same time. Children are tired no less than adults, and because of the daily overload and the abundance of information they can not fully rest and recover their strength during sleep. As a result, they become scattered, sluggish, they have reduced concentration of attention and, consequently, memory is broken.
- The disadvantage of vitamins and trace elements. For a good memory and well-being the child needs to fully eat and drink the required amount of liquid. In the schoolboy's menu must necessarily include:
- seafood at least 3 times a week - fish, squid, shrimp, sea kale, etc.;
- nuts 3-4 pieces per day;
- fruits and vegetables - very useful for the brain spinach, broccoli cabbage, avocado and tomatoes, bananas;
- berries - if possible, give the child black currant, cranberries and blueberries;
- cereals - oats, buckwheat, as well as cereals consisting of several cereals with the addition of sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, bran or nuts are the most useful for improving memory;
- glucose - honey is considered liquid gold for clarity of mind, during exams it is recommended to feed the brain with bitter chocolate, dried fruit;
- milk - 2 cups per day will improve brain function.
- Insufficient memory training. This reason can be eliminated by doing daily and talking with the schoolboy. It is necessary to ask the teenager about the affairs in the school, the circle of communication, without breaking his story, any phrase to listen to the end, and then ask questions. In addition, with bad memory, you should learn by heart small poems, interesting tongue twisters, proverbs, to use various games to develop memory and attention, for example, "what's missing," "what is missing in the picture," etc. It is also useful to develop and associative memory,for example, during a conversation, pay attention to the aroma, color, some individual details of objects, their description. Thanks to this, various images will be formed in the child's memory, and they are easier to remember. Visual thinking helps you learn the verse more quickly and better, or remember the text for retelling.
loading. ..
back to contents ^ In the elderly
- seafood at least 3 times a week - fish, squid, shrimp, sea kale, etc.;
- nuts 3-4 pieces per day;
- fruits and vegetables - very useful for the brain spinach, broccoli cabbage, avocado and tomatoes, bananas;
- berries - if possible, give the child black currant, cranberries and blueberries;
- cereals - oats, buckwheat, as well as cereals consisting of several cereals with the addition of sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, bran or nuts are the most useful for improving memory;
- glucose - honey is considered liquid gold for clarity of mind, during exams it is recommended to feed the brain with bitter chocolate, dried fruit;
- milk - 2 cups per day will improve brain function.
In people older than 65 years, almost all memory disorders are associated with worsening cerebral circulation due to age-related changes in the vessels, as well as disturbances in the normal metabolic process in nerve cells. Another reason for poor memory in an elderly person is the appearance of Alzheimer's disease( disorders in the cerebral cortex and deeper parts of the brain).
However, this process can take and heavy forms with a rapid loss of memory. In this case, you need to seek qualified medical help from a doctor for an appropriate treatment to avoid the development of senile dementia in the patient( disruption of the brain cells, which leads to irreversible processes in mental activity).
To improve memory or prevent its violation, experts recommend people in old age to do daily walking, running, cycling or swimming. Experiments on adult animals have shown that physical exertion is useful not only for the figure and heart, but also for improving mental function.
After delivery
Poor memory in women during pregnancy and after childbirth has many causes of psychoemotional and physiological nature. In addition, the hormone oxytocin, responsible for lactation in breast-feeding moms, adversely affects memory. The worldview of the women who give birth changes very quickly, and the brain does not have time to "digest" what is happening and blocks some segments. Also, memory impairment and decreasing attention are affected by postpartum depression, which is the cause of nervous tension, anxiety and negative thoughts.
To restore the memory of a woman should follow the simple rules:
- Properly eat, eat foods rich in mineral and energy substances, as well as vitamins.
- Finding time to relax. It's enough to devote only 2 hours a day to yourself - this will help reduce postpartum depression.
- Reduce to a minimum the work and communication that causes negative emotions.
- Rationally use your time and energy.
- As a last resort, it is possible to use notes on a mirror, a refrigerator, a computer, etc.
If you try to comply with all the above conditions, then a bad memory after childbirth will gradually improve and fully recover within 6-12 months.
to contents ^After anesthesia
An unequivocal answer to the question what caused such violations, doctors can not give. It is believed that in the deterioration of memory after anesthesia, sudden shifts in the delivery of oxygen to the brain matter. The risk of partial amnesia increases in elderly people, with a low level of intelligence, with repeated anesthesia, in the case of prolonged operation, and also with the development of respiratory and infectious complications after surgery.
to contents ^Additional causes of
It should be noted that a very bad memory in a person can develop and if there are the following factors:
- Unbalanced nutrition and malnutrition. In this case, the body lacks vitamin B12, which takes part in the accumulation of memories. To prevent memory impairment, it is recommended to take a special vitamin complex.
- Menopause. Poor memory in women can be observed with a decrease in the level of estrogen, characteristic of menopause. The solution to the problem will be hormone replacement therapy. Excess weight and high blood pressure. In such a state, the vessels contract, so that the brain does not receive enough blood.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland. The cause of poor memory and frequent stress can be hypothyroidism.
What to do
To improve memory, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:
- People with sedentary work need to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spine, neck and back.
- Do not focus on your bad memory. If a person has forgotten something, then we must try to distract ourselves, and the necessary information will emerge by itself.
- It is recommended to walk often, saturating the brain with oxygen.
- Before going to bed, analyze everything that happened during the day.
- Monitor your health, rest at every opportunity, do not load the brain with unnecessary information.
- Learn poems, poems, proverbs, etc. Do not overexert yourself and try to learn more than there is an opportunity - it is better to learn less, but better.
- Visual memory can be improved with a workout. It is necessary to put any object in front of you and carefully examine it within two minutes. Then remove and try to describe it in as much detail as possible, it is best to do this on paper. Then compare your results with the real object.
- For auditory memory, you need to perform the exercise "hearing aids".A person needs to remember how the sounds of the surrounding world sound, people's voices. Listen to audiobooks in one phrase and remember, and the next day add another line, then another, etc.
- Bad memory for numbers can be improved with the help of associations. For each figure, choose a visual association - it's easier to remember phone numbers or other information.
- In case of bad memory, it is necessary to try to sleep more, more often to go to the sun and eat a lot of apples. Scientists have proven their effectiveness with memory impairment.
To prevent overdose and side effects, medications from poor memory and to improve brain function of synthetic origin can be taken only as directed by a physician. The best medicines are:
- Aminolone is gamma-aminobutyric acid, which promotes the absorption of glucose( a source of energy for nerve cells).It improves thinking, memory, helps restore impaired functions after a stroke.
- Glycine is an amino acid that promotes the renewal of brain cells.
- Cortexin - improves brain function, memory and learning processes, increases resistance to stress and concentration.
- Pyracetam - has a positive effect on the metabolic processes of the brain, contributes to the consolidation of memory, significantly improves the learning process.
- Cerebrolysin is a nootropic drug designed to treat various forms of neurological and psychiatric pathology. With regular use of the drug, mood increases, processes of mental activity become active, memory improves.
In addition to synthetic drugs, medicines of natural origin can also improve memory, for example, infusion of flowers of clover, young pine buds, ginseng root or decoction of rowan bark. However, before using this or that remedy, it is necessary to consult the attending physician, since all medicines have their contraindications and side effects.
When I was at school, I had an excellent memory, I would even say photographic. In the university so-so, but recently I began to forget many things. And against this background, I just stopped trusting myself, because I understand that I can just forget something even after 5 minutes, after I was told. In fact, it's very scary. .. I drink Piracetam 2 tablets 3 times a day. It helps me, but I still have a lack of self-confidence.