Wax moth larva extract is a powerful natural immunostimulating drug with pronounced antibacterial and antiviral effect. This folk remedy increases the general resistance of the body to various diseases, including cancer. Wax moth treatment is widely used in pulmonology, cardiology, gynecology, endocrinology.
Bioflavonoids and lysine are contained in the extract and provide antiviral protection of the body. They are necessary for the restoration and growth of tissues, the formation of antibodies, enzymes and hormones. The reception of this folk remedy is indicated in the period of increased incidence of acute respiratory infections and during the flu epidemic.
In addition, it is recommended to take tinctures for people engaged in heavy mental or physical labor. This is due to the ability of the drug to increase the endurance of the body, the rate of muscle recovery after training, energy supply, hemoglobin synthesis, calcium absorption, muscle coordination and reduce the threshold of pain sensitivity. The extract has a moderate psychostimulating, energizing, stimulating and nootropic effect. Receiving the remedy improves memory, has a beneficial effect on the dynamic processes in the brain, mental activity, training.
Treatment of tuberculosis
Tincture of wax moth has a bactericidal action against the causative agent of tuberculosis - Koch's rods. Specific digestive enzymes contained in the wax moth extract, cleave focal changes in the affected tissues and prevent their further spread in the body.
The tincture contains irreplaceable natural components:
- leucine,
- alanine,
- valine,
- threonine,
- histidine,
- isoleucine,
- histidine.
They stimulate the growth and reproduction of healthy cells, increase the resistance of body tissues to tuberculosis infection and heal tubercular caverns in the lungs.
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis pathology can be treated with tincture of wax moth. This folk remedy is effective in the defeat of tuberculosis of the digestive organs, lymph nodes, joints, bones, skin, nervous system, urogenital organs, meninges.
The extract suppresses the drug resistance of mycobacteria to the main medicines. The effectiveness of antibacterial drugs increases after the course of taking tinctures, and the risk of side effects and allergic reactions decreases.
Tincture of wax moth larvae is effective against fungal lung lesions, which are complications of chemotherapy of tuberculosis. Aspartic acid contained in the extract, promotes the removal of residual products of chemicals and drugs from the body.
Cardiovascular pathology treatment
The main healing properties of wax moth larva extract are:
- cardioprotective,
- cardioprotective,
- hypotensive,
- anticoagulant,
- metabolic.
Wax moth tincture is prescribed for the treatment of angina pectoris, chronic coronary insufficiency, cardiosclerosis. This first reduces the frequency of attacks, dyspnea, and then they completely stop. In addition, the electrocardiogram indicators come back to normal.
Prolonged use of the extract by patients with myocardial infarction leads to the disappearance of signs of heart failure, arrhythmia, restoration of atrioventricular and intraventricular conduction.
The drug is taken for three months throughout the year.
The effectiveness of treatment is determined by the positive dynamics of cicatricial changes in the myocardium.
Wax moth tincture:
- reduces the amount of lactic acid in the heart,
- increases the glycogen content in the liver and heart,
- provides functional cardiac stability,
- promotes resorption of scar tissue,
- lowers arterial pressure,
- interferes with atherosclerosis development,
- has cardioprotective effect,
- strengthens heart rate,
- normalizes coronary microcirculation,
- prevents thrombus formation,
- is used to prevent vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Wax moth tincture is used for combined treatment of myocarditis, ischemic heart disease, thrombophlebitis.
Wax moth extract is an effective geriatric agent used to prevent and treat age-related changes in the heart and blood vessels.
Female and male diseases
The fire extract is used in obstetrics and gynecology for the treatment of toxicoses, gestosis, infertility, symptoms of menopause. It helps to restore the normal structure of the endometrium, normalize the psyche and sleep, increase the body's immune activity, prevent spontaneous miscarriages, and eliminate various manifestations of placental insufficiency.
The use of wax moths is to improve blood microcirculation in the pelvic area, namely in the uterus and placenta, stimulate metabolic processes, eliminate rheology of blood and increase hemoglobin levels.
Due to the content of linoleic, linolenic and palmitic acids, the extract has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect and is used to treat prostatic adenoma. It increases the mobility of spermatozoa, reduces the risk of male infertility.
The tincture contains the conditionally replaceable amino acid arginine, which is practically absent in the elderly or sick people. Arginine promotes the active activity of the glands, the secretion of testosterone, the achievement of an erection.
Wax moth tincture is used to treat diseases of the male sexual sphere, as well as to maintain potency in the elderly or those who have undergone the disease.
Rehabilitation period
Waxy moth larvae contain serine protease, which has a powerful lysis action, which prevents formation of scars and adhesions. Thanks to this, the reception of the extract is very useful to people who have undergone extensive inflammatory processes, suppuration and surgical interventions.
Wax moth tincture contains biologically active substances:
- acid peptides,
- nucleotides,
- nucleosides,
- amino acids,
- growth stimulation and tissue repair factors,
- calcium absorption factors, increased energy supply, enhanced hemoglobin synthesis.
External application of
Given the wide range of action of the fire, wax moth tincture is used to treat wounds, trophic ulcers, pressure sores, herpetic eruptions, furunculosis. External application of the drug is associated with its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, trophic and wound-healing effect. Wax moth extract is used externally as a separate solution or in combination with other preparations.
Take two teaspoons of extract and mix with 33% dimexide solution. Impregnate the sterile gauze napkin with this mixture and apply to the affected area, leave for two hours.
If the skin is sensitive, then for such a compress, a mixture diluted with warm water is used.
If signs of irritation appear on the skin, the bandage is removed and the preparation is rinsed off the skin with ordinary water. Contraindications to the external use of tincture wax moths are not found.