How to eat sweets without harm to the figure

It's hard to refuse sweets. Especially when there are a lot of temptations: ice cream, chocolate, cakes and a lot of other desserts. How to keep the figure, without denying yourself these pleasures?

The truth about sweet

It's amazing, but experiments show that many sweethearts recover much more slowly than others. Often they maintain a normal weight. In addition, sweet tooth are less prone to hypertension. But in order not to exceed the normal body weight, at least 15% of calories should enter the body with so-called slow carbohydrates, i.e.carbohydrates with a long period of assimilation.

The main reason for increasing weight from eating sweets is that they include a significant amount of fast carbohydrates, the cleavage and conversion of which into glucose is faster than the body can absorb. This amount of glucose, which leads to the consumption of fast carbohydrates, the body is not required, and it makes its reserves in the form of fat. In addition, many sweets contain a large amount of fat.

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How to eat sweets?

Observing the following rules, you can regularly allow yourself to eat sweet desserts without damaging your figure. Remember only that all these rules work with an important caveat: the consumption of sweets should not be excessive! If you even eat the most dietary and low-calorie sweets and cookies with kilograms, the appearance of excess fatty deposits is inevitable.

  1. Sweets eaten before noon or from 16 to 18 hours will only benefit, because it is during these hours that the amount of sugar in the blood drops, and for normal life it is necessary.
  2. Sweet consumption at night will disturb sleep and lead to the formation of excess kilograms.
  3. On weekdays, a person spends a lot of calories, which means that the risk of getting better from the sweet these days is less. From desserts it is better to choose low-calorie, low-sugar.
  4. Exclusion from the menu of carbonated beverages will reduce the consumption of sugar.
  5. Control the amount of sweetness in the menu: if you watch the weight, it's better not to get carried away.
  6. Try to consume sweets only when they are really needed by the body, not turning the use of sweets into a harmful habit.

Benefits from the sweet

Systematic physical exercises help to neutralize possible harm from sweet: after half an hour of training the body needs carbohydrates, as the percentage of glucose in the blood decreases. Therefore, having eaten a moderate amount of sweets in this period, you will not only not gain extra pounds, but also keep a good shape.

Sweets that will not affect the figure


This product successfully replaces sugar. It is added to tea, cereal, muesli. The use of honey does not lead to the appearance of cellulite and excess weight. A spoon of natural honey will suppress the desire to eat sweet. But the use of honey without restrictions is also irrational: you can hurt yourself.

Black chocolate

Bitter chocolate can be eaten without affecting the shape. Try to buy such chocolate, the amount of cocoa in which at least 70%.It reduces the risk of formation of dangerous tumors, is able to act as a preventive remedy for vascular and heart disease.


Although jujube and refers to high-calorie foods, but for the body it is harmless. Marmalade helps to remove toxins and toxins from the human body, reduces the percentage of cholesterol in the blood. Harmful fats in marmalade are not contained.


Proteins, so necessary for the body, are the basis of this product. In addition, the marshmallow, which does not contain additives( for example, chocolate), refers to products of low calorie content.

Oriental sweets

Basically, they consist of honey, nuts and dried fruits that can quickly quench the hunger and preserve a sense of satiety.

Ice cream

It is better to prefer varieties containing skimmed milk. Ice cream with chocolate or jam try not to buy. Harmless in terms of caloric content is considered fruit ice, and if this dessert is made from natural juices, it is even useful.

Jelly and pudding

These desserts include substances that have a positive effect on digestion, metabolic processes and cholesterol levels. Jelly and puddings do not belong to high-calorie foods. It should be remembered that the more in the composition of desserts of natural components, the less their harmful effect on the body.

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  • Mar 19, 2018
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