The gestational age is an important parameter, on the basis of which the growth and development of the fetus is analyzed, and the estimated date of delivery is calculated. The difference in figures can lead to bewilderment and confusion of both expectant mothers and doctors. Determine the duration of gestation is possible by different parameters: the results of ultrasound, the size of the uterus when vaginal examination, wiggling, but most often the main reference point is menstruation. What do you mean, if these numbers do not match, for example, the period for ultrasound is greater than for the monthly ones? When should the future mother worry? Can a doctor make a mistake and how to calculate correctly?
Contents of
Causes of differences in obstetric terms and monthly
- 1.1 Short or long menstrual cycle
- 1.2 Irregular monthly
- 1.3 Cycle failure
- 1.4 Lactation
- 1.5 Intrauterine interventions
- 1.6 With assistive techniques for conception
- 1.7 If there was a threat of interruption in the early term
- 1.8 Development of a large fetus
reasons for differences in obstetric terms and monthly
For a more thorough understanding is necessary to understand, based on what parameters you can specify the duration of pregnancy.
- The most meaningful guide is monthly, for which you need to know the first day of the beginning of the last bloody discharge. If a woman precisely remembers this date, then in all situations this parameter is given preference.
- The gestational age can be determined by ultrasound examination( ultrasound) of the fetus. During the entire period of gestation, the woman performs it at least three times. The most informative for setting the deadline is an ultrasound study in 11 - 13 weeks. The main measurable parameter is KTP( distance from the coccyx to the temples in the embryo).By its magnitude, the age in weeks is determined. Sometimes ultrasound is performed at a very short time, when the visualization of even the embryo itself is difficult, and only the fetal egg is determined. Sometimes, some "not sharpened" for midwifery machines can give a period from the moment of ovulation. In this situation, of course, the period for monthly and ultrasound is not the same. The difference will be on average 2 to 3 weeks. As a rule, obstetrician-gynecologists know such nuances of research, and take this into account when determining the number of weeks of pregnancy.
- An important parameter is the determination of the degree of uterine enlargement during a primary examination of a woman at a gynecologist. Experienced doctors can tell the time to within a few days. But with each month of pregnancy, the error in stating the period increases. The most informative study is from 7 to 16 weeks.
- Also the gestational age can be determined by the beginning of the fetal movements. On average, the beginning of movements the woman during the first pregnancy feels in 20 - 22 weeks, with the repeated - on 18 - 20. But the future baby starts to stir actively since the second month. Therefore very often women note that in 14 - 16 weeks they distinguish between the movement of their crumbs. That is why this study gives a very approximate and subjective result. In such situations, too, there may be a discrepancy in the gestational age.
It becomes clear that you have to take into account all the nuances and determine the number of weeks of gestation by all possible methods. With significant deviations, the average time is shown with an emphasis on the indicator for monthly or ultrasound. Why can there be differences? Consider the most popular situations when the numbers will vary.
Short or long menstrual cycle
Conception occurs during ovulation, usually on days 14 - 16.In women, whose cycle length is longer or shorter than the standard 28 days, the egg yield from the ovary shifts. Ovulation can occur at the beginning( even on 3 - 5 days of critical days) or on the eve of menstruation. Accordingly, the lack of regularity leads to the fact that the gestational age by the size of the fetus( this is determined by ultrasound) may not correspond to similar figures for monthly. But, as a rule, such a breakdown is no more than 2 - 3 weeks and can be traced throughout the pregnancy.
Irregular monthly
Often the term for ultrasound is less than monthly, if the cycle for a woman is very irregular, and the gap between critical days is more than 35 days. This happens with PCOS( syndrome of polycystic ovaries), endocrine diseases, with pathology of the pituitary and hypothalamus, etc. If pregnancy is planned, then the girl can purposefully "catch" ovulation, what to do in this situation is not so simple. The most convenient way is to plot the basal temperature graph, in addition to which you can use tests to determine the yield of the egg from the ovary. If the doctor knows the approximate date of ovulation, then to compare all the terms and deduce the most accurate will be easier.
Cycle failure
Pregnancy is also possible against the background of a menstrual cycle. This can be either a single failure caused by external factors, or induced, for example, against the background of taking hormonal contraceptives. Girls using emergency contraception, such as Postinor or Escapel, believe that unprotected sex immediately after taking the pills will not lead to pregnancy. In fact, these hormonal drugs prevent only that possible conception that could happen within 48 to 72 hours before taking the remedy.
A cycle failure can occur against a background of stress and psycho-emotional experiences, as well as an increase in body weight. If conception occurs just for such a period, then there may be differences in the established terms.
During breastfeeding, especially during the first year, the egg release process may not correspond to the cycle of the menstrual cycle. As a result, calculating the period for monthly, a big mistake in terms is possible, sometimes up to 3 - 4 weeks.
Intrauterine interventions
Any manipulation accompanied by penetration into the uterine cavity may cause a disorder in the menstrual cycle. Also after them, for a month or two, irregular spotting spots are often observed, which the woman can falsely take as monthly. This may be after diagnostic curettage, hysteroscopy, abortion( including medication), etc.
When using ancillary techniques for conception of
Often one has to resort to stimulating ovulation in a woman, creating an artificial hormonal background in order for conception to occur. In such cases, there may also be a difference between ultrasound and monthly. Especially if IVF( in vitro fertilization) was used. In such situations, it is difficult for women to figure out on their own in terms of timing, since first they take eggs that are fertilized outside the body by a woman. And only after this, on the 21st day of the cycle, embryos are replenished. As a rule, the difference in terms of ultrasound and monthly will be the same for all studies, for example, in two or three weeks.
If there was a threat of interruption in the early term
Early pregnancy can be accompanied by various types of bloody discharge that a woman can take for a month. In fact, these are the first symptoms of the threat of interruption. So it can last up to two to three months, during which the expected critical days will appear bloody smear or even moderate discharge. In such situations, a breakdown in the figures of the period between monthly and data obtained by other methods will be immediately interpreted correctly with careful collection of anamnesis.
Development of a large fetus
In the case of the development of a fetus in utero, a false impression is created that the pregnancy is ultrasound more than monthly. However, such a difference will be visible, starting from 20 - 22 weeks. Often only individual parameters of the baby outstrip, for example, the circumference of the abdomen or the length of the femur. At 11 - 13 weeks, the term of pregnancy by ultrasound should be consistent with the others.
Admissible difference
The determination of the term is important not only for determining the expected date of delivery( prd), but also for assessing the growth rate of the baby in utero. For example, the development gap of more than 4 to 6 weeks is an indication for emergency delivery at any time of gestation.
If the period for ultrasound exceeds the period for monthly, it has a more favorable prognosis than the reverse situation. In case of a backlog, you should make sure that the fetus does not suffer in utero, it has enough nutrients and oxygen, and the placenta functions in full.
How long should I focus on the birth of
? Both before doctors and before a woman, it often becomes a matter of how to determine pdr - by uzi or monthly. The approach is individual in every situation.
If the expectant mother clearly remembers the date of the last menstruation, her cycle is regular and there have not been any significant changes in lifestyle, the preference is given monthly.
In a situation where a woman hardly recalls the last critical days, or the cycle is irregular, the duration is more than 35 days, then it should be guided by the ultrasound of the fetus. And all the dates of its implementation are taken into account, compared, and only then the estimated date of birth is determined.
Why are weeks of pregnancy considered
Everyone knows that the duration of pregnancy is nine months. However, this is a very average figure. For more careful observation of the woman "in position", the control of the growth and development of the fetus uses terms in weeks and days. So, term pregnancy is considered to be from 37 to 42 weeks of gestation, which is from 259 to 294 days. A child born in this interval has fully adapted organ systems to live in the Earth's atmosphere( of course, if the baby does not have an innate pathology or infection).
Here's why you need to know the exact period of pregnancy:
- In time to identify the pathology in the rate of maturation of the baby and conduct the necessary treatment. Sometimes this is even premature delivery, when the continuation of finding a baby in utero has a high risk for his life.
- To systematize the clinical examination of pregnant women and the timing of registration. As a result, possible complications are assessed, measures are taken to prevent them.
- Knowing the period of pregnancy, you can set a deadline for the expected date of birth. Overpowing can adversely affect the health of the baby, in which case the induction of labor can be performed.
Is the period determined on ultrasound
During pregnancy, ultrasound is performed several times. Which time period is more accurate? To take into service first of all follows the results of ultrasound obtained from 11 to 13 weeks inclusive. It is during this period that the dimensions of the crumb are such that it is possible to accurately determine the reference points for measurement( usually KTP - the distance from the coccyx to the tip of the parietal bone on the head of the embryo), which can be displayed simultaneously.
At a small date, the parameters are approximate, since often only the fetal egg is visible or the structure of the future baby is not clearly distinguishable.
After 16 to 18 weeks, only the individual parts of the fruit can be displayed on the monitor - the head, the handle, the leg or the tummy. There is a measurement of these structures and an approximate gestational age is determined from the summary tables. The longer the period, the less indicative the figures, since another mother has a thin skin in her stomach, while others have plump cheeks and legs.
Definition of the gestational age is an important diagnostic and prognostic value for the successful management of a woman during the bearing of a child and preparing her for childbirth. That's why every girl should strictly keep the menstrual calendar and celebrate all important health events there. This is a great help to doctors, help in solving emerging problems. Of course, it does not matter whether they gave birth on ultrasound or monthly, most importantly, that mom and baby are healthy and their lives are not threatened. And this can be achieved only through coherent work between doctors and women.