Features of menstruation while taking birth control pills 126

The majority of contraceptives are contraceptive hormones. They cause an imbalance in the body, disrupting the normal physiological activity of the genital organs. Monthly with this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy are controlled by synthetic hormones.

First, there may be a violation of the cycle, a change in the duration of bleeding, their strength. If the contraceptive is selected correctly, then after adaptation( the first three months) there should be no changes in the cycle. Monthly when taking oral contraceptives should tune in and go "by the hour" - strictly after 28 days.

Contents of

  • 1 How does contraception work?
  • 2 Daily and emergency contraception
  • 3 Menstruation for hormonal prevention
  • 4 Postinor
  • 5 Yarina and Janine

How does contraception work?

The contraceptive works in two ways: the effect is directed to preventing ovulation( blocking or delay) and changing the conditions for implantation. In this way, the maximum effectiveness of protection is achieved.

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It is important to know that not all women can use hormonal medications without fear for health. There are a number of contraindications in which the use of oral contraceptives is prohibited. These are diseases associated with increased blood coagulability and disturbances in the functioning of the body's output systems( patient with liver and kidneys).Women who have these diseases should use local means of sexual intercourse protection( condoms, ointments, caps).

Daily and emergency contraception

The less a synthetic hormone is contained in a contraceptive, the better for a woman's body. Significant hormonal failure leads to violations of the menstrual cycle, weight changes, loss of sexual desire. Therefore, it is better to use low-dose hormonal drugs( for example, Zhanin, Yarina).They are consumed on schedule, for three weeks, with a one-week break.

Emergency contraception is designed for rapid exposure. Therefore, it introduces a significant hormonal imbalance in the body. An example may be Postinor. The frequency of its use is limited to a period of 1 month( not frequenting one time during one menstrual cycle).The age of a woman is not less than 16 years. This potent drug should be used only in emergency cases, as it causes considerable disruption in the activity of the female body.

Menstruation with hormonal protection

  • In the first three months, the body adapts to the hormone drug. The function of the ovaries is restrained, they produce less estrogen. After the start of taking scheduled contraceptives( daily tablets), women periodically get mucus discharge. The process of periodic appearance of blood smears lasts from 3 to 6 months.
  • Menstruation with hormonal protection should go after 21 days or the end of the tablets in the blister pack. If the spotting persistently appears earlier, this indicates an insufficient level of estrogen in the preparation and an insufficient effect of suppressing the natural formation of estrogen by the ovaries. To guarantee contraception, the drug must be replaced with a stronger one.
  • Other malfunctions are possible, for example, when there is no monthly period after the contraceptive. This is due to the fact that the hormonal function of the ovaries is too suppressed.
  • It is also possible that during this method of protection, menstruation started. The phenomenon is called breakthrough( profuse) bleeding. Such a situation may appear against the background of taking OK because of their hormonal imbalance.
  • If a woman stops using OK, the cycle is set up within a few months. Often after birth control, there are no menstruation, and this is considered normal within six months.
  • There are several popular means among hormonal contraception. Let us consider the features of their application.


Postinor is used as an "ambulance" for an unplanned sexual intercourse, unless other means of preventing pregnancy have been applied. The effect of the drug manifests itself in two ways. It suppresses ovulation( important for the first half of the woman's monthly cycle) and this prevents fertilization. Also causes changes in the layer of the endometrium( the mucous membrane of the uterus), making it impossible to implant the egg. This effect is important for the second half of the female cycle, when ovulation has already, as a rule, taken place.

The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the time it is used. The maximum is achieved in the case of the use of two tablets immediately after sexual intercourse and another - after 12 hours. If the interval between sexual intercourse and taking the contraceptive did not exceed 1 hour, then the effectiveness reaches 95%.When using emergency protection after three days, protection is reduced to 58%.

Monthly after postinor may change due to severe hormonal failure. Delay is possible for several days( up to 7 days).There may also be a change in the amount of secretions( a decrease or increase in menstrual bleeding in comparison with the usual monthly discharge).

Because the effectiveness of the contraceptive is not 100%, then with the delay of the monthly it is necessary to consider the possibility of pregnancy. If there is no period after postinor, the test is negative, then contraception worked and shifted the monthly bleeding for several days. If after postinor have gone monthly in time - cause for concern is no more( pregnancy is excluded).

Yarina and Zhanin

Yarina is a combined oral hormonal contraceptive. The active substance of the drug slows down ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus. The side effect of the combined contraceptive is a decrease in the number of days in menstruation, a decrease or complete disappearance of pain during monthly bleeding.

When combined contraceptives are protected, menstrual attacks occur during a seven-day break between two packs. Thus, it is possible to regulate the time of onset of menstrual bleeding, if necessary, push it away. To do this, continue to drink tablets without a seven-day break, increasing the cycle of taking the drug for several days. However, if significantly lengthen the time, then there may be abundant breakthrough bleeding.

After a period of adaptation, using the monthly contraceptive Yarin, "no monthly" - is becoming rare.

In general, the effectiveness of Yarina's action is estimated at 99%( high index), but decreases with antibiotic treatment, gastrointestinal diseases, and missed pills. Therefore, the occurrence of pregnancy with Yarin is possible. If there are no monthly ones during the cycle on Yarin, then it is necessary to do the test.

Jeannine is a drug similar to that of Yarin. It also prevents ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus. The frequent consequence of Zhannina's choice is very meager monthly. It is possible that the monthly after Zhanin will be absent from time to time. If the reception of the drug was not disturbed, antibiotics for treatment were not applied, you can be sure that the pregnancy has not occurred, even if there are no monthly ones.

Before using the medication, it is always necessary to consult a physician specialist.

  • Mar 19, 2018
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