The menstrual cycle in a woman is one of the serious problems of modern gynecology. There are a large number of drugs that can help the patient in this case. One of the most popular drugs is "Dufaston".Instructions for use when delaying the monthly is very relevant for many girls. Usually, the absence of menstruation for 2 - 3 days should not cause serious concern in the fair sex. Nervous and physical overstrain, an elementary cold and other factors can cause a cycle failure. However, if such disorders become chronic, or if the delay is more than 10 days, appropriate hormonal therapy is required. In this case, to help a woman comes dyufaston to call monthly.
Contents of
- 1 Principle of action of Dufaston on the female body
- 2 When dyufaston is prescribed
- 3 Routes of administration and the main application regimens of
- 4 Duphaston and monthly
- 4.1 Brief recommendations for taking the drug to stimulate menstruation
- 5 Contraindications and side effects of this hormone
- 6 Price of the drug
Principle of action of Dufastonon the female body
This drug is inherently a synthetic substitute for the female sex hormone progesterone, whichtakes an active part in ovulation. Unlike most similar drugs, this hormonal agent does not have an estrogenic effect and does not potentiate the effect of corticosteroids on the reproductive function of a woman.
There is almost no surge of metabolic processes in the female body with the reception of dyufastone, there is no increase in body temperature, which positively affects the determination of the ovulatory moiety by measuring the basal temperature.
The main feature of this medication is that it practically does not increase the growth of the endometrium of the uterine cavity and does not participate in the transition of a fertilized egg.
When dyufaston is prescribed
In most cases, women start to drink dyufaston to get the menstrual period. This is the applied effect of this drug. In gynecological practice, a specific drug is used with two main purposes:
- Hormonal therapy after various operations on the uterus. It is often enough to carry out an amputation of an organ together with appendages, in this case the preparation will help a woman adapt to a new hormonal state.
- In the presence of severe estrogen deficiency in the blood of a woman. This pathology is often manifested by violations of the menstrual cycle, the interruption of the desired pregnancy, dysmenorrhoea, etc. Duphaston in the absence of menstruation is the drug of choice regardless of the underlying cause of the disorder cycle.
Routes of administration and the main application regimens of
If, in the absence of menstruation, you have prescribed dufastone, you need to know that this drug is only taken orally. Due to its composition, it is easily absorbed from the digestive tract and within 90 minutes interacts with blood plasma proteins.
This medicine is excreted in the urine after 3 days after administration. Even if a woman has kidney problems, no cases of accumulation or overdose of dyufastone have been noted.
The drug should not be taken immediately and in large doses. To drink dyufaston to cause menstruation, it is necessary in several receptions, the intervals between the use of the medicine should be the same.
In the appointment of treatment, doses are usually not associated with the body weight or age of the patient, but are selected individually. Much depends on the course of the menstrual cycle in a woman in the usual state, the presence of concomitant gynecological or hormonal pathology.
In any case, independent treatment with hormonal drugs can cause various complications, so before taking any medication you need to consult a doctor.
DUFASTON and monthly
Many women are interested in the question of how dufaston affects menstruation. The drug, being a synthetic progesterone, performs the function of this hormone. Quite often there are situations when under the influence of external factors or somatic problems, the blood level in the patient's blood drops. This usually leads to a malfunction of the entire reproductive system, especially the menstrual cycle.
Progesterone is the trigger of ovulation and menstrual bleeding. Its shortage is compensated quite easily. Many women note that without djufaston do not come monthly. The subtlety of this situation is that progesterone actively starts to work in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
It is known that this hormone is responsible for the preparation in the uterus of the place where the egg should attach. It also stimulates the withdrawal of the female body of the endometrium, if the process of conception has not occurred. Duphaston performs the functions of progesterone, but this drug can not completely replace the natural organic hormone.
"She drank dyufaston, but did not come in month" - such reproaches are often heard by female counselors. A synthetic substance can cause a malfunction of the menstrual cycle due to its heterogeneity with the body of a woman.
"When Dufaston was taken monthly, they started earlier" - this scenario is also possible. A woman should understand that synthetic hormonal drugs are not a panacea.
Quite often in the life of any patient there is a situation where even despite taking this medication, a month's bleeding has not occurred. Since a woman often does not follow her cycle regularly, she has a fair question: "Can dyufastone cause a delay in menstruation?" As noted above, this drug only copies the action of progesterone and is responsible for the success of the second phase of the ovulatory cycle. Using it to stimulate the monthly can not cause a back reaction due to chemical and physiological properties.
Quite often after taking this substance, the delay of the monthly develops into pregnancy. In this case, the reception of dufaston can be stopped, but it is possible, but only after consultation with the attending physician, to continue. This medicine is not capable of causing spontaneous abortion, does not threaten the course of pregnancy and even favors the bearing of a child with the level of progesterone in the body of a woman.
Brief recommendations on taking the drug to stimulate menstruation
If a woman is interested in the question of how to take dyufaston with a delay in menstruation, it is advisable not to waste her time on social networking, and seek advice from a gynecologist. Only a specialist can calculate an acceptable dose of the drug, while it is based on examination and analysis of the patient, and does not guess "on the coffee grounds."
To stimulate menstruation, djufastons begin to take in the second half of the menstrual cycle from 12 to 15 days. If the question arose, after how many days do the monthly come, we can satisfy this curiosity. Usually in 80% of cases, menstruation begins on the 4th - 5th day after the first intake of the drug.
The course of treatment of female hormone deficiency can last up to 7 - 9 months. But if you drink dyufaston continuously, the level of progesterone in the blood of a woman ceases to recover independently. Therefore, the course of treatment for such a pathology does not exceed 2 - 3 months.
If the patient's condition has stabilized, and the menstrual cycle has returned to normal, drug use can not be stopped immediately. Dosage is reduced gradually, with a sharp cancellation, long delays in menstrual bleeding or excessive bleeding are possible. If you do not cancel dyufaston, then the hormone level of the woman will come back to normal, she will need only maintenance therapy in the future.
The treatment regimen prescribed by a specialist depends on the patient's condition, hormonal background and the frequency of the doctor's visit. Usually dyufaston with a delay of menstruation for more than 8 days gives the patient 10 days. Strong bleeding from the uterine cavity at the end or middle of the cycle is also well suited for therapy with this drug. The maximum period of application for a similar pathology is 5 days.
A synthetic progesterone substitute is widely used in obstetrics and gynecology to prevent miscarriages with a desired pregnancy. Usually it is prescribed up to 5 months of gestation and is subsequently replaced by more complex and effective drugs.
Contraindications and side effects of this hormonal agent
Any drug may interact ambiguously with the human body, and the drug in question is no exception. Often many women complain that the dysthyton has a stomach ache with menstruation. A certain percentage of patients reported neurological disorders, such as dizziness or headache.
From dyufastone, ample monthly can be about 10% of its use. This is due to the ambiguous effect of the drug on the uterine mucosa and its epithelium. Most experts believe that this medicine does not affect the growth of the uterine epithelial layer, however, different variants are possible.
Not infrequently, the following statements are heard in the women's consultation: "Saw the djufaston, it hurts the breast with monthly every time".This symptom is also a consequence of the growth of progesterone in the woman's blood. This hormone affects the functioning of the milk ducts, and their excessive activity can cause painful sensations.
In addition, dufastone causes fluid retention in the body tissues. Mammary glands before menstruation and so increase in size, and the effect of the drug increases swelling of the mammary glands. A flush of fluid strengthens the tension and can lead to a painful symptom.
It is impossible to exclude and various allergic reactions at reception of this preparation. Some patients noted nausea, a rise in body temperature, rashes on different parts of the skin. If there is such a symptomatology, duleston should be discontinued and consult your doctor for help.
We recommend reading an article about the appointment of Dufaston in polycystic ovaries. From it you will learn about the effect of the drug, its effectiveness in such a disease as polycystosis, the replacement of Dufaston with the drug Utrozhestan, as well as the appointment of ancillary drugs.
Price of the drug
Currently, the drugstore chain presents the drug "Dufaston" produced by the Netherlands. The price ranges from 250 to 400 hryvnia, depending on the size of the package. Dosage of capsules is the same everywhere - 10 mg.
It should be noted that in most Russian pharmacies this drug is much cheaper. On pharmacy shelves, you can meet "Dyufaston" Dutch company "Abbott Biolodgikal" of the same packaging for 450 - 500 rubles for one package of 20 capsules.
Treatment of all menstrual problems with this drug seems to be quite profitable and affordable for most gynecological and female clinic patients. If a woman carefully follows all the recommendations of her doctor, will not engage in self-medication, many hormonal diseases of the female sexual sphere can be defeated quickly and with minimal costs.