Menstruation is an individual process for every female body, it depends on the age, the diseases, the hormonal background and many external factors. And yet sometimes the allocations that are in place of the monthly ones are so beat off from the rules common to all that can lead to a panic state. Although in fact, this does not always indicate a disease. Strange menstruation can be absolutely normal in specific circumstances and do not require medical intervention. But to be sure of this, it is worth considering all the possible cases.
- 1 Pink discharge
- 2 Dark discharge: norm and pathology
- 2.1 1. Brown discharge
- 2.2 2. Black discharge
- 3 Scarlet color of menstruation
- 4 Orange color of monthly
- 5 Light menstrual discharge
- 6 Thick monthly
- 7 Conclusion
Pink discharge
May be caused by a numberharmless reasons, not requiring treatment, or to testify about the pathological process in the female organs. Normally, instead of monthly pink discharge is observed with
- Pregnancy. To the usual mucus, produced by the cervix, blood is mixed, caused by the attachment of the fetal egg to the organ wall. Implantation bleeding is modest and short-lived, so do not be scared. If pregnancy leaves no doubt, and pink discharge continues, it means a threat of miscarriage;
- Taking hormonal birth control pills or installing an intrauterine device. Both have an effect on the hormonal background, which causes just this coloration of secretions. If there are no more symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. Pain in the lower abdomen in combination with monthly pink color eloquently hints at the need to change the method of protection;
- Diseases of the thyroid gland. They also provoke a "leaping" hormonal background, which causes a change in the color of the menstrual flow to pink or brownish. To confirm this particular reason, it is worth to be examined by an endocrinologist.
Sometimes not everything is so harmless, and pink discharge instead of monthly ones are consequences:
- Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. The symptom is accompanied by abdominal pain, burning or itching of the genital tract, an unpleasant odor and general weakness;
- Inflammations of the reproductive organs, for example, endometriosis. The presence of morbidity, as well as excretions between menstruation, testify to this reason;
- Neoplasms that have arisen on the ovaries and uterus. These can be fibroids, cervical erosion, fibroids. The ovarian cyst is also capable of causing pink discharge. In such cases, additional signs of diseases appear in the form of aching pain, bleeding after sex during erosion.
Dark discharge: norm and pathology
Dark blood is especially troubling in women with menstruation. There is a reason for this, since its color is normally red, and such a sharp change leads to thoughts of any serious violations, neglected diseases. This, of course, is not always the case, but it certainly requires attention to oneself.
1. Brown allocation
It's not worth worrying about the young girls in the cycle, and women before menopause. Brown discharge in place of menstruation in these circumstances does not pose a health hazard. This is due to changes in the hormonal background. They can also color the discharge brown at the initial stage of pregnancy during the period of engraftment of the fetal egg. But prolonged for more than 7 days menstruation, dark discharge should make a woman urgently go to the doctor to avoid miscarriage. A normal brown color is also acceptable for
- Established increased blood clotting. It lasts longer in the genital tract, where it has time to oxidise and darken;
- Stresses associated with acclimatization and psychological causes. They inevitably affect the hormonal background, and hence the composition and shade of blood;
- Admission of hormonal contraceptives. Their constituents, getting into the blood, change its color;
- Recent births, abortions, gynecological operations. This stress for the body, including hormonal. But the monthly dark and dense evidence of an infection that requires immediate treatment. Normally they are meager and short;
Among the pathological causes of brown secretions are known:
- Ectopic pregnancy. A woman can not yet feel the pain from the embryo growing in the fallopian tube, and a brown smear is already observed;
- Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs( endometriosis, adenomyosis, erosion).They also give a pain syndrome, sometimes a fever;
- Malignant tumors of reproductive organs.
2. Black extracts
Monthly black colors can be uniform or with clots. For the second variant, the cause is the abnormal structure of the uterus, its narrow neck, which prevents the normal discharge of menstrual blood. It lingers in the cavity of the organ, folding and acquiring a black color from time to time, condensing in the same flakes. Monthly dark colors, why they arise, can not disturb nursing moms, if they have no other alarming symptoms. The changing concentration of hormones in the blood can cause the black color of their meager and irregular menstruation. The reasons that force a woman to be treated are:
- Ovarian inflammation. The disease manifests itself and pain in the lower abdomen on the right and left, increased fever;
- Sexually Transmitted Infections. Allocations acquire not only black color, but also an unpleasant smell, cause irritation of mucous membranes, itching, an increase in temperature;
- Malignant neoplasms of the genital organs. Black blood with menstruation may at first be the only sign;
- The infection after surgery. There is also likely to be a pain and a fever;
- Depression. It is able not only to change the color of menstrual flow, but also to knock down the cycle. This is due to an abnormal increase in the number of hormones and a decrease in the number of others.
Scarlet color of menstruation
It would seem that scarlet blood with menstruation should not cause bewilderment, because this is its natural shade. This is not always the case. In the process of rejection of the endometrium, the blood is oxidized and curdled, so the menstrual flow becomes deeper. Typical are monthly dark red, brownish. Scarlet it should be only in the first days of menstruation, while the discharge is fresh. This is due to the content of iron in the blood.
Monthly brightly scarlet color may be a bleeding bleeding, capable of killing a woman, if she is not helped in time. Here the consistency of the discharge is of great importance. With menstruation, they are thicker, the smell is normally specific, but not obnoxious, there are few clots. Bleeding is characterized by liquid secretions, practically odorless, the gasket gets wet too quickly. He has the following symptoms:
- Decline of forces. A woman constantly wants to lie down, there is no appetite, coordination of movements is disturbed, dizziness arises;
- Pale skin. This is especially noticeable on the face and hands;
- Chills. This symptom is caused by a lack of tissue nutrition.
Monthly bright red colors can be caused by a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. Repeating this for several cycles means either this problem or the presence of other diseases of the hematopoietic organs. Gynecological indisposition, causing a change in the color of the monthly to scarlet or bright red:
- Inflammation of the pelvic organs or chronic infections;
- Oncological diseases of the reproductive sphere at the initial stage;Ectopic pregnancy.
The monthly red color with its intensive shade also goes:
- In adolescent girls in the period of hormonal formation, that is, the first two years of menstruation. They have nothing to worry about, if there are no other negative symptoms;
- In women before menopause. They need to be especially careful, since such a sign can signal gynecological problems, even the development of a tumor. But sometimes it is an innocuous feature of the body;
- In preterm patients using an intrauterine device or hormonal oral contraceptives;
- In women with poor blood coagulability. Allocations have a more liquid consistency, they are quickly removed to the outside, not having enough time to oxidize and get a darker color.
Bright red marks can emerge from the vagina when it is injured immediately before the menstrual period. But something must precede this, for example, too active syringing, rough sexual intercourse with insufficient amount of lubricant.
Orange color of monthly
The monthly orange color in young women is caused by a lack of hormones in the blood. In this case, the main content of excreta is the particles of the endometrium and mucus, which should normally not be. The reason for this - metabolic disorders or high blood pressure. You need treatment not only to the gynecologist, but also to the cardiologist, as well as a blood test.
Unsuccessful scraping or an intrauterine device is also capable of coloring the monthly discharge in orange. Damage to the upper layer of the endometrium makes them lighter than before.
One of the variants of the orange norm in menstrual blood is considered in women undergoing objective hormonal changes, that is, at the beginning of cyclic changes in the body of adolescent girls and on the approach to the climacteric period. At this time, the pale, monthly orange color is also characterized by scarcity. Intensive menstruation even in this period of life should be the reason for contacting a specialist.
Light menstrual discharge
It is believed that the concept of "light monthly" does not exist. After all, menstrual discharge is the cells of the upper layer of the uterus lining the endometrium, which has a lot of red blood cells. But they are supplemented by mucus produced by the reproductive organs, which has light shades. And if it prevails in the monthly discharge, it is almost always a testament to the unhappiness of the genitourinary system, among which:
- Infections and inflammations. For example, candidiasis produces a cheesy mass that irritates the mucous and therefore causes itching of the genitals. Because of it, there may be a violation of the cycle, then a woman can take these excretions for menstruation, which they are not. Yellow menstruation with putrefactive smell occur with venereal diseases;
- Hormonal disorders. In such a case, the culprits can be not only the hormones that produce the ovaries, but the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland;
- Cervical erosion or other inflammation. One of the symptoms is a watery period or with white clots. They will not be so throughout the entire period, but in its early days, the active release of watery mucus can cause legitimate anxiety;
- Exacerbation of a viral infection unrelated to the reproductive system can trigger the appearance of whitish discharge in the expected periods of the month. If at the same time the cycle is broken, the woman is sure that she has had critical days;
- Endometritis and endocervicitis in chronic form mean pathological changes in cells that form the basis of menstrual flow. In the first case, they grow into the muscles of the uterus, affect the lymph vessels. Therefore, monthly liquid is observed as water, especially at the beginning and end of the process. On the lining they look like dirty spots;
- Chronic stress can cause a delay in menstruation, together with transparent whites in large quantities, which can be taken as the start of a new cycle. At the same time, he almost always stumbles, so accepting them for regular blood separation is not surprising.
Thick monthly
They deserve special mention, as they may be the result of many dangerous diseases:
- Endometriosis. Allocations become much more , painful;
- Hormonal abnormalities caused by abortion. If the upper layer of cells is removed, which must be renewed and come out with menstruation, it can threaten infertility;
- Polyposis of the endometrium. Critical days begin with the appearance of thick whites, the total number of excretions also increases throughout the period;
- Ectopic pregnancy. Allocations are impermanent, smearing;
- Benign neoplasms of the ovaries or uterus. This is especially typical at pre-menopausal age;
- Blood clotting disorders. It is fraught with inflammatory diseases due to the long blood supply in the genital tract. In this case, the monthly thick and, as a rule, dark color;
- Infectious diseases. Complement and other signs( pain and temperature);
- Avitaminosis or a tight diet. The density of secretions is increased due to metabolic disturbances;
- Chronic stress load or nerve diseases affecting the central nervous system.
Under all circumstances, it is necessary to constantly monitor the secretions that are in place of the monthly excretions or mistaken for them. Variants of the norm are menstruation of red, scarlet, pink and other colors mentioned here. After all, it depends on the composition of the blood, which at different times of the woman's existence is not the same. Those who are characterized by light discharge, should alert their sudden unexplained darkening and vice versa. It is also necessary to take into account the consistency of the monthly, other accompanying signs and sensations. Determine independently, whether there is a danger in them, is difficult. It is easy to be mistaken, thus giving rise to a possible disease. Let the specialist decide whether the color of the discharge is normal for a particular patient or signals a hazard. Regular examinations at the gynecologist - pledge of female health.