Hematogen was tried by everyone, but does everyone know the true value of this sweetness. Modern manufacturers produce it with various additives, which complements and multiplies useful properties. It is made from elements of the blood of young calves, it is thoroughly cleaned and saturated with flavor additives - molasses and others. Today, the hematogen fits the category of dietary supplements, replenishing the stores of iron in the body. Are there any contraindications to its use? How will hematogen help with menstruation?
- 1 What is the hematogen
- 2 Product use
- 3 Harm from taking
- 4 Contraindications
- 5 Rules for taking
- 6 Effect on menstruation
What is hematogen
To produce this product, more precisely, something similar to today's treat, began in the 19th century. And, as now, they prepared it from the blood of young bulls. Already then it was known that this way you can help a person improve their health and raise their level of health.
In order to give a sweet taste and a special flavor, honey, molasses, nuts, condensed milk and even coconut shavings are added to the main substance, as well as other "goodies".Elements of blood "hide" in a product called "albumin" - this is the main blood protein, which binds hemoglobin.
However, the composition of the product is not limited to all known iron. The main components can be represented as follows:
- proteins and amino acids, which include both substitutable and irreplaceable( they are not synthesized independently in the body);
- carbohydrates are those components that are added to the hematogen: honey, condensed milk, etc.;
- fats, also mainly from additives;
- vitamins A and C, as well as other groups, if the hematogen is additionally enriched;
- microelements in the form of iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, chlorine.
Look at the video about the hematogen:
The benefits of the product
Several bars a day can make up for the daily needs of proteins, iron and some other substances even for the adult human body.
This product has the following properties:
- Helps increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, thereby preventing and even treating anemia in women. Particularly useful is hematogen during menstruation, since the lost iron with menstrual secretions will immediately be restored.
- Also the product is able to strengthen the immune system, especially the varieties supplemented with other vitamins and beneficial substances.
- Albumin increases the osmotic pressure of the blood, which leads to a decrease in the expression of edema due to fluid retention, as well as with lymphostasis. Also albumin is a transport protein for many biologically active substances, hormones, and the like.
- Thanks to the contents of vitamins A, C, E and others, the hematogen maintains the normal state of all mucous membranes, and they are the first on the path of infection. Therefore, the product is useful to take during an increase in seasonal incidence of acute respiratory-viral infections, as well as simply with an individual decrease in immunity.
Therefore, hematogen is recommended for use in the following conditions:
- Iron deficiency anemia of any degree of severity. Even with severe it is useful in complex therapy.
- Asthenic condition that can occur after childbirth, long-term illness, during active physical training, mental stress, etc.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially when hidden bleeding is not excluded. In this case, the hematogen will help restore iron stores.
- Hypovitaminosis, especially A. At the same time, twilight vision is disturbed, and the skin becomes dry, quickly aging.
- For children with a preventive purpose, mainly in winter and spring.
Harm from taking
Basically, the hematogen, used in the recommended dose, will not cause harm and unnecessary anxiety to a woman. But it is necessary to take into account some points:
- It has a high enough caloric value, which must be taken into account in excess weight or strict control over body weight. In one bar contains 250 - 350 kcal( depending on the additives and weight), and this is about 1/6 of the daily ration.
- Despite the fact that the hematogen is thoroughly cleansed, there are still episodes of allergic reactions to it. And also nuts, honey and other substances are included in the category of high risk for people prone to hypersensitivity. On food.
- Because of the high content of light carbohydrates( sugars), hematogen should be taken with caution to people with diabetes mellitus of any type.
- Theory, it is possible to overdose the body with iron. In this case, it will be deposited in the vessels, worsening the course of atherosclerosis. Therefore, special attention should be given to the amount of hematogen used in women in menopause, with kidney pathology.
- If there are a lot of bars per day, digestible carbohydrates will actively decompose in the intestine with microflora, which will lead to swelling, abdominal pain, loosening of the stool and some other uncomfortable sensations.
Due to the properties described above, the hematogen has limitations on the use.
You should not take a hematogen on your own in the following cases:
- For obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome.
- If anemia is caused not by iron deficiency, but by other conditions. In this case, a constant excess intake of iron can have a negative effect on the body.
- With varicose veins, thrombophlebitis in history. Increasing the level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, the hematogen thus can provoke the formation of blood clots.
- During pregnancy, the intake of this dietary supplements is allowed, but it should be borne in mind that it has a high calorie content, increases the level of sugar in the blood, which is not always desirable during the gestation of the baby.
Rules for the admission of
The hematogen can be taken, but necessarily including daily calorie, daily or given your own other preferences.
Bars are produced in different mass by 10, 20 and 50 g. The following scheme is recommended for adult women: 5-15 g 2-3 times a day for 14-21 days. It is better to have a hematogen between meals, washed down with sour juice or tea. With milk and other products, worsening the absorption of iron, it is better not to use hematogen.
Influence on menstruation
The instructions to the hematogen do not spell out its unequivocal effect on the woman's menstrual cycle on the .But based on the composition, we can assume the following:
- The product is especially useful for women with profuse monthly, as they often suffer from anemia. The hematogen will make up for the monthly loss.
- Increasing blood clotting, regular intake of this supplements will help reduce blood loss during critical days. But in emergency situations, its use is meaningless, only for a long-term perspective.
Hematogen to accelerate the monthly, normalize the cycle can be taken as a vitamin supplement to the main treatment.
We recommend reading the article about the diet during menstruation. From it you will learn about the features of the appetite and taste in a woman with menstruation, recommendations on the use of certain foods, the effect of diet on menstruation.
Hematogen is a delicious and all-favorite bar. Prepared from the blood of young bulls, this product is able to effectively replenish iron stores in the body of a woman. Also useful is the hematogen, enriched with various vitamin supplements, which only increases its value.