The liver takes part in most of the chemical reactions taking place in the body: it is a kind of filter, but it also produces the necessary substances. Naturally, all healthy or pathological changes, in particular in the reproductive sphere, respond to the organ. This connects the menstruation and the liver in such a way that, if there are problems in this process, it can remind oneself.
Liver in the functioning of the reproductive system
Everyone is used to think that the liver, as part of digestion, depends only on nutrition, moderate consumption of alcohol and drugs. These are important factors in her health, but not the only ones.
The connection of the liver to the reproductive system is that the organ is involved in the metabolism of hormones. And these substances and in the work of the reproductive system have the first role. And their excess or deficiency not only leads to abnormalities in the functioning of the reproductive organs, but also the liver is forced to work hard. Synthesis of cholesterol, which is necessary for the production of sex hormones, determines the status of the ovaries.
For these reasons, normally occurring monthly and diseased liver can not be combined. As well as problems with the cycle caused by hormonal disorders, often affect its condition. Obviously, it becomes during menstruation, when the reproductive organs are at the stage of renewal.
Before menstruation
To remind about its existence in case of reproductive problems, the liver can still be on premenstrual days. Hormonal restructuring of the body begins already at this stage, its center - the rivalry between estrogens and progesterone.
For the liver, the first substance is of particular importance. The organ is involved in the processing of estrogen, turning it into estradiol. And if the liver is hurting before the monthly, it is at least a hormonal malfunction with an excess of the amount of this substance. After all, in this case, the body will have to work more actively.
A single minor disorder should not cause a similar reaction in the premenstrual period. If it is seen, the failure has already taken a systemic character, it is necessary to find out its cause and treat it. There are also signs of PMS that can make the liver painful before menstruation:
- Meteorism. Hormonal restructuring enhances the effect on the intestines. Its walls begin to decrease more actively, which is facilitated by errors in nutrition. Usually, before the menses, you want a sweet, and sugar increases the formation of gas. Air bubbles create tension in many areas of the intestine. Monthly on the approach, and the liver, suffering from the pressure of the neighboring organ, worries no less than the sensation in the abdomen and lower back;
- Liquid retention. The slowing down of water metabolism is caused by the composition of hormones. Normally, puffiness is noticeable, but it does not cause much anxiety. With gynecological diseases, mainly associated with the uterine appendages, the internal organs increase in size, increase the load, as a result of which pain appears in the right hypochondrium region. It can be perceived as a malfunction with the liver, although in fact its source is the ovaries, fallopian tubes.
When menstruating
Problems with the liver during menstruation can be caused by the susceptibility of its tissues to an increased amount of estrogens. Hormonal imbalance provokes several circumstances:
- Eating fatty foods in large quantities. This meat, butter, nuts, in a word, everything that contributes to the excessive production of estrogen. The liver also participates in lipid metabolism. All consumed fats pass through it. Therefore, at a stage when the volume of estrogens should be minimal, its increase leads to the fact that a woman's liver is enlarged during menstruation;
- Incorrectly selected contraception. Hormonal drugs that do not fit a particular woman can cause ovarian failure. Getting into the blood, the active substance of the drug does not bypass the liver, which is involved in its purification.
We recommend reading the article about pain in the heart during menstruation. You will learn about the causes of premenstrual pain, about reducing and increasing blood pressure in critical days.
A hormonal disorder that causes recall during menstruation of the location of the organ due to discomfort in it is not always caused by accidental malfunction, malnutrition or medication. That the liver hurts at monthly, can testify about gynecological diseases:
- Kistah and tumors of ovaries;
- Polycystic;
- Endometriosis;
- Neoplasms in the mammary glands.
All of them support estrogen at a high level, regardless of the phase of the cycle, which normally does not happen. If the cause of discomfort in the area of the right hypochondrium is one of them, you need to pay attention to menstrual flow. They will surely go for a long time and abundantly, alternate with bleeding on other days, accompanied by soreness in the mammary glands.
Enlargement of the liver and spleen during menstruation may be a sign:
- Problems with hematopoietic organs. When menstruating the body loses some of the biological fluid, but it also works to reproduce it. If there are problems in the process, they can respond primarily to workers engaged in the production and purification of blood organs;
- Venereal disease. Bacteria that cause these infections produce and fill the body with toxins from which the liver suffers. And since the menstrual period is characterized by an exacerbation of the ailments of the genital area, it is not surprising that the most unpleasant symptoms manifest themselves more clearly.
In some cases, to help the liver, a visit to the gynecologist, endocrinologist and hormone therapy is required. On the other hand, malaise can help to identify a disease that the woman did not suspect.