Motivation: how to motivate yourself?

  1. Always and under all circumstances, drive away negative thoughts from yourself!

    Keep in mind - all thoughts are material!

    And if you long think about the bad and imagine it in all colors - it's bad with you and happen!

  2. Give yourself a promise that you will wake up early - regardless of the weekend!

    The best motivation for is motivation that starts in the morning!

    Believe me, if you wake up early - you will have enough time to do everything!

    Even if you are not in a hurry and you do not have important and urgent business, wake up early early - spend this time on yourself, on your development, read several pages of useful and developing books, for example, Brian Tracy "Habits of Millions of Dollars."

    It's not for nothing that they say: "Whoever gets up early, God gives it!"

  3. Motivation of to win!
    Always, every day, every minute, strive for victory, become more goal-oriented!

    Every person always has a choice: to win or lose in this or that situation.

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    When you just wake up, without getting up, give yourself a setup for the whole day:

    "Today I will be better than yesterday! Today is the most wonderful day! Today my small victories are waiting for me! »

    Believe me, now throughout the day, you will be full of positive and resourceful energy, strong and confident in yourself and in your actions.

    And no one, under any circumstances, can prevent you from doing this and violate your plans!

  4. Motivation of for a positive and good mood!

    Try to see only good and positive moments in any situation!

    Remember, people are drawn to positive people, to optimists, and not to aching pessimists!

    Many now can throw me a sauerkraut and say:

    "Well, if a person really had a serious and unpleasant situation in life, how then? How can I find positive aspects in this? »

    I will respond calmly to you:

    « Understand that all situations that happen to you are your experience! Valuable experience! If there were not these "unpleasant" situations - you would be a weak and spineless person, would be a loser! All these situations make you stronger, more goal-oriented! "

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  5. Motivation of to the rescue!

    Dear ones, never give up helping people who need it!

    When you help people, you do not just do a good deed, you get pleasant emotions at the same time, and for your diligence people respond to you with gratitude, which is important!

    When you improve the lives of others, you automatically improve and your life too!

    Always remember this!

  6. Your Motivation of to crumble from your own doubts!

    Many people, even regardless of their progress towards a better life, can not remain motivated for a long time because of their insecurities!

    They always repeat themselves to themselves and they think that they are doing something wrong, that they are on the wrong path!

    Know, confidence is a very important quality for any person, and without it - there will be no success in your life!

    Here is one with simple tips that raises your self-esteem in your eyes - always keep your word!

    It is the ability to keep your word, which you gave, for example to a friend, will teach you to keep the word you gave yourself!

    Later you will begin to trust yourself when you give yourself an installation for the "Beautiful Future".

    This will save your motivation!

  7. How to motivate yourself? Take away the alternatives!

    I think that for every person to get up at 5.00 in the morning - this is not an easy task, if there is a choice - to soak up in the bed or get up.

    But if, for example, at 5.05 am a barrel of ice water is poured out on you, you will stand up as a soldier, easier than ever, quickly and clearly 🙂

    Also, for example, if you promise your colleagues to get haircut for bald and eat their hair tucked under mayonnaisein the case of not achieving your goal - this is a great way and a good tool for motivating yourself!

  8. How to motivate yourself ?Let yourself feel the progress towards your goal!

    Understand, our body is a clever mechanism that protects our energy and strength!

    If as a result of your activity there is no progress and you do not even feel that this progress will be in the future - then your motivation becomes very difficult for you, it weakens, it will go against your natural principles - the law of conservation of energy,or, more simply, will lead to laziness!

    You know, you can go against anyone, but with nature it's better not to play like that, you have to cooperate with nature!

  9. How to motivate yourself ?Learn to measure your progress!

    We always have to prove our motivation, and also show proof that our business is going well, that every day it is gaining momentum!

    You must remember that you need to measure progress, not the process!

    For example, you read 30 pages from the useful book of George Clayson "The richest man in Babylon" - this will be a process!

    You answered the 30 questions that you were asked with the same 30 pages read - this will be progress!

  10. How to motivate yourself ?Always compete with yourself!

    There is a very good quote from Mikhail Baryshnikov:

    "I'm not trying to dance better than others. I'm only trying to dance better than myself. "

    You know, when you constantly compare yourself with others - it will soon lead you to demotivation!

    Even at a time when you with great enthusiasm and desire to start at full speed Your hard way to the cherished dream - a constant comparison of your success with the successes of other people - very quickly deprive you of energy, the desire to achieve your goal.

    Stop doing this! Stop it!

    Understand that you finally have that every person has everything individually life, work, relationship!

    They can not be compared!

    How to motivate your staff?

    When you compete with another person - it looks stupid, funny and meaningless, it's the same thing that a football player will compete with a cyclist!

    Know, the most important competitor, which you have to little by little win every day, become better and stronger - it's you!

    Strive to get by yourself every day!

Do you dream to improve and change your life, but do not know how to motivate for success?

Then this article is for you!

What is motivation?

Motivation of is an internal, emotional state that prompts a person to act! !!

So, how to motivate yourself to for success?

What do I need to do and what not to do?

I want to share with you some tricky methods that helped many people!

And to this day, they send me letters with thanks to the mail. .. nice, dammit!🙂

Remember, it is motivation is the most important element to achieving your success!

If you learn to motivate yourself every day, then Success will be felt in any business, and in everything!

Methods to help motivate yourself to success:

And in conclusion, specifically for you,

, I found a very motivating and vital video about the Charge motivation to succeed!

Be sure to watch it and your Motivation will say to you: "Thank you"!Understand, each of us - he creates his own world.

And that's how your world will be - it all depends on you!

The most important thing, my dear readers, is not to lose self-control over yourself.

Learn how to take all your strength into your fist and repeat yourself every time:

"I can do everything, I can do it, I will achieve it, it's just me!"

Our life is only in our hands. .. but will it be happy orno - it all depends on us.

  • Mar 19, 2018
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