Edema of the eyelids is a fairly common phenomenon and is characterized by an abnormal increase in fluid in the cellulose of the eyelids. People older than 30 years - the main age bracket, but in childhood this also happens sometimes.
In case of infrequent manifestations, such swelling of the eyelids does not provoke serious consequences, but it gives the wearer a state of discomfort.
Why the eyelids swell
The eyelid edema can happen for a reason. A similar symptom can speak of any serious violations, for example:
- 1. Why the
- eyelids swell 2. The eyelid edema of the child
- 3. How to treat the disease
- An allergic reaction that manifests itself with Quincke's edema. It is characterized by both rapid manifestation and rapid disappearance. Such swelling is well marked and rarely accompanied by discomfort. Provoke edema can various allergens: strawberries, citrus fruits, dairy products, fish, various plants. The upper eyelids usually swell.
- Systemic pathologies, such as diseases of the heart, kidneys, thyroid.
- Injuries;
- Incorrect day regimen, lack of sleep;
- Disturbance of lymphatic drainage;
- Fluidation of cerebrospinal fluid;
- Insect bites.
Also, eyelids can become swollen due to physiological characteristics: strong skin extensibility, abundant blood supply to the eyelids, too loose fiber structure in the subcutaneous fat zone. That's why the accumulation of liquid takes place there.
Edema of the eyelids can be inflammatory or may occur for other non-inflammatory reasons. With their inflammation, the skin of the eyelids blushes, the temperature rises, a painful sensation arises when pressing on the eyelid. It can be furunculosis, erysipelas, barley or dacryocystitis, palpation feels some condensation.
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In the news( here) a description of what to do when the lower eyelid swelled up.
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If the eyelids swell not because of any inflammation in them, the skin becomes pale and cold, and when palpation painful sensations do not. This is especially noticeable in the morning, both eyes swell with both eyes at once. In this case, the hands or feet swell, and ascites is observed.
Also, swelling in the eyelids can indicate a disease of the orbit and the eyelids themselves. The upper region of the eyelids can swell because of the present tumor of the eyelids, or rather squamous cell carcinoma.
Edema of the eyelid in a child
The main cause of edema in a child is a genetic predisposition. If the parent or close relatives had previously had this pathology, in most cases, it will manifest in the small child.
Lack of sleep and excessive intake of salt is another reason why the eyes can swell in the child. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that the child is in time to bed, to eat salty foods moderately.
Swelling eyelids in a child may indicate such pathologies:
- cardiovascular disease,
- liver and kidney disease;
- of vegetovascular dystonia;
- disorders of the urinary tract;
- low hemoglobin;
- metabolic disorders;
- high intracranial pressure and other diseases.
Very carefully you should treat the daily routine of the child and his lifestyle. As often as possible, you should walk in the fresh air, sit less at the computer or at the TV.If the symptoms do not go away by themselves, you should seek medical help. This will allow timely detection of a serious disease and proceed quickly to its treatment.
How to treat the disease
Treatment of eyelid edema is carried out depending on the cause that caused this pathology. And, first of all, the source of the disease is treated. Either it is a disease of the internal organs, an allergic reaction or infectious processes in the eyes. The formulation of an accurate diagnosis determines further steps in eliminating the edema of the eyelid.
The effect of treatment will be positive, if a person begins to observe his regime of the day, sleep enough for rest time, eat right and refrain from drinking alcohol. Also during the day, a number of cosmetic procedures are carried out.
If the eyelid edema is triggered by an allergy, the patient is prescribed desensitizing drugs. When infectious or inflammatory processes are prescribed various ointments or eye drops with an antibacterial component. In the case of dilated vessels, it is most expedient to take soothing or antibacterial drops, which contain substances that narrow the blood vessels.
In the treatment of the eyelids, there are various treatment procedures that are capable of carrying out active lymphatic drainage. The method of electrostimulation is a procedure in which stimulation of the subcutaneous lymph nodes with the help of thin electrodes by an electric current of low frequency occurs.
The procedure allows you to speed up the metabolism, normalize blood circulation, restore lymphatic exchange and physiological movement of cells.
There is also a number of effective methods used in modern beauty salons:
- microcurrent therapy;
- dermotonia;
- mesotherapy and others.
Cosmetic masks are very effective. They can be done at home or in a beauty salon.
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In the initial stage of the edema of the eyelids, the treatment is carried out with lymphatic drainage massage. They can not only be done by a specialist, but also carried out independently: the skin around the corners of the eyes is massaged with gentle and gentle pressure for two minutes.
Then fingertips are taped around the eyes. To achieve the desired result, you should conduct a course of such a massage in conjunction with the above methods.
Self-medication and folk remedies
Many patients begin treatment of eyelid puffiness on their own without resorting to medical care. This is an obvious mistake. After all, without revealing the real cause of the ailment, self-medication can only complicate the situation and aggravate the state of the human body. Many people begin to apply warm tissue to their eyes for relief, while others take antihistamines - all these measures can lead to negative complications.
There is also a so-called blepharohalasis - when a sagging crease forms under the skin and forms in the outer part of the upper eyelid. This trouble concerns mainly the elderly due to the weakened connective tissue of the upper eyelid. Eliminate such a defect is possible only through cosmetic surgery.
Only after visiting a doctor and determining the cause of the puffiness of the eyelids, it is possible to conduct home edema treatment in ways that are approved by the doctor. For example, after a dream, a cooling eye gel can be applied to the eyelids, which contains the plant components.
Ice masks made of plastic filled with a special gel can be used. Store the mask usually in the refrigerator. As soon as there are swelling on the eyelids, it is applied to the eyelids for several minutes.
Modern methods and examinations can help to get rid of edema on the eyelids, while retaining the beauty of the face and healthy skin. Therefore, do not neglect the visit to the doctor and with obvious symptoms seek help from him.