From the point of view of medicine, when the eyes darken and a strange sense of confusion comes, this is called a vertigo - a condition in which there is a loss of balance, perhaps a sense of rotation, headache, tinnitus. Sources of such conditions can be caused by factors from simple lack of glucose to serious neurological diseases.
What can be dizziness
Everyone has experienced such sensations as loss of coordination, nausea and dizziness, the causes of which may be the most unexpected. Often this condition occurs with starvation, nutritional deficiencies. Vertigo can appear after treatment with some medicines: you should not be afraid of hypertension or heart problems in such cases. If there is a coordination disorder, the nature of which you can not explain, then you need to contact the doctor.
Causes of dizziness in women
Some processes in the body can cause conditions such as dizziness and nausea: the causes in women of such a reaction of the body can be natural. Why do women often get dizzy? For example, a similar condition may occur during pregnancy or menstruation, because during the menstrual period, the female body can lose a large amount of blood, which leads to anemia, the appearance of a permanent vertigo, nausea in the morning, a feeling of unstable body position at an inclination. Often, syncope is accompanied by:
- drowsiness;
- weakness;
- nausea;
- ringing in the ears;
- vomiting;
- darkening in eyes.
Causes of vertigo in men
And here the stronger sex makes the head spin and with what states it is connected? Fatigue and dizziness may become the constant companions of life, the reasons for men appearing such symptoms are hard work, alcohol abuse, smoking. According to statistics, a strong part of humanity has a shorter life expectancy due to the listed factors. Permanent nicotine and alcoholic intoxication plus stresses - this is sometimes accompanied by terrible migraines, the appearance of a vertigo and indicates the presence of serious problems:
- clamping vessels of the cervical spine;
- increased or decreased pressure;
- heart disease;
- problems with cerebral vessels.
Persistent dizziness - causes of
Often, constant nausea and dizziness, the causes of which you can not figure out, are associated with violations in the vessels of the cervical spine. In young people, vertigo is often associated with vertebral-basilar insufficiency, which appears due to the transmission of arteries in the cervical spine. The compression is due to muscle spasm, the appearance of osteophytes, a disc herniation, vertebral dislocation. Also frequent vertego is the reason for addressing a neurologist, and this is due to the manifestation of:
- of vegetovascular dystonia;
- bradycardia;
- of migraine;
- elevated or low blood pressure.
Severe dizziness - causes of
Some people complain of sudden fainting due to physical activity or sudden movements. The causes of sudden dizziness are in the state of the autonomic nervous system. Such sudden states are affected by people who have problems with blood vessels and pressure drops. If you are faced with such a problem, be examined by a neurologist,it is possible to diagnose hypertension, hypotension or VSD.
Light dizziness - causes of
Interruptions in the vestibular apparatus may occur due to a variety of diseases. Causes of mild dizziness may be concealed even in acute respiratory viral infections or ordinary overwork. Why dizzy with colds and viral diseases? During diseases such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, otitis, the ear site is affected, which is responsible for the person's orientation in space. Light stagger and weakness can accompany a person for some time after the illness.
Severe dizziness - causes of
A frequent symptom of cardiovascular diseases is a lack of coordination during walking, a sharp rise. Why is my head dizzy all the time? Coordination is disrupted due to inadequate brain nutrition due to problems with blood vessels in case of pressure changes, heart failure, nervous disorders. Frequent disorders of coordination, which can be accompanied by nausea, pain in the back of the head and darkening in the eyes - the reason for going to the doctor for an adult and a child. Exactly the source of the coordination disorder can be ascertained only by the doctor, and he will prescribe the treatment after the research:
- clinical blood test;
- heart ultrasound;
- electroencephalogram( EEG);
- blood test for sugar
- MRI of the cervical spine;
- ECG.
Cause of dizziness at normal pressure
The vast majority of cases of vertigo are due to problems with pressure and vessels, but what is the cause of vertigo at normal pressure? A number of diseases can cause attacks of weakness, loss of consciousness and disorientation in space, sensations of body tilt when walking:
- osteochondrosis;
- after ear trauma, otitis media, concussion;
- neoplasms of the brain;
- taking certain medications;
- violation of the digestive tract, intoxication;
- Ménière's disease( polyhydramnios of the inner ear).