Any ailments require not only treatment, but also a certain lifestyle. A special relationship is required by the uterine myoma. The tumor is subject to outside influence. It can spur development or reduce the symptoms and dimensions of education. Given these features, for women with a diagnosis the question is urgent: can I play sports with myoma of the uterus?
The content of
- 1 The importance of physical activity in the
- 2 fibroid What to consider when choosing a load
- 3 What kinds of loads are useful for myoma
- 3.1 Sport on water
- 3.2 In the gym and on the street
- 3.3 Fitness
- 3.4 Exotics
The importance of physical activity in myomas
Incorrect cell division of myometrium is provoked by several factors, among others there is a way of life.
Myomas are formed against a background of hormonal imbalance, in which the concentration of estrogens is increased. You can return the volume of substances to the norm with the help of medications. But as soon as their reception is completed, the disorder returns, if drug therapy remains the only way to counter the violation. The tumor receives the former stimulus to development.
Physical stress in uterine myomas restores the balance of hormones, solving several tasks:
- Bringing muscles into tone. They play the role of a supporting corset, because myoma is a load that can cause organ displacement. With sufficient elasticity of the muscles, this probability decreases;
- Return to the rate of metabolic processes. Myoma and sport must be combined, as physical activity with a pulse rate of up to 100-110 beats per minute contributes to the equilibrium in the development and assimilation of carbohydrates, cholesterol, lipids. Excess of substances leads to an increase in the values of estrogen, the appearance of pathologies in the endocrine area and other diseases of the reproductive organs;
- Stabilization of the CNS.Hormonal disorder, periodic bleeding, painful menstruation does not contribute to optimism. And emotional problems worsen the somatic state. Physical activity in uterine myoma contributes to the development of endorphins, that is, to improve the emotional state;
- Weight reduction. Excess fatty tissue means additional intake of estrogen into the body, because its cells produce them themselves. The lack of excess weight relieves the tumor from the stimulus to growth.
Things to consider when choosing a load
Is it possible to go in for sports and when to do it with uterine myoma depends on:
- General health. It's worthwhile to postpone the exercise in the menstrual period or during a blood clotting. If there is anemia besides neoplasm, first it is necessary to solve this problem;
- Feels during class. If a woman feels pain, nausea, exercise should be stopped immediately and find out the cause of the ailment;
- Primordial physical condition. If the sport has entered into life only after the diagnosis, you can not take on a strong load;
- The size of the tumor. Sports with uterine myomas are excluded, if it has a large value. In this case, only walking is permissible, if the attending physician does not object. And to more serious physical activity you can start after the operation.
What kinds of loads are useful for myoma
Incorrectly selected physical exercises with myomas can and do hurt. Everything that causes increased blood supply to the pelvis is dangerous. This will increase the flow of oxygen in the tissue of the neoplasm, that is, it will spur growth.
Sport on the water
Whether it is possible to practice water sports with uterine myoma, there should be no doubt. Swimming has many advantages in neoplasm:
- Gives a uniform load on all muscles, among which the press and the lower back are of paramount importance;
- Helps to get rid of excess fat;
- Does not cause overheating of tissues, which is dangerous due to provocation of the growth of the nodes;
- Helps align the position of the internal organs.
The load when swimming should be strengthened gradually, avoid jumping into the water. It can be diluted with aqua aerobics, but without sudden movements.
In the gym and on the street
If the classes do not take place in the physiotherapy room, it is important to know for yourself what is possible and what to avoid:
- Yoga. These exercises for uterine myomas are useful in cases where they do not have a strong load on the abdominal press and the need for twisting. All the rest, especially, asanas for strengthening the hands, back, for training the breath, will be useful;
- Pilates. Here the same principle is effective as in yoga. You can not do exercises that cause a strong strain on the muscles of the press. We need only those that are aimed at stimulating the muscle tone, concentration and relaxation;
- Weightlifting. Strength gymnastics for uterine myoma is not needed, as it provokes bleeding and displacement of organs, increasing pressure on neighboring ones;
- Cycling. This load does not provoke an increase in blood flow in the small pelvis, does not cause danger of torsion of the tumor. But it provides an increase in heart rate, weight loss, trains breathing, improves oxygen supply to the brain, which is necessary to equalize the volume of hormones;
- Games. Almost all available from them require jumps, drops, sharp body movements. Therefore, it is better to refuse them;
- Running. Allowed, but with reservations. The pace should not be fast, and when there is pain in the abdomen, you should immediately go for walking.
It is more convenient for most women to be in the hall or provide themselves with a load without leaving home. Can I practice fitness with myoma of the uterus? This again depends on the choice of exercises. Prohibited sharp slopes, repeated vibrating movements of the belly, jumping, intense turns.
Many are interested in whether it is possible to pump the press with uterine myoma. After all, this is one of the favorite activities that can get rid of excess weight and look better. But in this case they can be dangerous. After a rush of blood to the abdominal wall, tension in this area increases the nutrition of the tumor, bleeding.
Another common question: is it possible to twist a hoop with a uterine myoma? This exercise is allowed if the sports equipment is light. Hoops with sand, other weighting agents activate blood circulation of the small pelvis, favoring not only the growth of nodes, but also traumatization.
What exercises can I do with myoma of the uterus:
- Standing straight, on inspiration, to move my hands up, stretch, stay in this position, lower it;
- Sitting, raise both feet, forming an obtuse angle with the body, a little "chat" with your feet in the air, lower it;
- Get up on all fours, alternately pulling, tearing off the right arm and left leg from the floor, then change them. Each time in this situation, you need to stay;
- Get down on your knees, slowly sit on your heels, gently bending your body to the floor and stretching your arms forward;
- Make a few push ups, keeping your back straight.
We recommend reading the article about pregnancy and childbirth with uterine myoma. You will learn the possibilities of conception in the presence of uterine fibroids, the effect of the disease on bearing, the characteristics of the generic process.
Many seem to be attractive breathing exercises that do not require seemingly exorbitant efforts and are effective for losing weight. But with the disease, they are not as harmless as someone thinks, as most doctors are sure of.
Another thing - exercises with myoma of the uterus by the method of Bubnovsky. Among them, there are specially designed for stabilization of the disease. They are based on the fact that stretching the muscles of the back, arms, legs with the help of simulators restores normal blood supply in the pelvic space without increasing oxygen supply to the tumor. With them pains caused by fibroids leave, there is a chance to reduce the nodes.
Physical culture will not become a panacea in getting rid of tumors. But without it, a full recovery is problematic.