Mountain ash

Ashberry ordinary

General information

Rowan among the fruit species occupies one of the first places for winter hardiness. Carries frosts to -50 ° С.The plant is unpretentious( it can be grown on plots at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level), high-yielding and simply beautiful, especially at a time when the brushes are ripe.


Rowan is not demanding for growing conditions, it grows in open shaded areas, it is frost-hardy, drought-resistant, almost undamaged by pests and diseases, well tolerated by transplantation. Cultivated varieties of mountain ash are self-fertile, requiring cross-pollination.

Composition of

Fruits are rich in carotene, vitamin P and especially vitamin C( in a glass of ashberry juice contains approximately its daily dose).Rowan berries also contain a wide variety of minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine. Sorbic acid, part of the rowan, has a strong bactericidal effect.


Propagate rowan with layers, root siblings and graft. Vaccination is the most practical and effective way of obtaining seedlings. Desired varieties of mountain ash are planted with cuttings on seedlings of any species of mountain ash.

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To improve the taste of the fruits of mountain ash ordinary. Michurin and his disciples crossed it with other species. Some inter-species and intergeneric hybrids proved to be very successful - Liqueur ( hybrid with chokeberry aronia), Ruby ( with pear), Pomegranate ( with hawthorn), Burka( with alpine rowan).Tested and well-proven varieties such as ashberry Businka, Nevezhinskaya, Sorbinka, Titan and Scarlet large.


Plant ashberries in the same way as the apple tree. The planting dates are spring and autumn. The distance between tall plants is 3-4 m, between weakly grown plants - 1.5-2 m. Care: timely removal of wild growth, fertilization, irrigation, loosening, mulching soil and fighting pests and diseases( fruits can be damaged by rowan moth caterpillars, leaves- a rowan aphid and a mountain ash of a mountain ash, mushroom - moniliosis, or fruit rot, and rust of mountain ash are often manifested from diseases. Against rowan moth and plant aphids one week after flowering can be treated with insecticides, against rowan mites during bud blossoming - colloidal sulfur( 100 g per 10 liters of water).In case of severe mite damage, repeat spraying with sulfuric preparation in autumn after harvesting. To destroy the causative agents of fungal diseases, one should spray the crown of ash with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.


The rowan culture is fairly close to the wild form, so it does not require special techniques for crown formation. For the care of the tree, the growing root shoots are constantly cut out, the shoots are removed and regular( every 3-4 years) sanitary pruning is performed, during which old, withered, broken, rubbing branches are cut out, clarifies the crown, improving the lighting regime byremoval of densely growing and directed into the crown of branches. Before the introduction of plants into fruiting, pruning is done to form a crown characterized by strength and small size. A tree with a low stem( from 20 to 50 cm in different varieties) is formed with 4-5 skeletal branches. In the period of fruiting, except for sanitary, perform a rejuvenating and growth-limiting pruning.


Fruits intended for the preparation of juice are harvested in low-lying areas at the end of August, and in higher locations - in mid-September. Especially delicious fruits after they take a frost. When you remove the fruit cut with brushes. Collected mountain ash with pedicels can be stored in a cool place at a temperature of no higher than 2 ° C until March.


From fruits of mountain ash, tinctures, liqueurs, compotes, pastille, jam, jams, marmalades, vinegar are prepared, there are recipes for making ashberry kvass. The fruits of sweet forms of mountain ash can be eaten fresh. In forms with bitterish fetuses, bitterness disappears after freezing. Dry fruits of mountain ash are a part of medicinal vitamin collections. Compote of mountain ash helps bile excretion, soaked berries are a good seasoning for game of game.

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