- "Green" pharmacy for hair
- Oily hair: how to deal with the problem?
- Hair loss: burdock root
- Flax seed: strengthening and fixing
Luxurious flowing hair is the dream of any beauty. However, many women do not know that it is not difficult to achieve this goal, and it is not necessary in most cases to apply to professional beauty salons for professional help. And not even widely advertised shampoos, masks and "light oils" will become a wand-zashchalochkoy.
"Green" drug store for hair
Broths of herbs for hair have long been recognized as a simple and effective home product for strengthening and restoring hair in such problems as:
- excessive dryness / fat content;
- damage, split ends;
- itching, sensitive scalp;
- seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff;
- hair loss.
As a matter of fact, the broth is a simple preparation, consisting of raw materials( dry or fresh grass, leaves, flowers, roots), steamed hot water and kept on low heat for a while. Cooling naturally, the broth takes a significant amount of medicinal properties of plants that were used for its preparation.
Ways of using herbal decoctions
Herbal decoctions of herbs for hair can be applied in various ways, depending on what problem to solve:
- The most sparing is rinsing - clean hair right afterwash the water with a prepared decoction, then dab with a towel. This method gives shine, softness and neutralizes the action of shampoo.
- Rubbing in the roots of hair is a more point effect, used for medicinal purposes. Such procedures should be regular - they successfully restore the structure of the hair. They are usually held, either a few hours before washing, or after it.
- Add as a component to lotions and masks based on natural oils and other herbal ingredients. The use of compresses and wraps is the most powerful method, "heavy artillery" among the means of escape. Prepared preparations based on herbal decoctions for the hair are designed to fight weakness, dryness, split ends.
For these purposes, decoctions of chamomile pharmacy, calendula, birch leaves, nettles, carrot leaves, cones of hops will do.
Warning: Some decoctions can be allergens for sensitive scalp, so before using any new remedy, first apply it to the elbow fold. After two or three hours, you should find out if there is irritation. In the absence of an allergic reaction, such a remedy can be safely applied.
Oily hair: how to deal with the problem?
Oily hair is a problem that has unpleasant side in terms of care, especially in hot years. Hair immediately become dirty, the scalp is poorly cleaned and practically "not breathing".Aesthetic moment also has not the last place - the hairstyle looks untidy.
There are special decoctions for oily hair. Herbs that are part of their composition, contribute to the normalization of oily scalp, cleanse the hair, make them silky, soft and shiny. The easiest way to prevent fat is the use of herbal decoctions for rinsing. For this, the following herbs are suitable:
- for blonde hair: chamomile, hops, mint, lemon balm, coltsfoot;
- for hair of rusty shades: calendula, yarrow, rosemary;
- for dark hair: oak bark, wormwood, sage, nettle, St. John's Wort, string;
Proven recipes
Broths from herbs for oily hair, used in compresses, remove excess sebum, normalize the balance of the scalp. Such compresses should be done up to three times a week after washing, the broth after the procedure is not rinsed, the hair should be dried without a hairdryer.
Tip: The broth can be cooked as one kind of raw material, and mixing several herbs in equal proportions. In a ready-made broth it is good to add a couple of drops of essential oil( for example, citrus, lavender), ginger powder.
will help. Here are some useful recipes:
- For 1 cup of boiling water take 1 tbsp.l.mint and lemon balm. Infuse 15 minutes.
- For 1 liter of boiling water take 1-2 tablespoons.wormwood, boil for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and add 1-2 leaves of laurel to the pan, cover with a lid and let stand for 30 minutes. Strain, cool the broth to a comfortable temperature. Rinse the broth with clean hair.
- For 0,5 l of boiling water take ½ tablespoon.grass nettle, St. John's wort, yarrow. Tear for 15-20 minutes under a lid on low heat.
Hair loss: burdock root
Burdock by the vast majority of beauties is perceived as a weed that occurs in the most neglected corners of the city, and in the moisture of the copses.
Despite the apparent simplicity, burdock has one unmatched dignity - it's its root, used in medicine and cosmetology. We do not urge him to dig up - prepared and tested raw materials are available in pharmacies. It is known that rinsing hair with a decoction prepared from this ordinary plant, is able to restore the hairdo volume, elasticity, shine and vitality.
Proven recipes
How to prepare a decoction of burdock for hair in order to preserve its natural strengthening properties? First, the root of the burdock should be crushed as best as possible, so that the maximum amount of useful components of the raw material( sold in the pharmacy) gets into the broth. Secondly, the broth should cool naturally, and before the procedure be fresh and warm, i.e.prepare at once.
Recipe: For 1 tbsp.dry raw materials - burdock roots - you need 1 cup of boiling water, then bring to a boil and simmer for about 8 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered and used for the intended purpose.
Application: Prepared broth of burdock root should be applied with a certain regularity for a month: rinse with warm decoction of hair or - much more effectively - rub in the roots of washed hair. The applied compound should not be washed off, it should remain on dried hair.
. In order to "awaken" the hair, to activate their growth, to strengthen the hair cuticles, to improve the scalp, the following recipe may be useful:
1 tbsp.root burdock pour a glass of boiling water, hold it on low heat for 20 minutes, then leave to boil until half the liquid is left( about 30-40 minutes).Cool, drain and strain this broth, add freshly squeezed onion juice in a 2: 1 ratio. The resulting elixir should be rubbed into the roots of the hair two to three times a week. Optimal to do this for an hour or two before washing your head in the evening, as the onion gives the product a characteristic smell. To achieve a good result, this course of treatment should be up to two months. Keep the miracle-drug better in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
Tip: It is important to use a slightly warm compound, since it will best affect the scalp.
Recipe for broth of burdock root with calendula for greasy hair from falling out :
1 part of burdock root powder, 2 parts of dried marigold flowers pour 1 l.water, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and allow to stand under the lid until it cools. Rub into the roots of hair after washing, do not rinse.
Nourishing decoction of burdock for dry hair:
2 tablespoonsRoots of burdock pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. Decoction cool, add 5 tablespoons.sea buckthorn oil. Such a healing balm should be applied to the hair from roots to tips an hour before washing them. The head should be warmed with a film and a towel to enhance the therapeutic effect. If the hair is very damaged( for example, after discoloration, rest on the sea, then you can leave this mask for the whole night, wash it off with a mild shampoo in the morning).Flax seed: strengthening and fixing
The healing properties of flax seed and its excellent effect on hair have been known since ancient times. Preparations based on it accelerate growth, nourish and strengthen curls, restore damaged tips, and the broth gives the hairdress a reliable fixation and shine.
Proven recipes
Recipe for decoction of flax seeds to activate hair growth:
It will take 2-4 tsp.seeds and hot water( for 1 tsp you need 200 ml of water).Drug to leave to languish on low heat for 1-2 minutes, then mix well and cool. A warm broth should be slightly thick, it can be pierced with a blender to get a gruel. The resulting mixture is abundantly applied to the roots of hair, distributing it along the entire length. Cover the head with a film, warm it with a towel. After two hours the mask needs to be washed off with running water, it is possible with a mild shampoo. It is recommended to use such a linen broth for hair up to three times a week.
Rinse-aid recipe from flax seeds:
3 tbsp.seeds and 3 liters of hot water. Seeds of flax should be insisted for 4-5 hours. Before the procedure you need to strain the broth, if desired, add a couple drops of coniferous or citrus essential oils. After washing this linen broth rinse clean damp hair. If there is a feeling of glue, then you can dilute it with a decoction of chamomile in equal parts.
Recipe for flax decoction for hair fixation:
It takes 1 tsp.flax seeds, which should be filled with 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 1 minute, leave for 2 more hours, mix and strain. On dry hair, you should apply a small amount of broth and style your hair as usual - with curlers, curling iron or ironing.
For other hair care products from flaxseed, see the following video: