A crack in the tongue is a serious pathology, which implies the development of disturbances in the functioning of human organs. This phenomenon can indicate the presence of a serious disease in the body.
Having found out in the language it is necessary to urgently seek medical help. A competent and effective treatment of the disease will prevent the development of various complications of a negative nature.
- Congenital cracks
- What causes the disease?
- Clinical picture of the disease
- Effective treatment
- Effective traditional medicine
- Possible complications
- Preventive measures
Congenital cracks
Quite often there are cases when such a pathology is observed in a person since his birth. In such situations it is appropriate to talk about congenital cracks. They can be located across the tongue, and also be longitudinal.
In medical terminology, this phenomenon is commonly called "folded tongue" or folded glossitis. This disease
requires urgent treatment, as it is expressed in a strong inflammatory process, which has a negative impact on the overall well-being of the patient.
With the diagnosis of folded glossitis all possible symptoms are clearly pronounced.
In this case, the formed cracks can be of a very different length and depth.
What causes the disease?
There are a lot of factors that provoke the formation of cracks. Most medical specialists divide the causes of cracks in the tongue into several varieties:
- of a local character( dental);
- general manifestations, which are directly interrelated with violations of the functioning of the internal organs of man;
- changes in metabolic processes;
- diagnosis of infectious diseases.
In addition, it is necessary to consider the following important reasons that cause the appearance of cracks:
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis).Inability to absorb all nutrients, resulting in severe damage to the mucous membranes.
- Diseases associated with changes in the structure and composition of the blood ( anemia and lack of various vitamin and mineral substances).Quite often, this symptomatology is manifested with liver disease.
- Incorrect functioning of the central nervous system of a person ( has a negative effect on the work of each internal organ).
And also:
- detection of worms;
- changes in the process of hormone production;
- vitamin deficiency;
- poorly conducted dental treatment;
- presence of an allergic reaction to used hygiene means behind the mouth;
- injury to the oral cavity( both at the time of dental treatment, and in the performance of various activities).
Clinical picture of the disease
Most often the patient observes the presence of depressions, which are localized in the tongue, and more specifically, its back. Also, cracks can affect the lateral side of the organ.
Such formations may have a different arrangement, size and depth.
There is a known case that confirmed the presence of a crack in a language whose depth reached 5 millimeters.
Self-inspection, at times, can not yield any results. Detect the presence of small cracks only by a qualified specialist who will use special tools for a thorough inspection.
Usually, defects that look like crevices are immediately noticed. Their danger to human health lies in the fact that at the time of eating, the food remains in the wound, which allows the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and microbes.
If a person does not follow the rules of hygiene behind the mouth, the appearance of such a cleft can lead to the formation of a strong inflammatory process.
Effective treatment
An effective and safe treatment for the diagnosis of cracks in the tongue can only be performed by a doctor after a thorough medical examination.
First of all, determine the cause, which provoked the development of such a pathology.
To quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, experts recommend the use of the following medications:
- Drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties( Titanum verde ).
- A drug that helps to repair epithelial tissue( Dalargin ).
- A remedy that strengthens tooth enamel( Calcium pantothenate ).
- Vitamins and fish oil( Omega-3 ).
- Biological stimulants( royal jelly Apilak ).
- Painkillers( Analgin and Novocaine ).
- Drugs aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels( Kurantil, Cavinton, nicotinic acid and Trenal ).
- Antihistamines( Suprastin, Tavegil and Diazolin ).
- Soothing preparations in the form of tincture of valerian and motherwort .
Effective traditional medicine
As an auxiliary treatment you can use the methods of traditional medicine. With combined therapy, they have a positive effect and contribute to the early healing of cracks.
You can achieve the desired effect using the following recipes:
- Decoction based on oak bark .After it has cooled and is infused, several honey spoons are added to it. This solution is then used to rinse the oral cavity( 4 to 6 times per day).
- Promotes the rapid healing of compresses from the curd with the addition of a small amount of home-made sour cream( it's best to apply to a sore spot from the very morning and keep it until you eat).
- To remove inflammation and quickly heal cracks, seeds of plantain will help. They will need to be attached to a sick language for a few minutes. After that, they are recommended to be swallowed and warmed with warm water.
- For rinsing it is possible to prepare curative decoction for which you need nettles, ayr and sage .
- The connective tissue honey is regenerated. If the patient is not allergic, then honey will need to cover the entire tongue and keep as long as possible.
- pine needles are fast promoting pine needles. They need to be ripped from the tree and rinsed thoroughly. Then it is necessary to thoroughly chew for several minutes. After this method, cracks will not appear for a very long time.
- Decoction based on the drug daisy is suitable for daily rinsing( 3-5 times per day).It perfectly removes the inflammation and soreness of the tongue.
In addition to medical and folk treatment, it is important to observe proper nutrition, which should consist of eating fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fiber.
Possible complications of
Cracks in the language most often do not pose a serious threat to the well-being of a person, but it is important to get rid of their manifestation in a timely manner.
Very rarely the disease is fraught with the following complications:
- due to the fact that the tongue is swelling, the permeability of the respiratory system is impaired;
- becomes hard, swallow and even breathe;
- violates the ability to speak normally;
- development of concomitant diseases of the oral cavity.
Preventive measures
Cracks can appear for various reasons, however, in order to prevent their appearance, a number of simple rules must be followed, namely:
- daily oral hygiene;
- timely dental treatment( regular visits to the dentist);
- does not need to drink too hot water and eat spicy food;
- categorically prohibits smoking;
- compliance with the drinking regime;
- food should consist only of healthy and healthy foods;
- reception of vitamins of different groups and spectrum of action.
Cracks in the language are not normal. However, quite often they develop because of negligence towards their health.
Timely treatment and maintenance of the oral cavity greatly reduces the risk of defect development. If the disease has made itself felt, it is very important to seek qualified medical help.
Only under the supervision of a physician the treatment of the disease will pass quickly and painlessly.