How can I restore the enamel on my teeth?

Enamel - protective outer shell of the tooth, which protects them from a variety of irritants and damages. However, under the influence of certain factors, the enamel gradually thinens, increasing the likelihood of caries, tooth decay and other diseases. To prevent this, you need to know how to restore tooth enamel at home and what services dental clinics provide.

  • Why does
  • deteriorate In
  • dentistry At home
  • pastes
  • Gels
  • folk remedies Why

    spoils The most common factors that can lead to erasure, thinning, enamel damage are:

    • Hereditary predisposition.
    • Physiological state of the body( for example, some diseases of the internal organs often lead to damage to the enamel).
    • Insufficient amount of fluoride in the toothpaste. Anatomical features of the structure of the teeth and jaws.
    • Increased toothbrush stiffness.
    • Composition and amount of saliva.

    • Excess consumption of citrus fruits and freshly squeezed juices from them( especially oranges and lemons).
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    In addition, enamel can deteriorate due to poor ecology, poor-quality food and bad habits.

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    In the dentistry of

    In case of damage to the enamel, you should contact the dentist who will offer a number of procedures aimed at restoring the external dental shell, as well as strengthening it. These procedures include:

    • Implantation of tooth enamel. This process helps to restore the dental membrane at the molecular level. The procedure provides enhanced protection of the teeth, which are prone to increased sensitivity. This method can fix the shape of the teeth and wrong bite, as well as give the enamel a white color.
    • Fluorination. Thanks to the procedure, the resistance of the enamel to the negative effects of acids and other substances found in fruits, citrus, sweet carbonated drinks increases, and the number of bacteria in the oral cavity decreases. Fluorination is carried out in two ways. In the first, fluorine-containing varnishes are applied to the surface of the teeth, which effectively protect the enamel from the negative influence of stimuli. The second method involves wearing applicators on the teeth at night or in your free time, filled with a medicinal composition, to ensure the restoration of the enamel.
    • Installation of veneers( thin porcelain plates).This method is used only when the stage of destruction of tooth enamel is started, or if its yellowing is observed.
    • Restoration of tooth enamel with filling materials. The procedure not only restores the damaged or destroyed part of the tooth, but also effectively hides the cracks in the enamel.
    • Remineralization. To the surface of the tooth are applied therapeutic substances with a high content of calcium, fluoride and other minerals useful for enamel. Penetration of these substances is a slow process, the enamel is uniformly saturated with minerals and strengthened.

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    At home

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    Paste The composition of therapeutic pastes contains higher concentrations of active components than in conventional ones. Such funds are prescribed as preventive measures, as well as for the treatment of the initial caries, which is a small white petiolespeck on the surface of the teeth.

    Melotic spots are the areas of demineralization of enamel, that is, in these places the outer shell of the tooth has lost a large number of microelements. The healing components, which are necessary for the restoration of affected areas of the enamel and its strengthening, are calcium and fluorine compounds.

    The most effective toothpaste for the restoration of enamel are:

    • "President Unique", "Splat Biocalcium" - therapeutic toothpaste with calcium, restoring damaged enamel and eliminating small cracks in it. Also, these drugs slow down the formation of plaque and help neutralize the acidic environment in the oral cavity.
    • «Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Enamel Restoration» - tooth paste with calcium, which has a mineralizing effect. The remedy is indicated for people with an initial stage of caries and increased sensitivity of the teeth. It is recommended to apply once a week.
    • "President Classic", "Natural Extrakte", "Silka Herbal Complete" and "El-ce med Total Care" are toothpastes containing sodium fluoride. They protect against caries and promote the remineralization of a weakened tooth enamel. All pastes of this group are suitable for long-term and regular use. El-ce med Total Care, in addition to a high concentration of sodium fluoride, also contains a therapeutic complex( vitamins E and C, allantoin, zinc chloride), which promotes rejuvenation of the oral mucosa. The mucous membrane with age is thinned and becomes dry, and these components interfere with its aging and increase local immunity.
    • «Colgate Elmeks - protection against caries», «Splat Arcticium», «Splat Siberry / Siberian berries» - fluorine-containing pastes with aminofluoride, which restore and strengthen tooth enamel, and also splits and removes pigmented plaque. Means suitable for long-term use.
    • "Lacalut Fluor", "Lacalut Activ", "Lacalut Duo", "Lacalut Alpin", "Lacalut Sensitive" - ​​toothpastes with aminofluoride containing antiseptic( chlorhexidine), and substances that reduce bleeding gums( aluminum lactate).Pastes contribute to the restoration of tooth enamel, but they can not be used for more than 30 days, since these components reduce gingival inflammation, but do not eliminate the very cause of inflammation, which subsequently leads to a chronic course of the disease and asymptomatic progression. In addition, prolonged use of funds with antiseptics causes dysbacteriosis and candidiasis of the oral cavity.
    • «Lacalut Extra Sensitive», «Colgate Elmeks - Sensitive Plus» - pastes with aminofluoride for sensitive teeth. The funds are designed to restore affected areas of enamel and reduce the sensitivity of teeth. However, if a person has no problems with tooth sensitivity, the components contained in the paste( potassium chloride, potassium nitrate, strontium chloride) can adversely affect health, as they mask the signs of the initial caries, which threatens untimely treatment of the patient in the dental clinic.
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    At home with a minor lesion of enamel, you can also use therapeutic gels.

    The most common are:

    • "Lacalut Fluor Gel" - remineralizing gel with fluoride for the restoration of enamel. It not only strengthens the enamel, but also provides prevention of caries, and also significantly improves the appearance of the teeth.
    • Elmex Gelee is a dental gel that restores tooth enamel and helps to strengthen hard dental tissues. Enriches the upper shell of teeth with fluoride. It can be used from the age of 7 to prevent caries and to combat the increased sensitivity of teeth. To achieve the desired effect, the agent is sufficient to apply once a week.
    • «R.O.C.S.Medical Minerals »- Enriches tooth enamel with calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Can be used daily after each tooth brushing. Gel reduces the sensitivity of teeth, increases their resistance to tooth decay, restores the natural shine and color of the enamel.
    Read also about how at home you can remove tartar, which often becomes the cause of destruction of tooth enamel
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    Folk remedies

    If notthe opportunity to visit the dentist, and the state of the enamel deteriorated noticeably, then you can use folk remedies. To achieve a positive result is possible only at the initial stage of shell destruction, and the process will take quite a long time.

    The effective ways to restore the tooth covering include:

    • Treatment of the tooth surface with pulp of lemon peel( white).This method refers to one of the most radical, so it must be used with caution and in emergency situations. With frequent use, citric acid can have a negative effect on both the gums and teeth.
    • Application of gruel made of activated carbon.2 times a week instead of the usual paste is recommended to use powdered tablets of activated charcoal, diluted with water to the consistency of gruel.
    • Rinse with sea salt or baking soda. The course of 7-14 days before bedtime, rinse the mouth with a solution of baking soda or sea salt. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of the selected product in a glass of warm water.
    • For the restoration of enamel it is useful to eat ground eggshells.
    • To start the regenerative processes in the enamel will help cloves, cinnamon, mint and fennel. All plants must be ground to a powdery state and the resulting mixture should be cleaned with teeth. Herbs protect against their destruction and eliminate darkened spots from the enamel.
    • From tooth decay tooth enamel can be protected if 1-2 times a week chew beeswax or pine resin.

    When restoring tooth enamel at home, the following recommendations should be observed:

    • Toothpaste should not be removed from the surface of the teeth within 2-3 minutes. Thus, useful minerals and substances will penetrate more to the tooth and will bring more benefit.
    • Perform a gum massage. Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly, and then with your fingers do circular movements on the surface of the gums. Blood circulation in the gums will increase, and, consequently, the nutrition of the dental tissue will improve.
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