- What is this plant and what is it valuable?
- At what diseases to apply?
- Tips for the preparation and use of tinctures
- Recipes for the recovery of the body
- Aloe vera for beauty of hair
Aloe is familiar to many houseplants. Home medications on the basis of its juice are used in the treatment of many ailments: inflammations and lesions of the skin and hair, colds, chronic diseases of internal organs.
Aloe vera juice with honey, wine, oils is used. Also useful fortifying means are condensed juice( extract), emulsion, sabur powder and tincture of aloe.
What is this plant and what is it valuable?
A compact bush of aloe tree that is familiar to our eyes is unpretentious - it occupies the middle tub and is placed on a window sill. But in his homeland in the tropics of South Africa, this heat-loving plant can grow to 3 meters in height, and the diameter of the "trunk" of this giant is about 30 cm!
For a year, depending on the conditions of the tropical climate, aloe vera grows by 30-90 cm. It is not surprising that under such favorable conditions it is possible to grow this miracle plant on an industrial scale for the needs of medicine and cosmetology.
The most valuable in the century is, of course, a thick bitter juice contained in fleshy leaves. Apply it freshly squeezed, because when it comes into contact with oxygen, it rapidly loses its useful qualities, and the biologically active substances are destroyed. To preserve the juice at home, use the method of preservation with alcohol or harvest the cut leaves for future use and store in the refrigerator.
Valuables contained in aloe have a truly unique properties:
Vitamins C and EVitamin A | antioxidant properties, protecting the skin from premature aging; skin regeneration. |
Salicylic acid | is an anti-inflammatory, antifungal and keratolytic effect. |
Antraglycosides( aloin, aglycone, anthraquinones) | increased appetite, increased peristalsis of the stomach, increased secretion of gastric juice; maximum full and easy assimilation of food and vitamins contained in it; cleansing and antiseptic properties. |
Polysaccharides( aloin aloe, ace-mannan) | a relaxing effect; activation of nonspecific skin immunity; formation on the skin of water-saving film, preservation of skin hydration; protection against damaging effects of ultraviolet rays; anti-inflammatory and restorative effect; antitumor and antiviral activity. |
Interesting: According to the researches of Academician V.P.Filatova, cut green aloe leaves, aged in a dark place at t = 6-8 ° C for 7-10 days, produce biogenic stimulators, which activate vital processes in the human body. Preparations based on aloe, prepared by this method, have shown their effectiveness in the treatment of eye diseases, circulatory disorders and other complex cases.
In what diseases should I apply?
It is claimed that even Old Russian herbalists recommended taking "sabour wine" as an expectorant and choleretic agent. In modern medical practice, the use of aloe vera on alcohol is possible in the treatment of a variety of diseases. This drug is prescribed for oral administration with such ailments as:
- chronic diseases of the gallbladder, liver, intestines;
- dysentery;
- stomach catarrh, gastritis, indigestion;
- ulcerous lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
- osteomyelitis;
- irregular, painful menstruation;
- colds, tonsillitis, bronchial and lung diseases.
Outwardly shows the use of tincture of aloe in various skin diseases and lesions:
- purulent wounds;abscesses, trophic ulcers;
- burns;
- , skin tuberculosis, lupus, eczema, lichen, psoriasis;
- vitiligo, skin vasculitis, bladder dermatitis and dermatitis;
- herpes, including in severe form.
Often in parallel with the external use of preparations of aloe is recommended to drink fresh juice of aloe or its tincture of 0.5-1 tsp.2-3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
Despite the pronounced positive characteristics and relative harmlessness of the "home doctor", one should be careful when taking tinctures from aloe. Treatment should be done under the supervision of a specialist. It is unequivocally forbidden to use this drug for any of these conditions:
- hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding, profuse menstruation;
- disrupting the kidneys, liver, bladder, cystitis;
- elevated blood pressure,
- polyps and fibroids;
- last trimester of pregnancy;
- age is up to 12 years;
- individual intolerance.
Attention! You can not use tincture of aloe for more than one month, because its constituent substances - powerful biostimulants, according to some researchers, can cause cancer cells to grow, benign tumors develop, polyps grow.
Tips for the preparation and use of tincture
So how do you make a tincture of aloe in your home? First, you need to properly prepare the main ingredient - squeeze the juice. For this it is necessary to cut off the lower leaves of the century-old, whose age is more than three years, wash them with clean water, grind( grater, blender, mortar. ..) and strain the resulting gruel through gauze, squeezing the juice.
Next - you need to choose one of the recipes of tincture from aloe, after all, as it turned out, there are several herbalists.
Recipe No.1
Take the already prepared aloe juice and dilute it with 70% alcohol in a 4: 1 ratio. Pour the liquid into a glass container, close the lid and store in a refrigerator. According to its medicinal qualities, this tincture is not worse than fresh aloe juice.
Tip: If there is no alcohol at hand, you can take 2 parts of aloe juice and 1 part of quality vodka.
Recipe No.2
Shred the leaves of aloe, put into a glass jar and pour them with vodka in a 2: 1 ratio, close the lid. Infuse the mixture in the refrigerator for 10 days. Then it should be filtered. The product is ready for use. Keep also in the refrigerator.
Recipe No.3
The easiest way of cooking is the following: the leaves of the plant need to be cut, washed and cut along. Then they should be put in a deep opaque dish( not metal!) And pour vodka in a ratio of 2: 1.The container is sealed and placed in a cool place for three weeks. The product, prepared according to this recipe, is perfect for external use in diseases of the joints.
The author of the video tells you how to make aloe vera at home, which you will find at the end of the article.
Recipes for the recovery of the body
In order to enrich the medicinal composition of the tincture from aloe, honey is added to it.
It will take 500 ml of aloe juice, 700 g of honey, 0.5 l.of vodka. All components must be mixed in a dark glass jar or bottle. The container should be closed with a lid and left in a dark place for two months. After the expiry of the period, mix and take it for an hour before a meal of 1 tbsp.means with a piece of butter.
This tincture of aloe with honey will help with diseases of digestion, lungs and heart, and will also be useful for maintaining immunity.
Tip: Tincture of aloe for joints will help relieve pain and inflammation. In arthritis, a compress applied with a mixture of aloe, honey and vodka juice in a ratio of 1: 2: 3 is externally applied to the affected area. Such procedures will help keep bone and cartilaginous tissues and ligaments in good shape.
For colds, bronchitis and lung inflammation, a tincture containing aloe, cahors, honey is recommended.
Recipe No.1
350 g of aloe leaves, 250 g of honey, 100 ml of 70% alcohol, 1 bottle( 750 ml) of red wine "Cahors" will be required. It is necessary to crush the leaves of aloe, add the rest of the ingredients. For cooking use a better glass or enamelware. Keep this "tincture" in a dark, cool place.
Tip: Take this tonic 20 minutes before eating. Adults 1-2 tablespoons, children after 5 years - 1 teaspoon.
There is another way of making Aloe vera tincture with Cahors, shown during fatigue, colds, to purify the blood.
Recipe №2
It will take 500 grams of aloe leaves, 200 g of honey, 1 bottle.(750 ml) of cahors. Also you need to crush the leaves of aloe, add honey and keep the mixture in a dark place for three days. After adding Cahors and stir, leave for another day. Use glassware for storage. Store better in the refrigerator. The mixture should be 1 tbsp.three times a day, half an hour before meals.
Remember that the use of tincture of aloe with any variations is possible only after consultation of the attending physician!
Aloe tincture for beauty of hair
Aloe tincture in cosmetology has proved itself, it allows to get rid of such problems as hair loss, tipped tips, dandruff, greasiness. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or at home.
To prepare tincture of aloe for hair, take 4 large sheets of aloe, finely chop them and pour 250 ml of vodka or 70% alcohol. A closed container with a mixture must be placed in the refrigerator. After 4 days, the resulting remedy can be used. Tincture should be rubbed into the roots of the hair, then the head must be wrapped in a food film, wrapped with a towel. After 30 minutes, wash the hair with water without shampoo. The course of such procedures is recommended to be carried out within one month, 2-3 times a week.
Prescription for hair loss
Mix 100 ml of aloe juice and 0.5 l of dry white wine, insist for three days in the fridge, occasionally shaking the bottle. Rub into the scalp an hour before washing, warm the head with a towel.
So, aloe is a useful, unpretentious plant, it must be grown to always have a "home doctor" at hand, able to raise immunity and normalize metabolism,heal injuries and abrasions, tidy the skin and hair.