Honey in cooking

The use of honey has become man since ancient times. In this tasty and valuable product, natural sweetness and curative properties are harmoniously combined. Even today everyone knows that with colds, flu, sore throats, honey is the perfect medicine. It is widely used in such areas as medicine, cosmetology, cooking, and the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

Now we know a variety of masks, scrubs, ointments, medicinal syrups of honey, both with the addition of other additional ingredients, and in its pure form. Therefore, the use of honey was widespread not only in the territory of Ancient Rus, but also in other countries of the East and West. In folk medicine, honey is a good antibacterial agent.

Various properties of honey

In cooking it was used both for storing products and for giving a sweet taste. Honey was smeared with meat, fish and many other products, which allowed both to marinate the product, and prevent the multiplication of harmful bacteria.

In ancient times, honey served as a good substitute for sugar. After all, our ancestors did not immediately begin to produce cane and sugar beet sugar, and they wanted to eat sweets too.

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Today many dishes are popular and known: honey cakes, strudel, open and closed pies, buns that can not be compared with anything else, as a special ingredient - honey - gives any product a delicious, unique aroma. But cooks appreciate honey not only for its taste and sweetness. In baklava, for example, it is added not only for giving sweetness and aroma to the product. Thanks to it, the filling does not crumble, it becomes as if stuck together, but at the same time it remains soft enough. With the help of sugar, such a result can not be achieved.

Features of the use of honey in cooking

Honey, due to the high content of sucrose, there is the property of sugar. In the preparation of certain dishes, this does not make it difficult to use, but in many cases it must first be melt and cool. After heating, honey is not caramelized and not candied immediately. Therefore, it is good to use it in various fillings, or pour on them pastry from above, using it as a syrup.

Despite the rich chemical composition and medicinal qualities, honey has also negative properties. Honey is a powerful allergen. Therefore, those who are prone to allergic reactions, use honey and products with it should be very cautious.

Selection, storage, preparation
  • Mar 19, 2018
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