Why am I alone?

  • 1 Why am I alone - the psychology of female solitude
    • 1.1 Why am I alone?- the causes of female solitude
    • 1.2 Loneliness with a husband how to fight
  • 2 Pros and cons of female solitude
    • 2.1 Why I am alone - psychologist comment
    • 2.2 How to get rid of a woman from loneliness advice from a psychologist

Beautiful and successful women in search of elusive female happiness often wonder: "Why am I alone?".All with her, but not enough partner. Time is inexorable, and love is an integral part of a successful destiny.

Therefore, girls often ask a competent psychologist to comment on the problem.

Why I'm lonely - the psychology of female solitude

Statistics are sad: almost a third of women in large cities, are not and have not been during a married life. Another is the same in divorce with her husband.

It is interesting to note that there are young ladies with outstanding external data, uneasy character and even with material problems, which always find the opportunity to get to know a man and to establish "long-playing" reliable relations. What is the reason for the failures of other clever and beautiful women?

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Why am I alone?- the reasons for female solitude

The conclusion suggests itself: the person herself( consciously or not) is responsible for her loneliness. On the Internet, the methods "Why I'm lonely", built as a test, are widely popular.

The results can be grouped into the following causes of :

• negative experience from past relationships;
• "holy" and unshakable image of the Beautiful Prince, in the dungeons to which a mere mortal is not fit;
• fear of losing their freedom and losing their independence;
• postpone meeting with love "for later";
• expectation that the chevalier should be found himself;
• obsessive desire to marry, repelling the opposite sex.

Loneliness with a husband how to fight

But even when you are married, you can be out of work, more often at receptions at a psychologist ladies ask the question: "Why am I left alone with my husband?".Often this indicates different life concepts about love, family and respect among spouses.

A partner may not know that other reactions and behaviors are expected from him. Therefore, it is worth not to shut up, but to pronounce your wishes and resentments.

Pros and cons of female solitude

A lonely woman faces a number of unpleasant moments:

• public censure and discussion. The inhabitants are not interested in inner peace and beauty, it is important that if you do not have a partner, then you can be considered "flawed" and unnecessary to anyone;

• self-awareness of inferiority caused by public pressure. No matter how confident a person is, even the most successful and strong personalities are exposed to doubts, especially on a festive evening, which nobody has to share;

• Alienation. By a certain age, all members of the company acquire families and children, and those who do not match this image are "struck out," and this turns out to be a vicious circle of loneliness;

• a lack of sexual life or its complete absence, which reflects adequately on the mood and well-being.
You can look at the situation from a different angle and highlight the advantages of not a sad phenomenon, but freedom:

• unlimited actions and actions. Is it important, how to look at some reckless act of her husband, if he is not? The lack of commitment gives scope;

• time for self-improvement. If you do not sit and do not grieve about the missed representatives of the stronger sex, you can do a lot of things: have time with a hobby, make a career, in your pleasure to train, no one will reproach a word;

• youthful and fresh appearance. The presence of free time allows you to dedicate it to yourself and your appearance;

• nobody takes a bath for hours and snores at night;

• minimum of obligations, you do not need to limit yourself in dreams, leisure and material goods.

It all depends on the point of view, you can find fun from different sources.

Why I'm alone - psychologist comment

The psychologist's comment is unambiguous, the problem can be solved by analyzing one's own attitude towards it.

Understand what you are doing wrong than pushing yourself away from feeling. Learn to hear the voice of your self, do not exchange for unsuitable candidates, wasting time, and the dream meeting is just around the corner.

How to get rid of a woman from loneliness Psychologist's advice

Pay attention to advice from a psychologist, they are aimed at getting rid of the problem of loneliness.

1. Trust your own principles, not the opinions of others.

2. Revise the system of their expectations, suddenly they will be overpriced, even from the youthful years dragging a train of unrealistic hopes.

3. Improve self-esteem, love yourself, so it will be easier for you to love another.

4. Try to maintain feminine qualities, let be in need of guardianship and protection.

5. Be yourself, keeping alive naturalness.

  • Mar 20, 2018
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