Calculate date of birth by monthly

"When do you have to give birth?" - the most frequently asked question for pregnant women. Most of them want to know for sure. Numerous examinations at the gynecologist with the use of ultrasound and other hardware methods will help. But the woman herself can calculate the date of birth by monthly. There are at least two ways to do this. Comparing her own calculations and the time set by the gynecologist, she can calmly prepare for the event.

Content of

Method of Nakedle

  • 1.1 Is it worth to believe the method of Negele
  • 2 Another method for determining the date of birth depending on the menstruation
  • 3 What determines the duration of labor
  • 4 Monthly and sex of the baby
  • Method of Negele

    It is generally known that the period of bearing of the child is 9 months. But from what date should it be counted? Indeed, it is difficult to establish the moment of conception. But the number and month of the last before pregnancy menstruation is easy to determine, it is worth looking into the calendar.

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    German doctor Negele derived a formula that reflects all the processes that occur in the body of a woman waiting for a baby in time calculation. Simplified to calculate delivery for a month can be as follows:

    • Pregnant sets the date of menstruation, preceding the conception. The first day of menstruation is important;
    • Subtracts 90 days from it and adds 7. The resulting number is the estimated date of future delivery.

    Let's assume that the first day of the last menstruation was on June 9th. Pregnant should be minus this number of 3 months, it will be March 9.Now it's necessary to add 7 days to this date. It turns out on March 16.This will be the number and month of the expected delivery.

    Many women will ask: why exactly, and where is the menstruation? After all, while she was walking, no pregnancy had ever existed. This is justified by the difficulty in determining the date of ovulation. Not all women will be able to accurately establish it after the fact. And the first question, which the future mummy hears from the gynecologist, will be about the beginning of the last for today monthly. The specialist will determine the duration of the cycle, which means the existing pregnancy period, the estimated time of conception and delivery. The doctor adds to the date of the first day of menstruation 280 days. This is the approximate period of bearing the baby.

    Whether it is necessary to believe the method of Negele

    It is possible to calculate deliveries according to the last monthly with the use of the German obstetrician formula with relative accuracy. In a greater degree, it is designed for those who have a menstrual cycle no more and no less than 28 days. A longer period between the months will delay the date of delivery. If the cycle is shorter than 28 days, the birth, respectively, should occur earlier. All this is due in large part to ovulation. Its role is played by the fact that in some women the duration of the cycle is variable, the monthly periods are irregular. In such circumstances, the way to determine the date of delivery for Nigel can be completely wrong.

    Another method for determining the date of birth, depending on the menstruation

    Conception occurs with the participation of a mature egg, which is possible only once in a cycle. Therefore, the date of delivery for the last month can be determined by determining the time of ovulation. This method is suitable for those who plan pregnancy. Daily measurements in the vagina or rectum will help to reveal the date. The temperature rises slightly during the egg ripening period.

    But even without its measurements there is a chance to determine the time of ovulation. Some women feel an increase in libido during this period, observe clear vaginal discharge in a larger volume than usual, as well as weak but sensitive pain in the area of ​​the uterus. Occurs similar in the middle of the cycle. Comparing your own feelings, the date of the first day of the last menstruation, adding to it 12-16 days, you can determine the date of conception. On an example it will look so:

    • The beginning of monthly - on January, 11th;
    • The length of the cycle is 28 days;
    • The day of ovulation is January 25( 11 + 14 = 25).

    If a woman becomes pregnant, the embryo is counted from the last date. The gestation period lasts 38-40 weeks or 266-280 days. If you add these figures to 25, childbirth in the normal course of pregnancy is possible from October 18 to November 1.Doctors, as a rule, determine a later date.

    What determines the term of delivery of

    Even with a regular cycle, the exact time of ovulation, the date of delivery by the date of the month can not be absolutely accurate. The duration of pregnancy is affected by many factors, which is reflected in a noticeable spread of numbers - from 266 to 280 days. Norm is also considered a gestation period up to 42 weeks. It can be influenced by:

    • Features of fetal development;
    • Heredity and age of mother;
    • Stress;
    • Migrated before and during pregnancy;
    • Power.

    In short, the expected dates of the baby's birth are indicative. If the date of delivery deviated from them in one direction or another for a couple of weeks, nothing is threatening in this.

    Monthly and gender of the baby

    . Parents want to know it as soon as possible. Scientific methods can help in this only from a certain point, when the embryo has already formed the external genitalia. But there is a chance to determine the sex of the child on a monthly basis.

    One of the methods is quite scientific and is based on the studies carried out. They found that the earlier the mother began to have menstruation( 10-12 years), the more likely that her first child would be a girl. Monthly, started at age 14, prophesy, the birth of a son.

    There is another way. The woman specifies the first and last day of the preceding menstrual period before pregnancy. This is necessary to determine the month of conception. Let's assume that everything happened in February, that is, number 2. The mother's age at that moment and the unit are added to her. If a woman is 23 years old, we get 26, that is an even number. It means, most likely, she will have a daughter. If the number turned out to be odd, it was worth congratulating her with the expectation of her son.

    If a woman has calculated the date of birth on a monthly basis, she should be aware that this is conditional. And do not blame the incompetence of doctors, if they occurred earlier or later. The human body is unpredictable, and in this case it already exists not in a single copy.

    • Mar 20, 2018
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