Nyz - tablets against pain in PMS and menstruation

In critical days, the most painful sensation is a pain in the abdomen. And every woman has her own ways of eliminating it. Increasingly, doctors recommend naid with monthly pain. After all, the drug eliminates not only discomfort in the abdomen, but also some other signs of PMS.


  • 1 Action of the drug
  • 2 Indications for use
  • 3 Why should I drink for monthly
  • 4 Rules for taking
  • 5 Contraindications for taking
  • 6 Side effects of
  • 7 Analogues

Action of the drug

"Naise" is known as antirheumatic, antipyretic and analgesic. Its main component is nimesulide. It is he who gives an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation, returns to the norm general well-being. This makes it one of the mandatory in the treatment of diseases characterized by severe pain syndrome. The action of the Nosis extends to different parts of the body. The transmission of pain impulses to the brain from its parts is disturbed while the drug works. This is due to:

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  • counteracting inflammatory processes;
  • decrease in activity of painful receptors of different parts of the body;
  • ability to prevent the destruction of certain tissues.

Indications for use

Nyz, due to the complex of its properties, is used in the therapy of the following diseases:

  • bursitis, tendinitis, osteoarthrosis;
  • neuralgia of different origin and localization;
  • muscle pain;
  • serious pathologies of the spine;
  • Inflammation of tendons and ligaments;
  • toothache, problems with gums;
  • otitis media, including purulent;
  • inflammation in the small pelvis;
  • of a headache of different etiology.

Predominantly the drug is prescribed for pathologies of the joints, muscles and spine. But in all listed health problems, a distinctive feature is pain and inflammation. This makes Naize irreplaceable in their complex treatment. The same properties provide a good effect after surgical interventions. After all, the pain syndrome is a compulsory companion of the first days of recovery.

What for to drink najz at monthly

What exactly does pill Najz at monthly? Several features of the drug:

Features of the drug The action of
The ability to lower the level of prostaglandins These substances, if present in the body in large quantities, stimulate uterine contractions. They lead to strong pain. With the use of Nase, the concentration of prostaglandins in the blood decreases, as the body begins to produce them in a smaller volume.
Lowering the level of histamine This helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body, which can also be a cause of pain. As a result Naiz eliminates discomfort not only in the abdomen, lower back, but also the head.
Preventing the formation of free radicals in the body Nyz does not allow to stay in the tissues of toxins, which gives an antioxidant effect. It is also an opportunity to eliminate pain, improve well-being.
Interacts with glucocorticoid receptors This property together with oppression of prostaglandin production produces a persistent anti-inflammatory effect. If in the days of menstruation chronic gynecological illness worsened, Naize can become a temporary solution to the problem of serious sensations arising during it.

Advantageous difference of the drug from other NSAIDs is that it does not destroy destructively the liver as a similar means. And its antipyretic effect makes it possible to remove not only the pain, but also to cope with the feeling of frustration, often accompanying critical days.

Rules for admission

To accept a nurse at monthly intervals, follow the instructions. This means that the effect occurs when using 2 tablets per day. They are drunk at different times, but before meals. Preliminary, the tablet is ground and mixed with water.

If the pain is severe, it is permissible to take 2 doses at a time, and in the evening, repeat. It is necessary to monitor the general state of health. Pain will disappear, but other symptoms of PMS may occur. If the increase in dosage does not help, then the problem is more serious than it seemed at first glance. But you can not drink more than 4 tablets a day. And it must be remembered that nyz eliminates the syndrome, and not the very cause of such pain.

Some girls have menstruation from 11 to 12 years. In this case, the relief with the help of a pain syndrome must occur in a special way. Dosage is measured according to the weight of the adolescent. For 1 kg of body weight, it is permissible to take no more than 5 mg of the drug. If the girl weighs more than 40 kg, it is still impossible to dose more than 2 tablets per day. Otherwise, she is threatened with poisoning.

It is important to remember that the effect of "Nyz" is detected no earlier than 1,5 - 2 hours after taking the pill. Therefore, do not rush to increase the dose. Most likely, a new tablet will be needed only by the time of the next dose.

Contraindications for the admission

Is it possible to drink Nize at monthly in a particular case, determined by other health problems. Do not take the drug if the following are diagnosed:

  • intolerance of the drug components( except for nimesulide, there are several other substances in it);
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • is an allergy to acetylsalicylic acid;
  • gastritis in the stage of exacerbation, stomach ulcer;
  • enterocolitis, intestinal infection;
  • problems with blood coagulability;
  • severe liver pathology;
  • marked renal failure;
  • heart problems, and also the recovery period after surgery on it.
Naiz is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, as it can adversely affect the fetus, it settles in breast milk.

With caution, applying the minimum dosage, and after consulting a specialist, you can drink it with the following health problems:

  • ischemic heart disease;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of peripheral arteries.

If the state of health after taking the drug has dramatically worsened, urgent medical attention is needed. But this happens very rarely.

We recommend reading the article about pain in the abdomen with menstruation. From it you will learn about the mechanism of the development of pain, the effects of intestinal disorders, the pathological causes of pain, and whether to take medications for pain in the abdomen.

Side effects

Nyz helps with pain with menstruation, but if you take it all the period of critical days, especially at the maximum allowed dosage, you can get an undesirable effect. It sometimes occurs with a minimum number of tablets, if a woman has a special sensitivity to the components. Among the side effects are:

  • skin rashes with itching;
  • increased nervousness, anxiety;
  • dizziness, drowsiness;
  • profuse sweating;
  • swelling, decreased need for urination;
  • nausea, followed by vomiting, an intestinal disorder;
  • stomatitis, increased bleeding gums;
  • pain in the liver, accompanied by bitterness in the mouth;
  • shortness of breath, exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • vague vision;
  • weakness, general malaise.

However, with the correct use of the drug such negative reactions the body produces extremely rare.


If you do not have a Naize at hand, you can replace it for pain relief on critical days with other similar drugs:

  • "Aktasulid". This is the most approximate analog, since the composition of the drug includes all the same nimesulide. Therefore, you can apply it with pain syndrome, expecting the effect, as with the reception of "Nyz".
  • Diclofenac. Its active ingredient is diclofenac sodium. The drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. But there have been more adverse reactions to it.
  • Ketonal. A preparation based on ketoprofen, which has a strong analgesic effect. The effect from it can be even more pronounced, but not always "Ketonal" can be bought without a prescription.

The use of nases in painful periods will make it easier to survive the period without falling out of the usual life. The drug is also shown as a component of complex therapy in the diagnosis of algodismenorea. But if he does not have the desired effect, the cause of the pain may be hidden not only in the period of menstruation.

  • Mar 20, 2018
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