Disorders of the menstrual cycle account for more than half of all the reasons why patients seek advice from a gynecologist. In addition to various medications to solve this problem, some women use physical exercises that cause menstruation.
This method of regulating the cycle can be a threat to the health of the lady, since the reasons for the delay in menstruation can be very different. Before applying the physical stimulation of menstrual bleeding, you need to clearly understand why such a failure occurred.
- 1 Main causes of
- 2 malfunctions Can
- 3 cause monthly physical exercises Yoga and menstruation
- 4 What the patient can use to stimulate menstruation
The main causes of failures of
Most specialists in the field of reproductive function clearly distinguish two main groups of processes in the female body, leading to a malfunction in therhythm of menstruation. These are the causes of the natural nature and situation caused by various pathologies in patients.
To the physiological conditions that affect the menstrual cycle, we can refer:
- Age of the woman. During puberty, the regularity of menstruation is only established and depends on the hormonal background of the woman. By the age of 15 to 18, the cycle usually stabilizes. During the premenopause, there is a decrease in the allocation of female sex hormones, which can also lead to a shortening or even a periodic disappearance of a woman's period. Similar problems usually begin in women after 45 years.
- The second major cause of menstrual disorder in the absence of pathology is usually associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this period, too, everything is connected with hormonal problems. Since this process has a purely physiological character, menstruation is restored independently after stabilizing the hormonal background.
But most often in the practice of gynecologists, there are situations when the menstrual cycle is associated with various diseases of the female genital area or other organs and systems. This includes various diseases of the ovaries, malfunctioning of the hormonal system, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders and other diseases.
We recommend reading the article on how to speed up the onset of menstruation. From it you will learn about the reasons for the absence of menstruation, pregnancy and gynecological diseases, ways to restore the menstrual cycle.
If a patient without a specialist consultation starts using exercise to cause a period, she often only provokes a worsening of her condition. Therefore, any intervention in physiology is not recommended to conduct independently.
Before you figure out which physical exercises you can call monthly, you should seek advice from a gynecologist in a women's consultation. In most cases, if the patient has no diseases that affect the menstrual cycle, the doctor will first of all give recommendations on the normalization of diet, advise to reduce the load, tell you how to establish the correct schedule of work and rest.
In such a pathology, do not immediately resort to physical or chemical effects on the menstrual cycle. In 80% of cases the patient will be helped by peace, diet and vitamins.
Look at the video about the causes of menstrual irregularities:
Is it possible to induce a month's physical exercises?
Physiotherapy specialists hold the view that an attempt to stimulate the early onset of menstruation with the help of physical exercises is fraught with various complications for a woman. The reasons for this attitude of doctors lie in the understanding of hormonal restructuring of the female body during the menstrual cycle.
In the first half of the cycle the main role in the female body is played by the hormone estradiol, which is responsible for the speedy recovery of the muscular apparatus after intensive work. Before the onset of menstruation, its amount drops sharply, which can cause a premature start of monthly bleeding.
It is believed that any load on the abdominal area and the abdominal press can cause early monthly. Such exercises include lifting weights, working with a barbell, exercises for the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
Many women are sure that physical exercises cause menstruation, but this opinion is not always true. Slopes forward and sideways, increased loads on the muscular apparatus of the abdominal cavity can cause the opposite effect - a delay in the onset of menstruation for hours and even days.
In addition, physical exercises leading to contraction of the uterus and anterior abdominal wall can cause the patient to pathological growth of connective tissue in the uterine cavity. Such a process most often provokes the development of endometriosis in a woman.
If a woman considers it possible to exercise during menstruation, she should remember that during the month the hemoglobin level in the blood drops sharply, which leads to an oxygen deficiency of the muscular organs, including the uterus. This condition is fraught with severe uterine bleeding, and instead of the early onset of menstruation, it is possible to develop excessively abundant secretions that require specialized treatment.
Yoga and menstruation
Many doctors recommend that their patients practice this Indian gymnastics for the normalization of the menstrual cycle and the removal of the pain syndrome with PMS. Yoga promotes the strengthening of metabolic processes in the body of a woman, leads to a normal hormonal background, which positively affects the menstrual cycle.
Some teachers of yoga advise their ward, what exercises you can call monthly. At a delay experts recommend to ladies to use so-called intensive drawing, for reception of high-grade effect to lean against a wall or any piece of furniture. In the yoga guides, such a pose is called "Uttanasana."
Well helps women with a sparse monthly and their delayed sitting position in the "angle with a forward tilt" position. Many lovers of oriental gymnastics consider it most appropriate to use the so-called "inverted staff" in such situations.
What a patient can use to stimulate her menstruation
When a girl asks a gynecologist what exercises to trigger a monthly, the doctor will definitely explain to her that there are many other ways to solve this problem. Do not necessarily focus on physical education and various power loads.
Recommendations can be:
- Specialists first of all will draw the attention of the patient to a large selection of contraceptives, created on the basis of hormones. These drugs perfectly regulate the level of progesterone and estrogens, which can contribute to a shift in the onset of menstruation.
- Many medicinal plants also have a similar effect. Even ordinary parsley or ginger can help stimulate early menstrual bleeding. Literally 200 grams of infusion of these herbs will help a woman solve the problem.
- A large dose of vitamins can be a good help for those who want to speed up the menstrual period. Especially ladies should pay attention to vitamin C, as this substance interrupts the production in the female body of progesterone, which contributes to the early onset of menstrual bleeding. It should be taken into account that vitamin C is extremely harmful to the stomach and intestinal mucosa. In addition, it affects the blood coagulation system, so when using it, a woman should be extremely careful.
Here are some recipes that can help girls with malfunctions:
- Chamomile, valerian and mint are mixed in equal proportions.200 grams of dry mixture pour boiling water and insist in a warm place for 12 hours. The resulting infusion is recommended to drink 50 grams 2 times a day for 20 minutes before meals.
- No less promising for solving this problem can be a decoction of 7 herbs: dog rose, nettle, diavessil, yarrow, oregano, sorb and rhodiola. In equal amounts, the ingredients are mixed so that the main mass is not more than 500 grams. The mixture is poured with boiling water and insisted at room temperature for a day. The received drink can be taken at 100 grams in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Good results can be obtained using as a remedy and the usual parsley.200 grams of fresh herbs are poured over with water and cooked over a slow fire for 15 to 20 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered and taken 100 grams three times a day.
When using these methods of provoking an early onset of menstruation, a woman should understand that her actions are a crude intervention in the physiology and biochemistry of the body. In response, you can get a strong uterine bleeding, which requires emergency and specialized care.
If a lady uses physical exercises to induce menstruation, or uses other ways to stimulate the menstrual cycle without the supervision of a specialist, she risks not only her health, but her life itself. Bleeding caused by an independent intervention in the reproductive function is usually extremely difficult to treat, because there is a malfunction in the work of the clotting system and a complete imbalance in the activity of the hormonal background.
We recommend reading the article on how to induce a monthly if you are delayed at home. From it you will learn about ways to accelerate the onset of menstruation, the possibility of using traditional medicine and tablets.
Attempts by women to cause menstruation early or to disrupt unwanted pregnancies alone are life-threatening and at the same time indicate insufficient medical and educational work of medical specialists. At all problems with monthly women should go to the doctor. Only there they can provide timely and qualified help.