The onset of menstruation in girls is an important event. And the child must be ready for it morally. Modern girls already know the Internet well and probably know what this physiological process is. But this does not mean that mothers should not tell their daughters about what it is and how many years it starts on a monthly basis, how it happens and what needs to be feared. Especially because the child itself is often concerned about a similar question: how to tell my mother that I have a period?
Contents of
- 1 When will the first menstrual period come?
- 2 First signs of
- 3 How to prepare a child?
- 4 Hygiene during monthly
- 5 When should I visit a gynecologist?
- 6 Conclusion
When will the first menstruation?
Growing up and growing up, many girls are beginning to wonder about how many years the monthly starts. Several decades ago, menstruation in girls began in the years 17-18.Today puberty occurs much earlier. The arrival of the first critical days in 11-16 years is considered a normal occurrence. Moreover, some menstruation starts earlier, while others start later. At what age the menstrual period begins, many factors affect:
- heredity;
- physical development;
- nutrition and living conditions;
- transferred to childhood.
. How many years did moms and grandmothers start on the month, so much, most likely, they will start at their granddaughters and daughters. The time of the onset of menstruation is all individually. If the girl in physical development is ahead of her peers, it is more likely that the men will come to her earlier than others. In the opposite case, if the daughter is growing slowly, often sick and physically weak, in the development of sex, she is likely to also lag behind. With malnutrition and lack of vitamins in the body, menstruation will come a little later than usual.
Monthly for girls 12 years - not uncommon and monthly at 11 years - this is also normal. Increasingly, you can hear about the onset of menstruation, even in 8-9 years. If the months are starting too early, most likely the cause is hormonal failure, insufficient work of appendages, frequent stress and nervous stress, pituitary dysfunction, debilitating physical activities, diet and poor ecology.
First signs of
It's easy to find out when the girls start on a monthly basis. Symptoms of their offensive are evident about a year or two before the start. The girl becomes more and more like a girl, because she:
- breast increases;
- is wider than the hips;
- on the pubis and under the arms begin to appear hair;
- possible acne on the face.
How to find out when the monthly starts will not be difficult. Already closer to their beginning, girls may have symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as:
- tearfulness and frequent mood swings;
- apathy and aggressive condition;
- headache;
- pain in the lower abdomen.
How to prepare a child?
How to tell a daughter about a month old worries about every mom. This is a serious question and should not be embarrassed. The first sign of menstruation in girls is spotting. At first they are meager or moderate, and then, usually on the second day, they become abundant. Gradually, by 3-5 days, their volume is decreasing. The number of critical days is usually 3-7 days. The girl must know about it before this happens for the first time. Therefore, Mom should tell her about it.
Drawing pain in the lower abdomen and the first discharge with blood can scare the girl. The main goal of the mother is to tell her daughter that menstruation is a normal physiological process. In addition, in the early days of menstruation, girls may experience weakness and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Menstruation occurs in every girl and woman and she should not be afraid.
About when the menstruation begins and how to tell the girl about the menstruation, mom decides for herself. The conversation should be friendly, but not enlightening.
Mom should inform the daughter that:
- Monthly occur 1 time per month and lasts up to 7 days. In the first few years, the cycle may fluctuate, after which it is established and averaged 28 days.
- You must always follow the rules of hygiene. Blood - a beneficial environment for the life of bacteria, which contributes to the emergence of various diseases.
- With the onset of menstruation, each girl enters the age of procreation. Sexual relationships with men can lead to pregnancy. The daughter must know what can lead to random and unprotected sex.
It is desirable for a girl to be taught to keep a calendar, where one could mark the beginning and end of the month. It is necessary to be ready for their offensive. In addition, this information may be needed when you visit a specialist doctor. This is especially true for irregular menstruation. Since too little or too large a gap between menstruation can be a sign of a malfunction in the body.
Hygiene during monthly
The fact that hygiene during the months is mandatory, moms should also light up the daughters. All women and girls use gaskets or tampons during critical days. For girls, the latter are the most preferable, they are more convenient to use. Gaskets must have a cotton layer. Synthetic coating can cause sweating and irritation, so they are not recommended for use.
Other things to consider about the use of gaskets:
- , before and after changing the hygiene product, hands should be washed to prevent infection;
- do not use gaskets the expiration date of which has expired( the degree of protection is reduced);
- is not recommended for odor-impregnated gaskets, since aromatic components can cause allergy and irritation;
- does not save on buying, since cheap hygiene products use poor quality raw materials;
- can not be stored in the bathroom, as high humidity is the ideal medium for microorganisms.
The girl must wear linen made from natural fabrics. Thongs are not recommended, as it can provoke the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Mom should explain to her daughter that during the period of menstruation you can not take a bath absolutely. The most optimal variant of bathing is daily showering. In addition, during the day, the girl should wash 2-3 times, preferably without using soap. As a detergent, doctors recommend using gels or mousses with lactic acid content. They do not have a negative effect on the microflora, unlike soap.
Do not exercise and other physical activities. You can perform easy gymnastics and gymnastics. It is advisable for the girl to provide psychological rest for this period.
Compliance with diet during menstruation is important. Alcohol and spicy foods should be avoided, as it contributes to the flow of blood to the uterus. And this threatens to increase uterine bleeding.
When should I visit a gynecologist?
With the onset of the appearance of the first monthly visit to a regular gynecologist is not necessary. Usually the first reception at girls happens years in 15-16.In the case of early sexual life, visits to the doctor should be regular.
You should consult a doctor in such cases if:
- secretions have a strange smell, color and itching;
- monthly lasts less than 2 days or more than 7 days;
- bloody discharge is too much, which requires frequent replacement of gaskets;
- after the first menstruation stopped for more than half a year;
- in the case of a cycle of less than 21 days and more than 35 days;
- in secretions with monthly there are too large blood clots the size of a grape.
As a rule, too short menstruation occurs because of weak production of sex hormones, ovarian dysfunction. Monthly, which last more than a week, most likely due to poor uterine contractility and pronounced estrogen function of the ovaries.
You should definitely consult a doctor if the monthly does not come. The doctor should determine why the menstruation does not begin and take the necessary measures. Also, help is needed if menstruation is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen. At the same time the girl is dizzy, she pale, her nausea, the body temperature rises, there is weakness and intestinal frustration.
In order not to cause fear and panic during the appearance of the first menstruation, Mom should tell about all the nuances of this natural physiological process. It should be reported why this happens, to be interested in the regularity of menstruation, the delay and the degree of soreness. If any abnormalities are found, the girl should be shown to the doctor.