When fighting dry cough, it is important to choose a drug or procedure that will work on your body more effectively and will not cause side effects. Before you begin treatment, read more carefully the contraindications. Almost every drug can be used for both children and adults, the difference is only in the frequency of use and the volume of a single dose.
- 1 Adult
- 1.1 For ingestion
- 1.2 For rinsing
- 1.3 Means for inhalation
- 2 For children
- 2.1 Rinse aid
- 2.2 Baby inhalation
For adults
Dry cough appears only at the very beginning of the inflammation. This is the response of the human body to various kinds of irritants. To properly start treatment, it is necessary to determine correctly whether the cough is dry. If you begin to treat wet cough with drugs designed to treat dry, you will not achieve not only the result, but also complicate the process of recovery. To treat a dry cough it is necessary. It does not bring any benefit to the body, becoming heavy and suffocating, only draining you.
From this article you can learn in detail why pershit in the throat and cough.
The pharmacological industry offers a wide variety of drugs with a variety of uses. The ill person must choose what to heal easier and more effectively.
To combat dry cough, you can use narcotic drugs( Codeine, etc.), which you can not buy at the pharmacy simply because it does not work, but only on prescription. But it is better to avoid such means, in order not to cause dependence on the narcotic ingredient itself.
Combined medicines are becoming more popular. But any application should be based on the main rules: do not treat dry cough with funds from wet, otherwise treatment can lead to pneumonia.
How is the treatment of dry cough and perspiration in the throat, you can learn from this article.
The video tells about anti-tussive drugs with dry cough:
Compresses, rubbers, warming ointments based on propolis can be an additional help in the fight against dry cough. But they only enhance the effect of the prescribed treatment.
For oral administration of
The most known method of treatment remains the tablet. Most often they are not washed down with water, but dissolve in the oral cavity. They can be in the form of pops or candies. I work much more effectively than other drugs, immediately relieve pain and discomfort in the throat. The only restriction on the testimony, if the patient suffers from a peptic ulcer, high acidity of the stomach or gastritis.
What can be the reasons for a prolonged dry cough in an adult, you can learn from this article.
- Libexin .It is prescribed at the very beginning of acute respiratory disease, colds, flu, with severe bronchitis. Recommended for problems with the heart. Its cost is low - about 276 rubles, but its influence is not inferior to codeine containing tablets. It blocks not only cough, but also works like a weak bronchodilator drug, relieves inflammation. If the word "muko" is added to the name, the mucolytic substance Carbocysteine that is capable of diluting sputum is included in its content. It lasts up to 4 hours, it is applied four times in knocking, every reception - ¼ - 2 tablets of medicine.
- Glaucine or Glavent Syrup .The simplest of all antitussive drugs blocks and eliminates cough itself, but does not weaken the breath, does not violate the flora of the intestine, the lack of narcotic compounds does not allow getting used to the application. Contraindicated to people after myocardial infarction, reduces blood pressure. It starts to work in half an hour for 8 hours, so it is enough to eat 2-3 times a day. Its cost is almost ridiculous - from 40 rubles.
- Bithiodine .The drug is peripheral. Simple composition of its effectiveness can be compared with the action of Codeine. It almost has no side effects, because of the lack of drugs there is no addiction. Tipedipine is an active ingredient, contraindicated only to those with an increased sensitivity to this ingredient. Appointed up to 3 times a day.
- Stoptussin .One of the popular and favorite drugs to combat coughing. Has not only an effect on the cough center, but also mucolytic properties. The main active substances butamir and guaifenesin provide an expectorant effect. It is prescribed from 4 to 6 times to knock, the time of excretion is 6 hours. It differs from simpler drugs with a whole list of contraindications and side effects. Especially not recommended for children, pregnant and nursing. The price category is more than affordable - 87 rubles.
On the video - mucolytic drugs used for dry cough:
To learn how to stop a night lagoon in a child, you can read this article.
For rinsing
Rinse throat has its own peculiarity or rule: the more often you rinse, the effect will be obvious. This can be explained by the fact that the tonsils collect toxic substances in themselves-irritants and they must be regularly rinsed. The minimum amount of rinses per day is 5 times. The methods and the active substances are the simplest here.
- Salt and water .The components are added to the water in an equal volume, possibly adding a few drops of iodine. Once the solution is mixed - you can start rinsing. Already after the first time you will feel a weakening of the pain effect, a partial removal of the inflammation. Although the method is very simple, it is quite effective.
- Furacilin .One tablet is diluted with 0.5 glasses of warm water and the rinse solution is ready. The price does not reach 50 rubles. It is considered the most effective in fighting cough or with sore throat. Already after the first procedure you will feel a noticeable relief.
- Medicinal herbs .To rinse your throat, you can use any medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory effect, for example: chamomile, sage, calendula, polynya and plantain. Dried and crushed simply brewed with steep boiling water, it insists. The cooled, slightly warm solution is immediately ready to rinse. You can use several components at the same time, or you can brew only one.
How to cure a dry cough in a child of 3 years is indicated in this article.
Means for inhalation
Inhalation is the most natural method in fighting cough. It can be used at the onset of the disease and as a preventive measure. Translation of the word means "breathe in", but this is not the most important when inhaling, it is enough to recall the medicinal properties of the sea air or the curative atmosphere of the coniferous forest. Unlike all possible drugs, inhalations have no side effects, it is impossible to get used to them, and the effect is sometimes even stronger than from pharmaceuticals. Such procedures have their own classification, which many do not even guess.
What can be the causes of a nocturnal dry cough in a child, you can find out by reading this article.
- Steam inhalation .Available at home. To conduct them, it is sufficient to heat the water almost to the boiling point and add the drug, essential oils. Often this component is eucalyptus. Hot steam is inhaled into the nasal or oral cavity and further enters the throat, larynx and trachea.
- Dry Inhalation .First, the drug mixes with water, and then falls under the streams of hot air. The moisture quickly evaporates, therefore only one drug substance reaches the airways in a dry form.
- Wet inhalation of vapor .The procedure is more like fogging: the drug component turns into an aerosol.
- Aeroionoinhalation - Negative or positively charged air ions enter the body. It is believed that a greater effect is achieved with negative charges
For children
Children are skeptical about the use of tablets, especially if they are to be dissipated, because the taste of such drugs is not very pleasant for children's receptors. Still other than tasty and sweet syrups for children, our pharmacists have not yet invented. The main goal of the doctor and the patient: to transfer dry cough as quickly as possible into wet cough, and then to appoint an expectorant for excretion of sputum.
How to cure barking dry cough in a child without temperature, you can find out by reading this article.
- Lazolvan or Ambrobene Syrup .Applied even for premature babies. The main substance Ambroxol raises the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The cost of this drug starts at 200 rubles.
- Bronchicum .The drug is based on medicinal herbs. Has the appearance of a syrup or elixir. It can be used even for children from six months with a dry cough and hard-to-recover sputum. Pharmacy price is slightly more than 300 rubles per 100 mg flacon.
- Libexin .It is prescribed in the first stages of the disease. Effects on the cough reflex, without inhibiting the respiratory system by influencing the central nervous system. By the principle of work is similar to Bithiodine. The approximate cost is up to 300 rubles.
- Breast collection 1 /2/3/ 4. Phytopectol 1, 2 .These are whole complexes of medicinal herbs for making infusions and decoctions of: althaea, oregano, plantain, sage, wild rosemary, chamomile, violet, mint, mother-and-stepmother, etc.
When treating children from dry cough, it is extremely rare to use drugs blocking the cough reflexat the level of the brain, that is, codeine containing, etc. Refer to such tools only with pleurisy, whooping cough and malignant tumors of the mediastinum.
What you need to do when a dry cough does not pass, you can learn from this article.
Rinse Aids
The most effective, gentle and effective methods of cough control are rinsing.
- Soda, salt and vinegar .This way you can get rid of a cough in one day. Rinse each substance separately and in turn. The first half of the day every 30 minutes, the second - every hour. To prepare the solution, you need 1 teaspoon of the drug for a glass of water. Propolis solution .A few drops of propolis on a glass of warm water and rinse as often as possible.
- Rinsing with medicinal herbs decoctions : sage, calendula, cypress, chamomile, eucalyptus.
What to do when the child does not go through a dry cough for a long time, you can learn from the article.
Baby inhalation
In addition to the known steam inhalations for children was invented and ultrasonic. It is most often used in the treatment of children. The drug is finely divided by ultrasound, and then small particles enter the children's body.
Has the appearance of an aerosol, its effect penetrates much deeper than other similar procedures, but you will need to purchase an ultrasonic inhaler. To this procedure, children are more relaxed and sustained, so the effect will be more noticeable.
To find out how cough is treated in infants, read this article.
Both rinsing and inhalation are only means to relieve symptoms, but they are not able to defeat the infection and cure the child completely.
On the video - more information about the dry cough in the child, about which medications to treat:
Treatment of any cold or infectious disease is possible only with the help of medicines. But the use of additional procedures( rinsing and inhalation) will noticeably bring recovery and ease the pain.