Lemon and honey are among the tasty and useful products at the same time. Each of them has a powerful therapeutic effect, and together they form an all-powerful remedy, in one fell swoop eliminating problems with health and excess weight. The recipe, which involves a lemon with honey, has been known since the time of Ayurveda, and its ability to naturally improve the body is directed to the right direction in all corners of the world.
Honey and lemon as well-deserved fighters with ailments
A miraculous citrus fruit improves metabolism, prevents avitaminosis and dissolves salt deposits. Its antiseptic and disinfecting properties are high. It heals infectious, viral and cardiovascular diseases, airway disease, gout, atherosclerosis. A wonderful fruit strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, prevents the formation and development of tumors.
Not inferior to lemon and honey. Everyone knows its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, the possibilities of curing diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. He has a beneficial effect on the nervous and immune system, heals anemia, stresses, expels insomnia.
And now imagine how the recipe of lemon with honey works, where the healing qualities of two powerful natural physicians are combined.
Warning! Lemon and honey are strong allergens. They are contraindicated in those with allergic reactions to citrus and bee products.
Magic recipes
Say no cold "no!"
Excellent help honey and lemon for colds. Products not only purify the throat, lungs and relieve cough, but also protect the body from attacks of viral, infectious diseases.
Recipe No. 1. Ingredients: 1 kg of lemons and 0.5 kg of honey( preferably liquid).Citrus milk with boiling water, cut into small cubes or scroll through a meat grinder. Remove the bones so that the mixture does not get bitter. Add lemon mass with honey, mix and place in a glass jar. Put the mixture in the refrigerator and leave for 3-4 days. During this time, the ingredients are mixed and exchanged useful properties, turning into a homogeneous, thick mass. Take a drug should be 1 tablespoon three times a day.
Warning! A mixture of honey with a lemon, the benefit of which is proven by time, can be taken for prevention purposes with the first symptoms of a cold.
Recipe No. 2. Squeeze the juice of 1 large lemon into a glass beaker. Add to it 2 tbsp.spoons of medical glycerin and fill up with liquid honey( the crystallized product is melted by means of a water bath at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees).Put the mixture in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. Shake before use.
If cough is severe, take the remedy on a teaspoon 4 times a day, with a slight coughing dose decreases to 1 spoonful a day. More information about the benefits of each of the ingredients of this composition, as well as its use and storage, you will receive from the article: Glycerin, honey, lemon for cough - how to prepare medicinal mixtures.
Warning! Lemon should be used together with the peel, since it is in it that all of its strength lies. Be sure to remove the bones, so that the mixture does not get unpleasant bitterness.
Honey and lemon: first aid from pressure
You will need the following ingredients:
- 4-5 lemons;
- 3-5 heads of garlic;
- 0.5 liters of honey.
Citrus grind on a grater with the peel, crush the garlic with a press, and pour the resulting mass with honey. Leave the mixture for 6-7 days in a cool place, then strain and use on a teaspoon three times a day. The smell of garlic during this period is completely neutralized.
This recipe not only reduces high blood pressure, but also cleanses vessels, improves their elasticity and improves memory. The mixture is also capable of rejuvenating the body and removing cholesterol from it.
The best topic for the immune system
Honey with lemon for immunity is irreplaceable. Its strengthening is facilitated by 2 prescriptions.
- Cut the large lemon into small cubes and place in a glass jar. Add 400 grams of grated ginger and 250 grams of honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The mixture can be put in porridge / tea or take 1 teaspoon per day, washed down with warm water.
- Cut into small pieces of ginger in a jar, add to it 6 slices of lemon, a little kneading them with a spoon. Pour all the boiling water, cover and leave for 20 minutes, then put 2 tbsp.spoons of honey. Infusion can be drunk instead of tea 3 times a day.
Warning! Tincture of lemon, honey and ginger is very useful for children. It is not recommended to give it to a child up to 2 years.
Benefit of honey-lemon tea
Tea with lemon and honey is widely used for colds, flu, to cleanse the body and lose weight. Products are added to both black and green tea. Drink affects the body triple effect: tones, heals and strengthens. A cup of this tea at breakfast will provide a charge of vivacity for the whole day, free the body from harmful substances, improve digestion, correct the figure. It is also known that the drink increases the female breast, strengthens teeth and bones, prevents skin cancer.
When preparing it, the following rules should be adhered to:
- in no case do not pour lemon with boiling water, otherwise you will "kill" vitamin C;
- lemon and honey put in warm tea( temperature no more than 40 degrees) - in the name of preserving the useful properties of products.
Recipe for healing tea: 1 teaspoon of tea, pour boiling water, lightly cool and add a lemon with honey to taste. You can drink before going to bed, and in the morning on an empty stomach.
The healing trio of water, citrus and bee product resolves decisively not only with fatty deposits, but also fulfills other equally important tasks:
- normalizes metabolic processes in the body:
- accelerates the release of gastric juice, promoting fast and high-quality digestion of food;
- stabilizes blood sugar levels;
- promotes the absorption of calcium.
And this is not all that water with lemon and honey is capable of. Daily use of a glass of warm water with a spoon of honey dissolved in it and two teaspoons of lemon juice promotes intensive weight loss. In order for the recipe to work, observe the rules:
- drink water on an empty stomach - the body will quickly learn useful substances and establish a water balance;
- water should not be hot, but not cold, around 30-40 degrees;
- drink a drink quickly, with a volley;
- do not put lemon with honey in hot water;
- after taking the drink, do physical exercises, so that the water, not absorbed into the stomach, reached the intestine.
Recommendations: You can drink healing water even during the day 20 minutes before meals.
The action of the drink extends not only to the discharge of excess kilograms, but also to save the body from dehydration and provide it with vitamins.
Drinking water with lemon and honey on an empty stomach has the following effect on the body:
- improves digestion;
- cleanses the liver;
- fights with respiratory diseases;
- normalizes intestinal function;
- strengthens the immune system, slows the aging process;
- stimulates the work of the brain;
- strengthens bones and joints;
- lowers blood pressure;
- cleanses blood and blood vessels;
- prevents tumor formation;
- supports the body during pregnancy.
Water with lemon and honey eliminates cellulite, removes swelling and splits fat deposits.
Warning! Before important events or 1-2 times a week you can organize unloading days, using only a few glasses of a drink a day. This will help to lose 1-2 kilograms per day.
Before you prepare and eat lemon with honey, read the contraindications of the mixture:
- lemon is not recommended for heartburn, acidity, acute gastritis and ulcers;
- for allergy and individual food intolerance;
- for inflammation of the intestines and colitis;
- for acute pancreatitis and pyelonephritis;
- for severe obesity.
To those who are not afraid of honey lemon, it is strongly recommended that you apply the prescription against these diseases and extra kilograms. Your health will grow stronger in a matter of minutes, and the body will become slim and fit!