Blackberry - the healing properties of flowers and berries, indications and contraindications, recipes of folk medicine

The rich, dark berries of the Buzovnik have for centuries served as an excellent remedy for the peoples of North America, Africa and Western Asia."The father of medicine" Hippocrates described the amazing characteristics of the bush in his works. As for the amazing beneficial qualities of the plant, we will talk further:

What is elderberry

In Latin, the name of the bush sounds like Sambucus nigra. This plant of the genus elderina or sambucus is included in the family of honeysuckle, renamed Adoxic(description and photos can be found on the Internet.) In the folk language, elderberry is a bouznik, pischalnik, hollow, or sambuk. The black berries can grow in the garden, have a harsh sweet taste with an astringent taste, which makeswith a suitable ingredient for the preparation of desserts, syrups, jams, jellies and cocktails

Black elderly - medicinal properties

The Bozovnik is a real discovery for healers:

  • can enhance the function of the immune system,
  • protect against bacteria and infections,
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  • slow the spread of cancer;
  • to soften the digestive process;
  • prevent sugar leaps in diabetes;
  • has an antispasmodic effect;
  • to reduce the rate of development of autoimmune diseases;
  • help with weight loss;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • relieve allergy symptoms.

The healing properties of elderberry black help with colds, coughs, overeating, stomach ulcers, even with female diseases. Dark fruits are distinguished by an excellent disinfectant, analgesic, restorative and antipyretic effect. Traditional medicine advises to use Buzovnik in polyarthritis, arthrosis, arthritis, with ascites, redness of the skin, with swelling. The presence of antioxidants in the black inflorescence is higher than in blueberries, cranberries, blackberries and goji berries.

Blackberry berries of black

Fruits of useful medicinal plants are often used as a remedy for tumors. Blackberry black berries are used in hepatitis, they are considered effective choleretic and anthelmintic. Sambucus has a fast antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is often brewed in the form of a useful decoction or tea. Edible years contain such useful substances:

  • amino acids,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • fructose,
  • carotene,
  • tyrosine,
  • essential oil,
  • chrysanthemum,
  • sambucin,
  • glucose,
  • betulin.

Decorative characteristics of the bouznik are used by landscape designers to decorate the garden. The fruit juice of this plant is used as a dishwashing detergent, it is a harmless dye for fabrics, often used in the food industry. A little grass, placed in a pouch, has long been used to scare off rodents. Black berries cook useful jam, jam, compotes, jelly. Sometimes the juice of pustorosli is added during the production of wine - to enhance the taste.

Elderberry flowers

This most beautiful part of the plant helps with skin pigmentation disorders. It contains choline, rutin, malic acid. Traditional medicine uses a part of the plant in infusions - it's a good bactericide, diuretic and diaphoretic. Elder flowers are used in gynecology, they are indicated for rinsing and for syringing the vagina, with menopause. Buzovnik is used for the prevention of oncology and candidiasis, due to its antifungal properties and antitumor properties.

Elderberry leaves

Crown shrubs have no less effective characteristics. It is rich in vitamins of group B, sambunigrin, organic acids. It is used in the form of lotions with boils, burns, diaper rash. Indispensable leaves of elderberry with hemorrhoids. To do this, they need to be cooked in milk, insist, and then attach to a bump. However, for the competent treatment of this disease, you should consult a specialist.

Elderberry juice

Elderberry juice can cure many diseases. Thanks to the presence of vitamins, minerals, tannins, the consumption of elderberry juice is beneficial to the whole body. He heals nerves, helps with cold infections, is characterized by effective expectorant action, is a sedative. It is recommended to take medicinal juice 3 times a day. There are no special secrets and complications: just add a small amount of honey to the Bozovnik juice and drink 30 ml of the mixture three times a day.

Black elderberry - application

The healing bush is famous not only for its berries and leaves, but also for bark. The chemical composition of the Buzovnik is rich in useful constituents: it contains methyl ester of ursolic acid, ceril alcohol, phytosterols, triterpene compounds, pectin substances. Treatment with elderberry is recognized and approved even by traditional medics, taking into account the miraculous characteristics of the plant.

The Bozovnik root helps with arthritis, flu, stuffy nose, bronchitis, fever, respiratory ailments. Useful properties of elder black are of interest to many modern scientists who do not cease to conduct experiments, research and discover new recipes involving the plant. The main thing is not to overdo it with healing, otherwise you can cause significant damage to the body.

Elderberry syrup

This remedy is essential for catarrhal diseases, coughing, headache, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, and diabetes mellitus. It calms the nerves, has a slight laxative and bactericidal effect. Elderberry syrup allows you to keep under control weight, maintains immunity, is an excellent remedy for recovery after illness. The syrup contains only sugar - the buzzer does not contain preservatives and GMOs, so the product is suitable for children.

elderberry tea Drinking can be used as a preventative, enjoying a pleasant taste. The liquid, cooked from dark berries, promotes the elimination of toxins, regulates the work of the liver. Elder tea is useful during a diet, in the off-season, when the body is particularly weak and needs an additional portion of vitamins. Antihistamine effect - another of the advantages of a hot buzovnik.

blackberry tincture Black fruits can be used in various variations. Elder tincture is used as an internal and external means. It serves as an antiseptic in the treatment of wounds, cuts, abrasions. Its antispasmodic effect is manifested during the treatment of arthrosis, gout, permanent joint and muscle pain. Tincture facilitates the symptoms of arthritis, paralysis, helps during nervous shocks. Buzovnik better to drink in a warm form to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Elderberry black - contraindications

Properties of dark berries can sometimes cause irreparable harm to the body in case of incorrect application. It is very dangerous to confuse a black Bozovnik with a red one, which can look similar. Scarlet fruits contain toxins that can cause serious consequences. It is not necessary to collect the flowers of the sambuk independently during the heyday, it is better to give preference to pharmacy extracts.

It should be very cautious to use the tinctures and teas from the plant during pregnancy. To small children it is generally not recommended to use agents from a poisonous berry. The main contra-indications of elderberry black are enterocolitis, peptic ulcer, chronic intestinal diseases, individual negative reaction to the composition of the drug.


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